The 100th Regression of the Max-Level Player

Chapter 56: The Interview (1)

Chapter 56: The Interview (1)

The conditions for obtaining the Rune of Doppelgangers were straightforward but far from easy.

To acquire it, one had to commit murder while impersonating another person in a hidden location where the rune is concealed.

But how often does someone actually commit a murder while impersonating someone else?

Yet, today was the day when this bizarre act would become a reality.

The one impersonating the infamous Black Scythe would commit a heinous crime and obtain the coveted Rune of Doppelgangers.

Of course, the person involved has no idea.

Ryu Min delved into the thoughts of the impersonator.

Heh, they truly believe I am the Black Scythe? How foolish. Its surprisingly easy to deceive them.

Maintaining an expressionless faade, he concealed his own amusement.

Wow! Not a flicker of emotion on his face? With such skill, he could be an accomplished actor.

This imposter, currently impersonating the identity of the Black Scythe, went by the nickname Kuku-Ru-Bbang.

By a twist of fate, he stumbled upon the Rune of Doppelgangers and eventually earned the title Doppelganger.

For now, he may go unnoticed, but once he possesses the Rune of Doppelgangers, hell become infamous.

Not for his virtuous deeds, but for his malicious exploits.

After all, he had shamelessly abused the power of the Rune of Doppelgangers for various criminal endeavors.

Thats to be expected. He was nothing more than a criminal to begin with.

From loan fraud to pyramid schemes, scams, counterfeit coins, hacking cryptocurrency exchanges, and even voice phishingthere was hardly a lucrative deceit he hadnt dabbled in. He was an expert fraudster with a wealth of experience.

And now, this individual becomes a player and disguised as Black Scythe

The grim reality of even criminals gaining supernatural powers was disheartening, but such power was fleeting.

As planned, Ryu Min concealed his satisfaction behind a satisfied smile as he faced the imposter.

I will manipulate this mans abilities to claim the Rune of Doppelgangers.

It was an opportunity to obtain the Hidden Runea chance not to be missed.

Now that weve exchanged greetings, lets briefly verify some personal information. Shall we start with Little Crock?

Yes? Yes, of course.

Ryu Min adopted an expression reminiscent of a recently enlisted trainee, his nerves palpable.

Your real name is Kim Seung-hyun, correct?


And your age?

Im 19 years old.

Do you currently hold any occupation?

No, Ive just graduated from high school

19 years old and unemployed

The officer muttered as he meticulously transcribed the information onto the documents.

You mentioned that youre a level 13 Assassin on the registration form. Is that correct?

Yes, thats correct.

And its true that youve even reached the impressive rank of 4th in the district rankings?

Yes, indeed.

While answering with a simple yes, a smug smirk couldnt be contained within.

Truth? To be honest, its all a lie.

Except for one thingHe hadnt lied about is, the nickname.

Little Crock is indeed an existing nickname.

In essence, Ryu Min was also impersonating another player.

Thats the only way for me to fulfill the requirements and obtain the Rune of Doppelgangers.

It would be quite absurd if the guy in charge found out.

After all, two impersonators were right there, in front of him.

No matter what lies I tell, theres no way for them to verify them.

Yet, it didnt make it any less uncomfortable.

Although his true identity remained hidden, his face was still exposed.

Well, its alright. Theres no need to worry about my face being exposed through these people.

Ryu Min glanced at the Black Flame Dragon and the impersonator.

Ranked 4th in the district rankings? Surprisingly impressive for a little baby.

Hmm. Even I havent managed to reach the 4th spot myself Lets not underestimate someone just because they look like an ordinary dish.

While Ryu Min was reading their thoughts, the guy in charge shifted his gaze.

Understood. Next, Ill direct my questions to Black Flame Dragon.

Can I ask something before that?

Of course. Black Flame Dragon, what is it that youre curious about?

Why do we have to expose our personal information in front of everyone instead of having one-on-one conversations? Is there a reason behind this?

The slightly disgruntled tone caused the guy in charge to pause for a moment.

Well, the idea was to get to know each other and foster a sense of familiarity by sharing some information publicly But does it make you uncomfortable to have others overhear your personal details?

Is there anyone who wouldnt feel uncomfortable?

Anyway, once we become members and get to know each other, well eventually learn everything about one another, right? Besides, were only asking for basic information like name, age, occupation, level, and class in the Otherworldnot anything overly private.

Although the explanation seemed reasonable, it didnt completely appease the discontent felt by Black Flame Dragon.

The officer audibly sighed, their frustration evident.

Well, if youre genuinely dissatisfied, we can skip the interview with Black Flame Dragon altogether

Im not that dissatisfied, so lets proceed.

Black Flame Dragon responded nonchalantly, but Ryu Min knew better.

He could sense the underlying unease and slight flustered state within the individual.

Its no wonder. He joined with the intention of devouring players, so hell do whatever it takes to pass the interview.

From the perspective of the Black Flame Dragon, with the Absorption Rune in their possession, the Player Haven Cafe was like an all-you-can-eat buffet.

Then, Ill proceed with the questions. Is your real name Shim Hyung-taek?


And how old are you and what is your occupation?

Im 15 years old, and Im a middle school student.

Oh, youre the youngest among the applicants.

Although he smiled outwardly, his true thoughts were far from pleasant.

That little brat. I thought he was an adult, but turns out youre just a middle schooler?

Kehehehehe crossed that X out.

Even the impersonator, who had maintained a poker face all this time, struggled to hold back their laughter.

However, Ryu Min couldnt find it amusing.

He knew what the Black Flame Dragon had done.

Would they mock him like that if they knew he brutally murdered his classmate? Well, they werent exactly friends, but rather the ones who bullied him before.

Having gone through a similar experience, Ryu Min could understand.

He must have wanted to kill them before but couldnt.

However, after experiencing countless murders in the fourth round, he must have felt confident.

But to brutally kill an ordinary person just for playing a prank? Thats something an average middle schooler wouldnt do.

It was something even most adults would find difficult, yet the Black Flame Dragon planned and executed it methodically.

Clearly, hes no ordinary person, even without the Absorption Rune.

Thats why Ryu Min killed him five times in the fourth round to restrain them.

He was a dangerous existence in their own right.

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