The 100th Regression of the Max-Level Player

Chapter 53: Ma Kyung Rok’s Hobby (2)

Chapter 53: Ma Kyung Rok’s Hobby (2)

Ma Kyung-rok promptly called over the companions who were in the adjacent room.

Manager An, please go back to the manager and ask for cider and snacks instead of alcohol.

Excuse me? Yes, I understand.

And Seo Arin, lets step outside for a moment and have a brief conversation.

Yes? Yes

Seo Arin had a somber expression, but when she returned to the room after their conversation, she wore a perplexed look.

Why did the CEO suddenly apologize What happened?

After apologizing, he asked her to treat their previous conversation as if it never happened.

Seo Arin couldnt help but feel puzzled.

What could the prophet have said to the CEO?

Her gaze naturally shifted towards Ryu Min.

Considering that Ryu Mins demeanor had changed after his conversation with the CEO, it was only natural to make such assumptions.

Well, it doesnt matter. The CEO said theres no need for any more formalities. I feel much lighter now.

Then lets enjoy the second round.

Ma Kyung-roks words were accompanied by a mischievous grin, but deep down, he couldnt completely suppress his discontent.

I need to let off some steam later.

Taking a deep breath, Ma Kyung-rok filled everyones glasses as soon as the cider arrived.

Alright, lets raise our glasses to Ryu Min, the major shareholder, and celebrate his survival! Cheers!


With a clink, people sang songs, savored the food, and enjoyed themselves in a cheerful and wholesome atmosphere.

Indeed, it was a wholesome gathering.


In the dim light of dawn

Huff, huff, gasp!

An old man ran desperately, paying no attention to what was behind him.

With each step, his severed arm oozed blood.

Pant, pant, ah!

As he entered a dead-end alley, the old man frantically changed his direction.

No, he tried to.

Where do you think youre going?


The aggressor, the one who severed his arm, stood there like a ghost.

In that moment, the old man lost his balance.


His body tilted and crashed onto the ground.

From his fallen position, he caught sight of his sprawled legs.

Only belatedly did the pain rise from beneath his legs.


Quiet. If you dont want your tongue sliced off as well.

The chilling words silenced the old man immediately.

Fear gripped him.

Fear of the aggressor who dissected him like a bug.

Why Why are you doing this to me? What have I done wrong

Do you really need to ask? You child molester, Jo Doo-pal.


Jo Doo-pal unwittingly let out a sigh at the label that had followed him throughout his life.

Why are you causing a fuss now when its not even the right time? I served my full sentence diligently for 12 years and was released on parole! Im just an ordinary old man

I told you to be quiet.

The aggressor swiftly severed the arm that still clutched his weapon.


Dont make a sound. If you dont want to die a slow and painful death. Your presence could attract witnesses, and we dont need more corpses.


Jo Doo-pal bit his lips until they almost burst, struggling to contain his pain.

Despite having already given up on life after losing a limb, his human survival instinct refused to let him die.

Indeed. Its a blessing that people hear with ears, not hands, old man.

Trash like you doesnt deserve to live. Dont you agree? Ill end your life soon enough, so be patient.

An eerie aura emanated from the mans sword.

What What is that?

In an instant, the dark aura consumed Jo Doo-pal.

Slice! Cough! Slice!

His flesh was torn apart, blood splattering in all directions.

As the dark aura ruthlessly tore him to pieces, Jo Doo-pal gasped his last breath.


Now, perish.

The dark aura coiled around the sword like a snake.

With a swift swing, the head cleanly separated from the body.


The aura that shrouded the dark entity suddenly dissipated.

Ma Kyung-rok, who had reclaimed the dark aura, smirked disdainfully.

To think I had to spare such trash for even a moment.

He cast a contemptuous gaze upon the mangled corpse.

Hunting criminals had been his hobby even before becoming a player, but such encounters were rare.

He had dispatched the man swiftly by striking his vital point.

I have no choice but to replenish my Dark Power.

Using the dark aura required a certain amount of Dark Power.

Recharging Dark Power was a simple task.

Taking away the lives of others.

Thats why Ma Kyung-rok had been charging his Dark Power by hunting goblins since Round 1.

Of course, only Ma Kyung-rok with the Rune of the Dark Knight could perform this feat.

But it seems that only hunting goblins wont fully recharge it.

There was a limit to charging Dark Power by slaying monsters.

However, thats not the case when it comes to human beings.

Killing humans yields more Dark Power than slaying monsters.

For Ma Kyung-rok, whose hobby happened to be eliminating criminals, it was a fortunate turn of events.

Almost as if he was born to be a Dark Knight.

Especially when utilizing dark aura to execute them, the addition of Dark Power amplifies.

Ma Kyung-rok raised his sword as he peered at the lifeless body.

The Dark Aura trickled from the blade, emanating an eerie aura.


He pointed his sword at the corpse, yet it remained unresponsive.

So corpses are beyond consumption, after all?

Dark Aura only feasted upon the life force of living beings, leaving the deceased untouchable.

Hence, Ma Kyung-rok had extracted flesh with Dark Aura prior to terminating the criminals.

Nevertheless, engaging in this repugnant cleanup brings about a profound sense of stress relief.

Wearing a smile, Ma Kyung-rok produced a pre-prepared body bag and gently placed the corpse within.

Meanwhile, he discreetly surveyed the vicinity, ensuring the absence of potential witnesses.

There ought to be no one around.

He had purposely lured them into a secluded alleyway, taking advantage of the late hour when most people were fast asleep, diminishing the likelihood of accidental discovery.

Ah, but there was one individual.

Ryu Min, the prophetic seer.

If that were the case, perhaps Ryu Min had foreseen this precise scenario through the Rune of Future Sight.

If that holds true, it implies he knowingly approached me, even aware of my status as a serial killer

Ma Kyung-rok contemplated.

He recollected Ryu Mins demeanor, his audacious attitude undeterred by his position as the heir to Oh Sung Group.

Heh, how intriguing.

Suppressing a chuckle, Ma Kyung-rok reached for his phone and dialed a number.

Team Leader An, kindly come and dispose of this trash.

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