System Upgrades Every Second

Chapter 128: So this is the singer

Chapter 128: So this is the singer

The panels of the two professions of singers and writers are completely different from those of warriors and yufa just now.

Like the singer panel, there are branch options that can be added by themselves.

The branch options are voice, singing, singing skills, breath, and appeal.

In these five categories, there are densely packed small options.

For example, in the voice, there are dozens of branches such as ethereal, vigorous, sweet, magnetic, and dolphin sounds.

Other singing voices, singing skills, etc. are also similar, basically all about the various basic attributes of the singer.

For a moment, Ye Han almost lost his eyes.

However, if this is the case, the singer is just an ordinary person who can sing.

Obviously, the career of a singer will not be so simple.

After researching for a while, Ye Han finally found out why the singer's profession is so respected in this world.

"It turns out that the so-called singers, or musicians, are used to assist martial artists in their cultivation. No wonder in this world, those singers above the first line are often exposed by the media, and who are the big guys?"

After Ye Han discovered this, he suddenly realized.

You know, he had always regarded the singer as a special warrior who could use singing or musical instruments to attack people in fantasy novels.

I have to say that this can only be blamed on Ye Han's past life, who was deeply influenced by online novels, so much so that he subconsciously thought about novels.

Of course, although the singer or musician is an auxiliary profession, it does not mean that it has no offensive power at all.

Like a charter wife, when she was young, she was a small famous singer, good at dolphin sound.

Once her dolphin sound surging, it can shake all the creatures that haunt within a hundred meters, which can be called

There are also singers who are good at ethereal voices, who can wash their minds for warriors and make them more stable.

This type of singer is most sought after by big guys from all sides, and they can often become guests of big guys.

Of course, other types of singers are also extremely practical. Some are good at fascination, some are inspiring, and some can make warriors temporarily enter a certain state of wonder, etc. In short, this profession is quite magical.

After getting to know the singer, Ye Han thought for a while and made a choice.

Since he added points on his own, Ye Han didn't add all the points of "sex" to one category this time.

The ten "sex" points were almost equally divided among the five major options.

When the singer's branch is selected, the upgrade hangs every second, and it starts to run automatically again.

The last profession is a writer.

Although this profession is called a writer, in fact, its real name should be a scribe.

Writing books and writing is just a small part of what the scribes are good at.

After all, the writer is just a branch of the scribe profession.

Therefore, the writer's branch is extremely simple, there are only two.

One is realism and the other is fantasy.

Realism is a way of writing that focuses on realism, while fantasy, in layman's terms, is like online novels.

However, these are not the key points. The key point is that the realistic writing method, as long as the writer describes the shape and characteristics of a certain object in detail, he can even use the ability of the object for a short time.

For example, after an author described a car in detail, he could have the speed of the car in a short period of time. Such a method is simply unimaginable.

Fantasy is completely different. What it needs is the author's imagination. The stronger the author's imagination, the stronger the book spirit will be.

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