Stranger Danger

Chapter 455: I Feel Like Dying Today

Chapter 455: I Feel Like Dying Today

“We belong to Brigade Four of the Wolf Battalion, my lord. Our orders are to search north for Ye Qing,” Ye Qing bowed his head and replied calmly.

“So, you haven’t found Ye Qing yet? Hah… trash.” The garrison commandant snorted.

Ye Qing kept his head low and didn’t respond.

When the garrison commandant—his name was Wu Jian—heard no response from Ye Qing, he slowly added, “Oh, don’t misunderstand. I’m not calling you trash. I’m saying that everyone in the Wolf Battalion is trash.”

His men burst out laughing as well. With that, Wu Jian waved his hand and declared, “Let’s go.”

The guard of Black Water Cavalry trotted past Ye Qing’s company, some of them still laughing and muttering insults under their breaths.

However, the cavalry had just traveled a short distance when suddenly, Wu Jian looked back at Ye Qing and said, “Oh right, I almost forgot. Tell your commandant, Wang Xiu, that I’m inviting him for a drink at Apricot Inn tomorrow night. If he doesn’t show up, then I won’t be paying him back the one hundred tael I owe him.”

“I’m sorry, my lord, but our commandant isn’t called Wang Xiu!” Ye Qing replied while scoffing mentally. He was certain that the commandant of Brigade Four wasn’t named Wang Xiu. If he answered affirmatively, then Wu Jian would know that he was, in fact, a fake. He had witnessed this trick way too many times both in real life and TV to fall for it.

Besides, Wang Xiu was obviously a girl’s name. What kind of parents would name their son Wang Xiu? The guy thought he could trick him when he couldn’t even be bothered to come up with a better name? What a lazy piece of shit! Hmph!

“What?” But to Ye Qing’s surprise, Wu Jian suddenly turned around with a look of confusion on his face. “You don’t know your own commandant’s name? Are you a new guy, or… are you not one of us?”

Realization struck him as he blurted, “You’re—!”

Before Wu Jian could say anything else, his eyes suddenly grew unfocused, and whatever he was going to say was forgotten. At the same time, he fell right off his horse.


“Commandant, what’s wrong?!”

Things had happened so quickly that most of the cavalrymen didn’t notice anything amiss until their garrison commandant fell over. Panic and confusion gripped them for a moment.

Then, Wu Jian abruptly snapped out of his daze, pushed himself back to his feet, and roared on top of his lungs, “Kill him! He’s Ye Qing!”

Wu Jian’s heart thudded inside his chest like a drum. If he didn’t have a Mind Shielding Jade, he would be dead already. But after he regained his calm, a hint of excitement began budding inside his heart. If he could kill Ye Qing here, he would gain a three-rank promotion and ten thousand silver. It was the opportunity of a lifetime!

“Kill him now!”

The Black Water Cavalry immediately spun around and charged him. The sound of the Scale Horses’ hoofs thudding against the ground reminded Ye Qing of a raging thunderstorm.

“What the hell was that, boy?”

The Fog Demon appeared next to Ye Qing and needled him mercilessly for the mistake.

“I thought that he was testing me! Who would’ve thought that there are still honest scumbags in this day and age!” Ye Qing rubbed his nose aggrievedly.

As soon as he noticed his mistake, Ye Qing had executed “Heavenly Demon Captures The Soul” to kill his opponent. He was hoping to run away while the cavalrymen were panicking. However, luck truly wasn’t on his side today. Wu Jian had a mind shielding Strange Artifact that saved his life and ruined even his backup plan.

“What do we do now?” The Fog Demon asked.

“What else?” Ye Qing stared at the incoming cavalrymen with narrowed eyes.

Rumble rumble rumble!

Some people would choose to run when facing down a cavalry charge. Since they were in a city, it wasn’t a bad plan. However, Ye Qing remained exactly where he was. The Black Water Cavalry was famous for their speed, and hundreds of them combined created a rumbling tide that shook the entire street and the buildings around them.

When the nearest cavalryman was merely three inches away from him, Ye Qing abruptly took a step forward. The shaking street quieted immediately like an invisible hand had forcibly quelled its shaking. More importantly, the foremost cavalrymen abruptly lost their footing and crashed to the ground.

Caught completely off guard, the cavalrymen at the back were unable to stop in time and crashed into their fallen comrades. They too crashed to the ground and tripped up the rest of the guys behind them. What was a devastating charge had turned into a self-sabotaging stampede that no one could stop.

While the Black Water Cavalry was struggling to regain control, Ye Qing leaped into the air and landed on top of the skull of a cavalryman like a meteor.


There was a soft thud, and the cavalryman’s eyes abruptly turned glassy and lifeless. At the same time, the Scale Horse beneath him let out a mournful cry. Its hoofs sank into the ground like it was tofu, and its body abruptly exploded into chunks of flesh and blood. The chunks were traveling at such velocity that the nearest cavalrymen were skewered and killed.

Their frontline was folding on top of itself, and now their backline had lost their integrity as well. It was ironic. They numbered over a hundred cavalrymen, and yet it felt like they were the ones who were trapped with Ye Qing. Scratch that, they were trapped with him.

As the commandant, Wu Jian knew full well that his men had more or less been incapacitated. They were no more but prey that Ye Qing could toy with as he pleased.


White-faced but overflowing with anger and hatred, Wu Jian didn’t hesitate to kick off the ground and escape in the opposite direction of the battle. However, he had just covered about half the distance when he heard a whistling noise from behind his back. The next thing he knew, a long saber pierced his stomach from behind, launched him forward, and nailed him to a wooden door.

“Hah! Hah! Hah!”

His vision grew blurry, and blood slowly trickled down his lips. Wu Jian could feel his life slowly draining away from his body. He regretted his decision. He shouldn’t have allowed his greed to get the better of him. As soon as he discovered Ye Qing, he should’ve shot a flare and stalled the battle out until reinforcements showed up. Had he done that, he might still live to see tomorrow’s sun. Unfortunately, there was no medicine for regret.

“No! There’s still one thing I can do. I will take you to the grave with me if it’s the last thing I do!”

Eyes bloodshot, Wu Jian gritted his teeth and slapped his fingers on the flare token inside his sleeves. A red flare immediately shot up to the sky and exploded.

“Hahaha! You’re dead, Ye Qing! Dead!”

Wu Jian laughed like a madman when his last ditch effort succeeded.

Ye Qing didn’t seem to notice his action, however. Red Sleeve resting snugly in his palm, he continued to cut down the Black Water Cavalry like a gust of spring wind that bloomed countless red flowers.

Words couldn’t describe how angry Wu Jian felt when he saw his men falling one after another. He roared, “You’re a monster, Ye Qing! A monster!”

“You done yelling?” A few breaths later, Ye Qing appeared in front of Wu Jian with a grin on his face. “Relax, I didn’t kill all of your men. I kept some of them alive since living people are more useful than dead people.”

“What… What does that mean?” Wu Jian suddenly had a bad feeling about this.

Ye Qing chuckled. “Nothing. I’m just recycling the trash, that’s all.”

“You won’t escape, Ye Qing! I’ve already shot a flare! When the rest of the Hengshan Army shows up, not even the heavens could save you from death!”

Wu Jian didn’t know what Ye Qing was planning, but he was certain that there was nothing the young man could do to avert his demise. “You will not escape, Ye Qing!”

“That’s for me to worry about, not you. Goodbye.” Ye Qing tapped Wu Jian on the throat, and every bone in his neck shattered into smithereens. The garrison commandant was dead in the blink of an eye.

After Wu Jian was dead, Ye Qing’s smile was replaced by grim determination.

“Why didn’t you stop him, boy?” The Fog Demon appeared beside Ye Qing and asked.

“He was too fast,” Ye Qing replied indifferently.

“Do you think I’m stupid?” The Fog Demon sneered. “I know you sensed his actions earlier. You absolutely could’ve stopped him if you wanted to. What on earth are you planning? You’re not actually planning to commit suicide, are you?”

“In fact, I am. I’m tired of living like this, so…”

Ye Qing’s facial muscles relaxed as an enigmatic smile bloomed across his face. “I think I’m gonna die now!”

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