Revenge of the Sixth Young Lady

Chapter 97

Chapter 97 – Something Odd: Find Another Competent Doctor

Seeing someone coming, Concubine Huang dodged to the side right away.

“Doctor, thank you. Doctor, thank you for your prescription. If it weren’t for you, what was originally a minor illness would escalate into a serious one.” The speaker was Shufei. She was holding a prescription in her hand and expressing her gratitude to a doctor-like person in an extremely respectful manner.

“Your mistress’ illness is neither serious nor minor, but it’s not difficult to treat either. As long as she takes the right medicine, it won’t be difficult to get rid of it.” The doctor stroked his beard, which made him look like an experienced expert.

“Although it’s a minor illness, it will become serious if it doesn’t get treated in time. And it might even affect our mistress’ fertility. Fortunately, you’ve discovered the problem, otherwise, our mistress will end up in a miserable condition. That Doctor Ming of our mansion insisted that our mistress was not ill at all. Who knows what he was thinking?” Shufei’s indignant voice was not loud. After all, this sort of thing was kind of a secret.

However, as the two of them were talking, they happened to pass by the place where Concubine Huang was hiding. Concubine Huang heard them talking. When the matter of fertility was brought up, Concubine Huang pricked up her ears and couldn’t help listening quietly.

As she was from the mansion of the Prince of Nan’an, she had seen quite a number of tragic cases in which women who were spoiled in youth fell out of favor when they became old. She clearly knew that if she could not give birth to a child, her present comfortable life would not last long.

Therefore, she was especially concerned about the matter of fertility. Every time Doctor Ming came, she would ask very clearly about it. She had entered the mansion for several years, yet she had no signs whatsoever of being pregnant. How could she not be anxious?

“That doctor probably didn’t tell you everything. Otherwise, how could he fail to notice such a small illness?” The doctor chuckled and didn’t continue this subject. Then, he followed Shufei forward and the two of them went away.

Doctor Ming didn’t tell everything? Concubine Huang ‘s heart skipped a beat.

She suddenly remembered that everything in the mansion had been entirely up to Second Lady before. It wouldn’t be difficult at all for Second Lady to ask the doctor to conceal her physical condition from her.

She might be having just a minor illness, but if it was not treated in time, it might get serious. Most importantly, it might have adverse impact on her fertility. Once her illness got serious due to the intentional negligence, it would be too late to treat it when diagnosed later!

Concubine Huang’s heart tightened with alarm as soon as she pondered over those words as a whole. Cold sweat quickly appeared on her fair forehead!

Doctor Ming was obviously unreliable. Right, she must find a doctor from outside the mansion too. If something was really wrong with her physical condition, she could know what the problem was and take the right medicine earlier. If she was alright and it was just…

When she thought of the possibility of her being framed, Concubine Huang’s expression turned fierce. She swung the handkerchief in her hand and was no longer in the mood for a walk in the garden. She hurriedly went back. She had to think of a way to find a doctor from outside the mansion. Otherwise, if time was wasted, it would cause lifelong consequences to her.

If there was anyone in this mansion who didn’t want her to have babies, that person would be no one but Second Lady. Doctor Ming, who had been a family doctor for the mansion of Marquis Hua Yang for so many years, had been familiar with Second Lady. Of course he would listen to Second Lady regarding his job in the mansion. He wouldn’t take her, a concubine, seriously at all.

Judging from the matter with Sixth Young Lady, it could also be seen that this Doctor Ming was completely obedient to Second Lady and was simply unreliable.

With this thought, Concubine Huang could not sit still for a moment. She only felt upset. The more she thought about it, the more suspicious she felt.

Shortly after Concubine Huang left, Shufei was back after seeing the doctor off. Seeing that Concubine Huang had already left, she felt more admiration for her mistress.

She had something on her mind, so she did not linger any longer. She quietly pinched the letter in her hand and rushed to the Lotus Courtyard. Her brows furrowed slightly and she was increasingly worried. Wouldn’t this letter cause trouble…

Actually, it was not as much as a letter. There were only a few scribbled words that read “Brocade Clothing Shop”, which were familiar to Wei Yuewu. However, the signature was an unfamiliar character that read “Jing”.

“Where did you get it?” Wei Yuewu knitted her eyebrows and looked at the character “Jing”.

“When I walked to the door and sent off the doctor, a guard came over and handed the letter to me in front of people at the door.” Shufei was wearing a confused expression too. From whichever perspective, she didn’t think this letter from Yan Huaijing, the heir-apparent of the Duke of Yan State, should be given to her in such a straightforward manner. There had been more than one person at the entrance of the mansion, and the guard’s voice wasn’t low.

If this matter were learnt by the Madam Dowager, who knew what trouble would be caused again.

Wei Yuewu was speechless. She really didn’t know how to describe this noble heir-apparent of the Duke of Yan State, who looked as pure as the clouds in the sky.

After thinking for a while, she put down the letter in her hand and said, “Let Nurse Mei tell the Madam Dowager that I want to buy some cloth to make some daily clothes.”

It wasn’t that the mansion hadn’t made clothes for Wei Yuewu, but that Wei Yuewu had grown too quickly during this period of time. It had been only over a month since she had returned to the mansion of Marquis Hua Yang and the clothes made for her upon her arrival had become smaller. It was a convention of the mansion that a fixed numbers of clothes be made for the ladies and young ladies in each season.

In cases of shortage, they would buy additional clothes by themselves. Wei Yuewu’s situation was special. Even though the Madam Dowager would prepare clothes for Wei Yuewu when there was a need for her to attend a banquet outside the mansion, it wouldn’t be proper for her to make daily clothes a special case. Therefore, it was normal if Wei Yuewu asked to make additional clothes by herself.

After all, she had grown really fast ever since she had come to the capital.

Nurse Mei was away only for a little while before she received the Madam Dowager’s answer. She happily came to report to Wei Yuewu that the Madam Dowager had agreed to her going out and asked her to be careful when going out.

Nurse Mei specifically mentioned that Nanny Hong was extremely polite this time and even accompanied her to the gate of the courtyard to see her off. Nanny Hong also casually asked about the relationship between the heir-apparent of the Duke of Yan State and Wei Yuewu. She asked if the heir-apparent and Sixth Young Lady were keeping private contact after returning to the capital.

Wei Yuewu was sitting in front of the dressing table with Shufei combing her black long hair. She looked at the mirror and asked Nurse Mei, “What did you say?”

“I only said no contact.” Nurse Mei answered confidently. She was a smart person. Even if there was real correspondence between the two, it was not for her to confirm the truth. Otherwise, her mistress’ reputation would be affected.

“Nanny, if anyone asks again, you can say you don’t know.” Wei Yuewu said with a faint smile on her face.

Yan Huaijing was a figure that could intimidate the Madam Dowager. Now that things stood like this, she would be sorry for herself if she didn’t take advantage of his power to throw her weight about.

After all, he had saved her and later they had made a deal, so it was impossible for her to act like she did not know him. Didn’t he always look as noble and pure as white clouds in the sky so no one dared to tarnish him? Therefore, this letter was no proof that there was anything between the two of them.

However, in the Madam Dowager’s opinion, although there was no ground that they had some relationship, it at least meant that the heir-apparent of the Duke of Yan State hadn’t forgotten about Wei Yuewu.

Wei Yuewu believed that this fact would prompt the Madam Dowager to be “fairer” to her. She would certainly use this leverage now that it was available to her!

Nurse Mei did not understand Wei Yuewu at first. She thought for a while before she understood. She immediately replied, “Yes, I understand. Next time, whether it is the Madam Dowager or Second Lady, I know how to answer them.”

Wei Yuewu got everything ready and left the mansion by carriage with Huamo. The carriage traveled all the way, slowly heading towards Brocade Clothing Shop.

When they arrived at the door of the shop, they found a lot of carriages there. The carriages were lined up neatly, and many of them had logos of noble clans. One could tell at a glance which clan a carriage belonged to.

Wei Yuewu got off the carriage with the help of Huamo. She had a confused expression on her face. If she saw this line of carriages in some mansion, she wouldn’t feel it strange. However, the shop really did not seem to be their destination in the current situation. Even if Brocade Clothing Shop was a famous garment shop, it was impossible for so many nobles to gather here.

What made Wei Yuewu even more surprised was that when she entered the gate, she saw many exquisitely dressed young ladies in small or large groups picking clothes. Their beautiful voices and gorgeous dresses made her feel like she had come to a banquet in some aristocratic house.

By a brief look, she saw at least thirty or forty young ladies, many of whom she had seen in the Palace before. Previously at the banquet in the Palace, she had sort of met them, albeit without talking to them.

“Miss….” Huamo anxiously called her from behind. Wei Yuewu shook her hand to stop the maid’s from speaking. She smiled and gracefully walked into the shop.

“Look, isn’t that the Sixth Young Lady of the mansion of Marquis Hua Yang? So she got the news too.” A young lady said in an ambiguous attitude as she pinched the handkerchief in her hand.

“Exactly. Didn’t she just break off her engagement? Look how eager she is now.” Another young lady said with her eyes full of ridicule.

“The mansion of Marquis Hua Yang is indeed going downward. Speaking of the young ladies, well, they are really unflattering.” A young lady dressed in a color of begonia had a hostile expression on her face …

It seemed that there were many young ladies who despised the mansion of Marquis Hua Yang! Wei Yuewu smiled faintly. Her picturesque eyes revealed a gentle smile. She walked gracefully into the shop. Her light blue dress set off her elegance, purity and charm.

As she walked in slowly, she looked like a figure coming out of a wash painting of landscape in front of everyone, pure and indescribably elegant.

All of a sudden, everyone’s voices involuntarily lowered, accompanied by faint sounds of gasps. No matter who it was, they had to admit that this Sixth Miss Wei was absolutely a beauty.

Not talent and lacking appearance? Blind!

With such an appearance, even that famous number one beauty of the Jing State might not be a match for her. Moreover, she hadn’t grown up yet. She still had an immature appearance.

“Is this young lady the Sixth Young Lady of the mansion of Marquis Hua Yang?” A gentle voice sounded from the crowd with a gentle smile.

Everyone moved aside with admiration and respect, and a beautiful girl appeared in front of Wei Yuewu.

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