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Chapter 148: Slera (6)

Chapter 148: Slera (6)

"...huh?" As Shinto began to see a rise of notifications within his status bar, he felt a gruelling chill behind his back whilst reading through it.

[ The beings of Divinity are extremely disappointed that you have failed to protect the 'Pendant of Flaming Purity' from harm's way! ]

[ The 'Pendant of Flaming Purity' is crying out! Its flames are soon to be burning havoc in the area! A threat that will soon consume everything in blazes if not dealt with! ]

"H-Hey... What is this guy doing?" Frey muttered out in horror as she watched Sanke who was in front of the group continuously stomping on the pendant. In reaction to that, flames begun to spur out of control slightly burning at Sanke. Even thenHe continued to follow up with his action by throwing magic at it as well. "Is this guy insane?!"

"Well... He's insane already isn't he?" Ethaniel clicked his tongue.

[ The 'Pendant of Flaming Purity' is losing durability! It will soon be destroyed! ]

"Sanke! What the hell are you doing!?" Renryth cried out in shock. "This isn't your goal! So why?!"

"Why? Why?" Sanke clicked his tongue. "You were never the one to read people's expression. You were never the one to see what's before your eyes huh? I'll spell it out for you. Everything about this damn pendant is a lie!" With a heavy stomp onto the ground, the pendant soon broke as flames burst forth onto Sanke.

[ The 'Pendant of Flaming Purity' has been broken! ]

[ The 'Pendant of Flaming Purity' has revealed its true nature'Pendant of Mashita's Hellfire' ]

[ The flames that have long been sealed into its pendant has been unleashed! ]

[ The flames of the 'Burning' Demon "Mashita" is starting to spread! ]

"A lie that wasted away my life..." Sanke smiled dumbfoundedly at Renryth whilst releasing the grip of the shadows from the group. "I shouldn't have had my hopes up, huh? It was such a fruitless act..." he muttered out as Sanke began to chant out a spell of darkness.

"Sanke! You...!" Renryth's hands curled into a fist as he rushed forward over to the man enshrouded by flames and darkness. The moment he was about to reach the areaA barrier of darkness rose up, thus blocking him from even touching the flame.

"I'm what? You're angry that I'm doing this?" his voice uttered out through the flames. "You all wished for my death, so I am doing everyone a favour. What's so hard to comprehend?"

With the flames on the ground growing thicker and thicker, the blazes grew immensely, however, it was all kept into the small bubble that Sanke had made.

"Hahaha... Just end me already..." As the voice grew meeker and meeker, loud footsteps rang through from behind Sanke as a small slime as well as another which seemed to hold an aura of dignity stepped foot into the throne room.

"Sanke?! What the hell are you doing?!" The small slime was none other than Rustly. With tired breath, he leapt and leapt over to the barrier as he hit at it constantly. "Are you seriously going to kill yourself?! What?! What is this?!"

"Rustly..." his voice slowly lost power as only quiet murmurs could be heard. "I'm sure... Lier would... be somewhere?"

"Oi! Sanke! The hell!" Rustly cried out. "No... No!" 

"...huh?" Raina raised her brow in confusion. "This turn of events... It's..."

"Very unexpected? Yeah," Ethaniel continued off the sentence of Raina as he entered into a defensive stance. "But... We can't even rest easy."

"H-Huh why? Isn't it over?!" Frey cried out.

"Those flames... I don't think it can be contained," Shinto muttered out. "We might have to run away or otherwise... Brace for the impact."

"HUH?!" Frey's eyes widened. "I-If those flames burst out... Wouldn't it mean we'll be turned to bones?!"

"Mmm... No, if Renryth and I stay here to mend off the flames, everyone else has a chance to escape before then," stepping forward into the crowd, Madam Ru uttered out in a clear voice of Arcos. "Thus, you humans follow Rustly's lead to the outside through the passage we took."

"T-This slime or lady can speak normal human language?!" Frey blinked dumbfoundedly. "I-If that's so... Why haven't you done that the entire time?!"

"I just didn't want to since I dislike the accent that I speak in," Madam Ru seemed to be closing her eyes. "But, this is a call for dire needs. Go now and bring Rustly along with you. If you have any questions regarding all this, keep it to yourself and ask later. I'm sure those involved will finally tell you the full story."

"Well... With all the small context here and there regarding this... I think I got the gist of it," Shinto nodded his head as he turned to his group. "If we can't do anything in this situation, then we're best to escape."

"Are you serious!?" Minister Yer yelled out. "No, no...  What if this whole castle gets destroyed?! What will we do about the slimes outside?!"

"The castle won't get destroyed, since my barrier will keep the damage to a bare minimum when the flames unleashed, Minister," Renryth sighed. "Just go along with the group and leave us to mend away the flames. We'll protect ourselves just fine."

"Ahem. If that's all, then can we go," Ethaniel stated. "That slime said that Rustly will lead the way, right?"

"Yeah but..." Shinto turned to Rustly who had been crying out this entire time in hopes of breaking the barrier. "He is..."

"Argh! This hopeless guy..." Reru clicked his tongue. "Just go to that passageway or something! I'll drag Rustly along!"

"Will it be...?"

"Yes, it'll be damn alright, so shut up and drag Minister Yer with you!"

"..." With a sigh, Shinto nodded his head as he began running over towards the passageway that Rustly and Madam Ru entered from, meanwhile, following from behind him, the rest of the group followed suit.

", Sanke, please... I was this close to getting you back- Yet..." Rustly muttered out in a sorrowful voice.

"Oi, Rustly!" Reru leapt over towards the small slime whilst pushing his body over to his. "We're going. Stop sulking."

"You won't understand! He..."

"He what? Ugh... There's no time!" Without any regards to Rustly's feeling, Reru hurriedly dragged Rustly away.

"H-Hey! No! I refuse!"

"Why are you so attached to this guy?! Are you asking for a death wish?!"

"It's because..."

"'s fine. Leave me be... Rustly... I asked for it..." A voice rasped through the dry air within the bubble created by Sanke. "I was duped... and I was... stupid. Just... go on... without me..."

"...Sanke? Sanke!" Rustly's voice roared through the room, however, Reru could only drag him away from the sight of Sanke's body disappearing into ashes. In the next moment, the dark barrier began to crack as flames began to seep out from it.

"Renryth, be ready!"

"...I'm sorry that I could not do anything," Renryth helplessly shook his head as he held out his hand whilst soon chanting out a verse. "Miracles of life that mends the flame, I call upon the aqueducts that shall waver the blazes!"

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