Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 105: : Student Xia is of high moral character (3 more)

Chapter 105: : Student Xia is of high moral character (3 more)

Xia Xiaolan's cold-proof clothing and duck down jackets have struggled to open the market in the rapidly cooling business.

She and Li Fengmei sold out the rest of the clothes, and their reputations were passed on from ten to ten. People waiting to buy down jackets must grab the sample clothes worn by Xia Xiaolan. Just kidding. Selling clothes can freeze people to death. Xia Xiaolan refused to sell the money string, Li Fengmei was ruthless, and took the padded jacket from home, let the people buying the clothes wait, and really sold the warm duck down jacket that he wore on her body.

Yes, my aunt has sold them, so dare you be a niece?

Even the pattern-making samples are sold, and those who come again can't buy the goods with the money.

"It will take three days at the earliest. You said you should pay the deposit first?"

How dare these people, dare to pay a deposit to the self-employed roadside stalls? Although only 5 yuan or 10 yuan, Xia Xiaolan does not even have a fixed storefront, these people are really big-hearted.

She actually received deposits from more than a dozen people one after another. Xia Xiaolan could only write a deposit receipt for each person, and then left her grandma's address.

Her booth was not fixed at first, and she was afraid that the goods would come back and these people would be looking for them in the city, so she simply asked them to pick up the goods.

Men's winter clothes are selling well, women's down jackets are selling well... Female customers don't like the thick nylon outer fabric of winter clothes very much. Men think that the style of winter clothes is more atmospheric. It is originally a mountaineering suit. It is convenient to wear on the upper body and fits the requirements of male customers.

Xia Xiaolan hurried to the Anqing County No. 1 Middle School to show her face, and then headed south again.

She went to school this time to take the papers and go home to do it. Why does the teacher like her? In addition to good grades, Xia Xiaolan is also very good at doing things. When she had nothing to do, she ran to the gate of Shangdu No. 1 Middle School, which was the high school with the best enrollment rate in the provincial capital. What are you squatting? Spending money to buy test paper collections from the provincial key freshmen may be because she is beautiful, and the money is also generous, and the request for helping to print two more test paper collections has been met.

She got all the secret papers of the Department of Science compiled by Shangdu No.1 Middle School. Xia Xiaolan made one set by herself, and another set was given to Lao Wang in the grade group.

Lao Wang's tears were almost moved:

"You printed it yourself at your own expense?"

Shangdu No.1 High School will not share resources. Every school in southern Henan Province is a competitive relationship in the college entrance examination, and the provincial key special-grade teachers are not comparable to Anqing No. 1 Middle School. It is also an analysis of the college entrance examination. Shangdu No. 1 Middle School at least surpasses the small Anqing No. 1 Middle School for several grades.

These secret papers in Shangdu No.1 Middle School are really "secret papers", anyway, Lao Wang and other teachers in other schools can't get them.

When the students printed the papers to Xia Xiaolan, they were still too low on her vigilance, and she didn't expect that the test papers she bought at her own expense would be handed over to the school unselfishly. No matter how generous students are, they will definitely hide themselves in the college entrance examination. The admission line of the college entrance examination is not static, and the scores are the same every year? No, it depends on the number of people recruited by all universities across the country in southern Henan province each year, and draw the line based on this. A set of provincial key exercise papers, for the key county students, as long as they are done earnestly, the scores improved in the college entrance examination are difficult to estimate. An average of 10 points can't escape!

There are hundreds of new candidates and repeaters in Anqing County No. 1 Middle School, each of which improves by 10 points. Isn't it just to find a competitor for yourself?

In the face of the opportunity to change destiny, people will show a selfish side.

Xia Xiaolan is not selfless, she just feels that whether the candidates of Anqing County No. 1 Middle School improve their scores, it does not affect her college entrance examination results. She is now in the top ten of her grade, and there are only a few candidates who can compete with her in Safety County No. 1 Middle School... Her plan is to get a score of 550 or more in the test, so she can choose her favorite university more calmly.

550 points may not go to Huaqing and Beijing University, but the school admitted is definitely better than the "Beijing Normal University".

Even if she could not study Huaqing and Beijing University, Xia Ziyu would probably be stunned to death. Of course, Xia Xiaolan's life is not only to fight against Xia Ziyu, but she vowed to be fair to the original owner, at least not to let Xia The life of Golden Phoenix at home is too comfortable!

Xia Xiaolan wanted to seize this opportunity of rebirth and live a better life than her previous life, but also to avenge the original owner's revenge easily. Why didn't she do something that would kill two birds with one stone?

The goal is 550 points. These people in County No. 1 Middle School are basically not her competitors. They improve by one or two points without affecting the overall situation.

Seeing Lao Wang moved, Xia Xiaolan felt that she was really right to take out the secret paper obtained by Shangdu No.1 Middle School.

To gain the goodwill of the school, she can save a lot of troubles, and An Ansheng's participation in the college entrance examination next year is what Xia Xiaolan needs!

Lao Wang insisted on asking the school to reimburse Xia Xiaolan's money for selling secret rolls. There was not much money, and funding still needed to be applied. As a result, Xia Xiaolan met the schools leader. Principal Sun ran to praise her and told her to study at ease, and the school would try to solve her difficulties in life.

Principal Sun was not talking about fun, he asked the Finance Department to refund the tuition fee Xia Xiaolan paid to her:

"If you have any difficulties, you should speak up and study hard. You are a good student with noble character. Your cousin Xia Ziyu is also very good. You should learn from each other and make progress together..."

Well, the previous words sound very comfortable, she is not interested in learning Xia Ziyu.

Both Lao Wang and Principal Sun believed that she was very poor. They did not realize that the rural female students who were only 18 years old had almost become ten thousand yuan households. Although 40% of the money she earned belonged to her uncle's family, it was an inevitable trend for her total personal assets to exceed 10,000 yuan.

Xia Xiaolan is really embarrassed to refund the tuition fee. She didn't wear the fashionable plaid wool short coat in order not to cause trouble in school, and the tender yellow down jacket was bought by others. She is now wearing it. Although there is no patch in the padded jacket, the elbows and neckline are washed and faded. In this way, I asked myself to buy key-saving secret papers. No wonder Lao Wang was moved. Principal Sun also felt that her family was in bad condition but her morals were good.

"I can't ask for this tuition. Give it to students who need it more."

Xia Xiaolan left these words and almost fled.

After a while, Principal Sun sighed heavily:

"Like her cousin, she has strong self-esteem!"


The County No. 1 Middle School has mimeographed the secret volume.

Although it is a set of exercises for science students, the three subjects of language, mathematics, and English are all subjects of liberal arts and sciences, which can also be used by liberal arts students. When the teachers handed out the paper, they said that it was an internal paper of Shangdu No.1 Middle School, and the students would naturally cherish it. In Xia Xiaolan's class, Lao Wang directly mentioned Xia Xiaolan's name and praised her selflessly.

Knowing this class is equivalent to knowing all grades.

Xia Xiaolan has not been to the school a few times, and she doesn't usually go to class with her, but she is very famous.

The students all rumored that she and Chen Qing were a pair, and Chen Qing explained that they would not listen. Who told Xia Xiaolan to only be with Chen Qing? That is to say, Xia Xiaolan appeared rarely in the school, every time it was a glimpse, and the candidates were crushed by the college entrance examination, so there was no confession of pursuit.

I heard that Xia Xiaolan got the paper, and everyone in the class smiled at Chen Qing.

Chen Qing has repeatedly explained that he and Xia Xiaolan are just fellow villagers in the same village, but no one else believes it.

At this moment, he was anxious again, and there was a kind of unspeakable joy. Xiaolan can easily make the secret paper public, which shows that her character is noble, and in this unselfishness, she gave herself a separate English learning method. Does it mean that she has a different status in her mind?

Chen Qing held the secret roll that was sent down, and the smell of ink seemed to be tinged with Xia Xiaolan's breath.

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