Ranker's Return

Chapter 102

Chapter 102

Translator: rainbowturtle

Editor: LD & Jyazen

The waiting room was already crowded with numerous pets and players. Unlike the world’s best pet event, they didn’t need to hide their pets for this one, so all the pets were summoned. Hyeonu toured the waiting room. It was to observe if there was a pet that could be compared to Tang-E.

‘Um... This one is a bit cute. This one is okay.’

None were a match for Tang-E, but there were some pets that were quite cute. There were quite a few of them, not just one or two.

-Isn’t that wolf over there cute?It is as big as a fist.

-That girl who looks like a fairy on the other side is cuter.

-What are you talking about?Tang-E is the best.

-Right!Tang-E is the best!!Tang-E jjang jjang!

‘Yes, Tang-E is still the best.’

“Tang-E, you’re the cutest. You’re the best.”

Tang-E’s expression became strange at Hyeonu’s praise. “Master dude, are you crazy? What’s wrong with you? Uweek!” Then Tang-E pretended to vomit.

“All the players are here, so I’ll explain the rules of the pet contest. The pet contest will give the contestant three minutes to express their charm on stage, and the winner will be decided by a number on a glass bead to the side. Based on the results of the votes cast here, ranks from first to fifth will be decided. Isn’t it simple?” Sunny explained the simple rules of the pet contest.“Ah! On stage, you can have the pet alone or the player can join as well.”

Hyeonu heard Sunny’s further explanation and was troubled. However, he failed to make a firm decision and eventually asked the audience for help.“Shall I go up with him? Or should I just send Tang-E?”

-Together ???

-If the two of you do a skit, you’ll be first place.

-No.You will win first place even if you just show Tang-E.

-I think it is better for both to go up.

-Go ahead and do it as usual.Then you will unconditionally be first place.

Most of the viewers’ opinions suggested for Hyeonu to go up with Tang-E.

‘Tang-E and I together? A bear and a man?’

A funny scene came to Hyeonu’s mind.

“I’ll go up together with him. That would be better.”

Hyeonu was painting his own big picture.



“So cute! I’m going to pick No. 13 today!”

“Look over there!!”

Pet No. 13, Gold Lion King, showed off his cute appearance. It was similar to a real Pomeranian but cuter, so people didn’t know what to do.

“It’s so cute, but I’m not worried. This guy is going to show you something amazing.” Hyeonu patted Tang-E’s head. He had a secret weapon, one that only he and Tang-E could show.

-Something amazing?What will Tang-E do?

-He’s cute and awesome even without looking.

-Just do cross-talk.????

-Tang-E is hard-carrying.

“I am number 27, so I’ll go and practice a bit more. While I’m practicing, I’ll switch the streaming screen off for a moment. Please watch the pet contest during that time.”

The viewers started to protest Hyeonu’s words.

-Why?Why?!!Show the practice!

-We are entitled to see the rehearsal.

-Show me has gifted you 99 gold coins.

-Let Me See has gifted you 77 gold coins.

-I gave you gold coins, so show me.? ?

More gold coins might burst out if he decided to show the rehearsal. Nonetheless, in order to make the viewers feel more surprised, Hyeonu decided to turn off the screen. “I’m sorry. I can’t compromise no matter how much gold you give me.”

At this moment, a huge baptism of gold coins poured out.

-Leader’s Big Fan has gifted you 1111 gold coins.

-Let’s Just See has gifted you 3333 gold coins.

-Show Me More has gifted you 999 gold coins.

-Show Me has gifted you 7777 gold coins.

A monster streamer born by capitalism, Alley Leader knelt down in front of a huge capital.

“Everyone, what type of idiot would turn off the screen? Who would cover up these things? Let’s see it together.”

-? ? ?His class is showing ???

-After all, there is no stubbornness in front of gold coins.

-Gold coins represent the greatest dignity of A-World.

-The angle of gold coins should be narrowed.

Hyeonu’s plans changed. The rehearsal would be revealed.

“Tang-E, do some tricks once you come out on stage. As much as you can, okay?”

Tang-E was unshaken by Hyeonu’s plea. “Master dude, when will you give the essence? Huh? Essence. Essenceeeee!”Tang-E was whining.

His master said he would receive an essence if he fought and won. He hadn’t fought, but he’d won. So the essence had to enter his stomach. He had to hold it in his eyes.

“If you win this time, I will add one more, Tang-E. There will be two essences. Two just like last time!”Hyeonu threw the bait in a gentle voice. Tang-E wasn’t able to resist the temptation.

“Two? I won’t let it go if you cheat me this time, Master dude.” Tang-E lifted his paws and waved them. It was an expression of his willingness to demonstrate even with force. However, to those who saw it. Tang-E’s behavior was just cute.

-Ugh, look at those fists.

-Not fists, paws.Tang-E is a bear.

-Then the front paws are hot.

-Just do that on stage and half of the voters will fall instantly.Really.

-In any case, first place is Tang-E.Now can we choose second place?? ? ?

“Is it true this time? How can I trust you? I don’t believe you, Master dude.”

Hyeonu’s confident answer made Tang-E believe him one more time, and Tang-E went on to rehearse sincerely.

“I’ll show it to you now.”

Finally, once Hyeonu’s secret weapon appeared, everyone watching Hyeonu’s stream had open mouths. They witnessed a scene they had never seen before in their lives.

-This isn’t a pet contest but a competition entry for A-World’s video of the year...

-Wow, is this real?

-I’m amazed at Alley Leader who thought about doing it with Tang-E. ????

-Only a laugh comes out.It is really outrageous. ????

“Then I’ll finish the rehearsal here. The turn of the 25th contestant is over.”

His secret weapon was about to be revealed to the world.


Hyeonu smiled at the red raccoon, who was the 26th contestant and the one just before Hyeonu. It was just eating fruit, but it was so cute. Three minutes passed in an instant. Now it was time for Tang-E and Hyeonu to take to the stage.

-Participant No. 27.Alley Leader and his pet Tang-E, please enter!

At Sunny’s words, thunderous shouts and applause started to fill the event field.


“Alley Leader!!”

“Tang-E!! Kyaaak!”

The men were calling for Alley Leader while the women were shouting for Tang-E. Although Hyeonu felt bitter about this, there was nothing that could be done. He had to show everything he had prepared in just three minutes. Hyeonu walked out to the center of the stage.


Once he called Tang-E, the bear sprinted from the end of the stage and threw himself into the air. Tang-E twisted his body three times in the air like showing a move from gymnastics. It was perfect with a flawless finish.


Unlike the audience who saw it during the rehearsal, the players here saw Tang-E’s debut action for the first time. The reactions were really intense.

“Tang-E!” Hyeonu called out to Tang-E again, and Tang-E nodded. A circle around one meter in diameter appeared in the air. It was a circle made with Tang-E’s fire skill. Tang-E ran toward the circle of fire without hesitation. Then he threw himself through it. Tang-E passed neatly through the ring of fire.


“Did you see that?!”

“It is a complete circus!”

That’s right. Hyeonu and Tang-E looked like a circus. It featured the trainer, Alley Leader, and the bear he tamed, Tang-E. Still, the show didn’t end there. There was one thing left that hadn’t been shown even during rehearsals.

“Tang-E!” Hyeonu called out to Tang-E once again. Nothing really special was shown at this time. It was just that Tang-E made it special. He started dancing and using his hands to form hearts. The dance that seemed to draw hearts with his entire body presented a great visual. There was no background music, but Tang-E danced with no concerns.

-Haha, Tang-E is the boss.

-Wow, the real thing snipes at my tastes.

-What do you need to think about?Unconditionally vote for Tang-E.

-Permanent collection.

-Please upload it to the channel.I will watch it even if I have to pay for it.

The chat window was already destroyed by Tang-E’s cute dance. It was no different from the reaction on the field.

“There is nothing more to see. My vote is used here.”

“Let Tang-E win the championship and consider second place.”

“I don’t regret postponing the hunt and coming to the event field.”

People were already shouting that Tang-E was the winner. There were a few more participants after Tang-E, but people didn’t pay attention to them. Everyone was already caught by Tang-E’s charm. As if to prove it, three minutes had passed since Tang-E came to the stage, but Sunny’s voice wasn’t heard at all. Moments later, the distracted Sunny announced that Tang-E’s turn was over.

-Participant 27, Alley Leader and Pet Tang-E’s show is over.Please enter Participant 28, Look and his pet Langs!

Tang-E’s expression was bright as he descended from the stage. It was because he knew. He knew he would soon have two essences.


The winner of the pet contest was naturally Tang-E. No accidents happened. The pets after Tang-E were cute, pretty, and adorable, but the impact of Tang-E was too great. Sunny handed Hyeonu the winning prize.

“Congratulations, Alley Leader. You’ve won two crowns.”

However, Sunny’s words didn’t seem to just be a celebration. Sunny’s eyes were saying something different... just like right now.

-From Sunny:In the new future, rebels will appear throughout the empire.What should we do?

‘Alkyl is already active? If we stay still, won’t we be attacking an empty house?’Hyeonu’s thoughts started to spin quickly, but he didn’t show it. It was because he was streaming now and winning a prize in front of numerous players.

“Thank you, I’m sure Tang-E will love it.”

-To Sunny:We will talk about it after the stream.I think we need to have a serious talk.

Sunny nodded slightly. It was a subtle movement that only Hyeonu, who sent the whisper, noticed. Finally, the events held to revive the pet content was finished. The event field disappeared, and all players were returned to their original position. Hyeonu appeared in the Hejin Mountains.

“Did you have fun with the stream today? I’m sorry I missed Monday’s stream. I’ll fill it up one day.”

-Tang-E. Show me Tang-E eating the essences!

-No need, just show the essences!

-No!!Don’t turn it off!!!

Despite the screams of the viewers, Hyeonu hastily quit the stream. There was something more important than the stream. It was the meeting with Sunny. This was the most important thing for Hyeonu. The situation was quite serious.

“It will be completely ruined if I leave it like this...”

As Hyeonu sighed, the black-robed player approached carefully from the side. It was Sunny.

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