Otherworldly Merchant

Chapter 545: The Killing Bed

Chapter 545: The Killing Bed

After we returned to the village, I found the Village Elder and told him about Luo Chengs choice. 

The Village Elder kept silent for a long time. In the end, he just sighed. 

I knew he wanted to honor Luo Cheng, so I gave him a suggestion. If their village wanted to open as a tourist attraction, I thought they should build a Sui-Tang cultural park on that piece of land. It could be a source of income for the villagers and it could honor Luo Chengs heroic spirit. 

We will consider your suggestion, said the Village Elder. It wasnt my concern if they would do that. 

After lunch, Li Mazi and I bid farewell to the Village Elder and Sanye. They had collected dozens of thousands of renminbi to offer us as our commission. 

The Village Elder kept shoving the money into my bag. He knew the rule of our business and was thankful that I had given up the silver spear to fulfill Luo Chengs wish. 

I didnt refuse him this time. By doing this, the villagers could feel at ease. I received the money and threw it at Li Mazi. Afterward, we went to the hospital to find Tang Xianzu. 

When we got there, he had already left. He had left me a letter. Heres what the letter read: 

Dear Master Zhang, if you see this letter, it means youve already helped our village solve the problem. To be honest, I tricked you. I was stabbed because I was too greedy. I wanted to steal the spear from my friends house and exchange it for money. I knew the headless horseman was Luo Cheng. Yesterday, I heard from my family that General Luo Chengs spirit helped the village eradicate the rat monster. I dont think I have the face to return to the village anymore. Ill see you when I see you! 

After reading the letter, I couldnt help but shake my head. I thought that Tang Xianzu was the type of person that desired money more than his life. This time, it was Luo Chengs spirit. If it had been the King of Western Chu or the God of Slaughter Baiqi, he wouldnt have had the chance to write this damn letter.

However, I had to say one thing. Having worked in this business for quite a long time, I had always subdued otherworldly items. This was the first time an otherworldly item had saved me. 

When we were about to fight the rat monster and risk our lives, Luo Cheng had come. Li Mazi and I exchanged understanding looks and smiled. We then headed home. 

When we left the patient ward, we saw a group of doctors bowing and giving their apologies to a young couple. However, the young couple was screaming at them. 

After a few seconds, I learned that their mother had received treatment in this hospital. The mother was seriously ill when she arrived at the hospital. However, it wasnt a life-threatening sickness. After one night of staying here, she died unknowingly  

The couple thought that those quacks had neglected and killed their mother. They cried and demanded an explanation. 

The doctors and the family started to shout at each other. I sighed and prayed that the deceased would rest in peace. Then, I turned and went downstairs. 

When we passed the nurses counter, we suddenly heard someone say, Oh my God! Another patient has died! Ive said it before. That bed has a problem, but the Dean doesnt listen to me. 

Let alone me, Li Mazi paled immediately. We turned and saw two young nurses whispering to each other. 

When they saw us watching, they pretended to be busy and started to collect and sort the documents on the table.  

Miss, what did you just say? I frowned. If she was telling the truth, there was more to the old womans death. 

The nurse waved her hands at me and said impatiently, Please go. You dont need to know. 

Li Mazi wasnt pleased. He looked at the nametag the nurse wore and said boldly, I remember your name. If you dont tell me the story, Im going to see your Dean. Im sure youll be fired tomorrow! 

The young nurses eyes reddened. She was upset but eventually nodded. 

I gave Li Mazi a thumbs-up. This rascal friend of mine was a true diamond that could cut diamonds.

The nurse then told us that it wasnt the first time a patient had died on that bed. Three others had died before the old woman. That was why she thought that the bed had a problem. Ive checked the list of patients that used to lie on that bed. I found that every single patient who slept through the night on that bed died in the morning 

It seems that bed really has a problem I exchanged looks with Li Mazi. We decided to help the hospital get rid of this problem. 

Fortunately, that room was a two-patient ward. After the old woman was gone, the other person was so scared that they asked to change rooms. 

The young couple caused trouble until the afternoon. I didnt linger and tried to get admitted there. 

The doctor in charge looked around forty or fifty years old. He was a responsible doctor. He pushed his reading glasses up the bridge of his nose and said, Kid, a patient just died there. Take another room! 

That's the point! Li Mazi recognized the words had slipped from his tongue. He corrected himself immediately. I mean, I like to stay in that ward. Every time I come to your hospital, I stay there. 

All right, if you want to stay there, you can stay there. You two boys can bring more Yang energy to that room, anyway! When the middle-aged doctor heard Li Mazi say that, he assessed us one more time. It seemed he knew our purpose. He waved his hand and asked us to fill in the form. 

As soon as I entered the ward, cold air slapped my face. It seemed there was a curtain of cold air around the bed where the woman had died. 

It wasnt necessarily due to the foul thing. It could have been something else, like the old womans ghost or the ghosts of the previous victims. 

Before nightfall, I opened the door and the window. Then, I burned wormwood and walked around the room. 

When the scent of wormwood filled the room, the temperature wasnt low anymore. When I felt it was enough, I closed the window. Li Mazi and I then started our long and boring wait in the room. 

After 10:00 PM, no more visitors walked in the corridor outside. The room temperature started to drop again 

It seemed that the foul thing couldnt stand idle. I asked Li Mazi to lie on the bed while I hid underneath the opposite bed. 

I had just learned how to draw the Yang Concealing Talisman. By using this talisman, I could conceal my Yang energy. Unless the ghosts saw me directly, they wouldnt be able to sense my presence. 

Li Mazi sure was bold. I had asked him to pretend to sleep on the bed, but he started to snore not even after three minutes. 

I thought it was funny and wanted to wake him up. But then, I saw that he was blushing. It was as if he was choking. Li Mazis eyes shot open. Both of his hands grabbed his neck, just as if he was trying to pull away a pair of invisible hands! 

It was an emergency, and I couldnt waste time. Immediately, I rolled out and got up. I lashed the Sirius Whip at his neck. 

Before the whip reached Li Mazi, it stopped. I then heard a child crying. A faint red shadow appeared between me and Li Mazi. 

I focused and saw it was a boy that had a deformed face. His nose was missing. His bloodshot eyes were differently sized. He looked at me as if he wanted to tear me apart. 

I looked further down and saw that the kid didnt have an umbilical cord. His intestines had spilled out of his belly button. He was bleeding hard. 

This little boy is a resenting child!  

My grandpa had told me that there were three types of resenting children. The first type was the one that died in their mothers womb. The second type was the child that had died at birth. And, the last was the ghost of a child that had died after birth. 

The third type of resenting child had enjoyed happiness in this world. Its resentful energy wouldnt be much and we could help them rest easier. However, the first two types had extreme energy. My grandfather had advised me that if I were to encounter this sort of resenting child, I would have to attack fast and not show any mercy. 

I shouldnt let them go to create future problems. Resenting children were all hostile and inclined to seek revenge. If you annoyed one, it would pester you forever! 

It seemed this boy had died at birth. From his deformed appearance, it wasnt hard to guess that his parents had abandoned him. 

I wasnt sure if I could subdue the ghost, so I took out the Yin and Yang Umbrella. I pointed it right at the child ghost.  

That child ghost felt the power of the Yin and Yang Umbrella. He shot me a glance then let go of Li Mazi, jumping toward the window. 

You want to run? Not easy, boy! I wouldnt give it a chance. I opened the Yin and Yang Umbrella and dashed toward the ghost. 

The ghost shot me a disdainful glance and accelerated toward the window. However, he didnt know that I had stuck spirit talismans on the window. He was sent backward and fell under the influence of the Yin and Yang Umbrella. 

He struggled in pain. He screeched and looked at me with imploring eyes. I knew he was asking for mercy, but I couldnt let him go. I knew that if our situations were switched, it wouldnt spare my life! 

After around two minutes, the child ghost completely vanished. Li Mazi got up. He looked at the Yin and Yang Umbrella for a while before he pulled himself together. Is it over? 

What do you think? I pulled him up. After putting on our jackets, we didnt linger for a second and ran home. 

Li Mazi thought it was easy to deal with the resenting child ghost, but it was because I had skipped a few steps.

Ever since Id entered this business, I didnt think that dealing with evil spirits was hard. The real reason it was hard was that I was willing to investigate the origin of the otherworldly items to help those spirits ascend in peace. 

If I just focused on destroying the evil spirit to obtain the otherworldly item, I wouldnt be a qualified otherworldly merchant! 

What is an otherworldly merchant? 

Hes humble, he walks on the Yin and Yang road, and he binds the strings of karma!

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