One-Click Upgrade: Super Decomposition System

Chapter 215

Chapter 215 - Entrustment

“At first, I wasn't certain, but when I called you out and deliberately picked up the pace, you were able to keep up. That's when I knew for sure you had martial arts skills!”

Old Master's emotions were a mix of surprise, joy, and a touch of melancholy.

He went on to say,

“What I didn't expect, though, was that your skills would surpass even mine!”

Upon hearing this, Jiang Hao was at a loss for words.

“Have I really outdone Old Master?”

But he knew that his abilities were not his own doing; they had been instilled in him by a system, not through his own cultivation.

He felt a pang of guilt and wanted to explain, yet he struggled to find the right words.

Just then, Old Master asked,

“Hao Hao, who is your master?”

Jiang Hao paused, taken aback.

Seeing his hesitation, Old Master thought he was in a difficult position and gestured dismissively.

“If your master wishes to remain a secret, so be it.”

“Nevertheless, he must be a remarkable figure to have trained a disciple like you. Make sure you learn well from him and don't anger your master!”

“The world is undergoing profound changes. Only those who seize the opportunity will thrive in the coming era.”

Old Master's gaze was heavy as he looked towards the sunset.

Jiang Hao, hearing Old Master's assumptions, was torn between laughter and tears.

He had been worried about how to explain himself, but Old Master had already crafted a perfect narrative in his mind.

Well, he could play along with Old Master's version of events.

Feeling a bit sheepish, Jiang Hao admitted,

“Grandfather, I'm not as formidable as you think. My master is truly powerful. He gave me a few pills, and that's when I began to feel the Qi within me.”

Old Master was taken aback.


“Could they be the legendary elixirs?”

“They must be. Only such pills could produce these effects!”

Jiang Hao was once again at a loss as Old Master's imagination ran wild.

So, he pressed on, albeit reluctantly.

“That must be it. I'll ask my master for a few more pills to share with you, Grandfather.”

Old Master was touched by the gesture.

“Hao Hao, your thoughtfulness means the world to me. But remember, I've spent decades cultivating my own extraordinary powers.”

“At last, my wish has been fulfilled. I'm content now,” the Old Master declared with satisfaction.

“I had intended to pass my martial arts skills on to you, but to my surprise, you've surpassed me. You don't need my teachings!”

“Now, I'm curious to see if Jingyi is interested in learning from me.”

“If not, it seems my life's work might just end up buried with me in my coffin!” The Old Master joked with a carefree attitude.

Jiang Hao was about to offer some words of comfort when the Old Master stopped beneath a large red date tree. After surveying the area, he began to dig. Jiang Hao didn't understand what the Old Master was looking for, but he pitched in to help.

Before long, the Old Master unearthed a small wooden chest. Driven by Jiang Hao's curiosity, he opened it to reveal a thread-bound book.

The Old Master gave Jiang Hao a meaningful look and handed him the book. “Take this. Even though I know you may not value the martial arts techniques I've cobbled together, I want you to have it as a keepsake.”

Accepting the book, Jiang Hao felt a somber weight in his chest. It was as if the Old Master was bidding him a final farewell.

The Old Master then tossed the chest back into the hole and covered it with earth once more.

“Come on, Hao Hao, let's go,” he said. “Your Fourth Aunt must have dinner ready by now. It's time to eat.”

With that, the Old Master strode off, leaving Jiang Hao no choice but to follow.

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