One-Click Upgrade: Super Decomposition System

Chapter 213

C213 – Everyone’s Shock

Jiang Hao didn’t bother with explanations. He simply grabbed the super bone-healing plaster from the side and began applying it to his Fourth Uncle, all the while detailing its benefits.

“Fourth Uncle, I’ve infused this plaster with a secret remedy. It possesses extraordinary healing powers that will rapidly mend your bone injuries!”

“Once the super painkiller wears off, your injuries will be nearly healed. At that point, you should be able to try walking!”

Jiang Hao’s declaration sent a shockwave through the room.

“What? Fourth Uncle can get up and walk as soon as the painkiller’s effects subside?”

Fourth Aunt exclaimed, visibly astonished.

Beside her, Grandma also expressed her skepticism.

“Hao Hao, could you be mistaken? There’s an old saying: ‘A severe injury takes a hundred days to heal.'”

“Even with treatment, it usually takes at least a hundred days to recover from such injuries!”

Jiang Hao had anticipated their questions.

Taking his grandmother’s hand, he reassured her.

“Grandma, you’ve witnessed my medical skills, and the medicine I use is from an ancient formula passed down by my master. Rest assured!”

“If I say Fourth Uncle can get up and walk tomorrow morning, then that’s exactly what will happen!”

At that moment, Grandpa, who had been observing everything, seemed convinced by Jiang Hao’s confidence and chimed in.

“Women often have long hair but short insights!”

“If Hao Hao says it can be done, then it can be done. Would Hao Hao ever deceive his Fourth Uncle?”

Old Master’s authoritative tone quickly quelled the room’s doubts.

“Hao Hao, come outside. Let’s take a stroll together!”

“Hong Mei, go prepare the meal. Hao Hao and the others must be hungry by now!”

Hong Mei was Fourth Aunt’s name.

“Zixuan, help your grandmother for a bit!”

“Fourth son, just relax and rest easy. If Hao Hao says it’s fine, then you have nothing to worry about!”

Old Master gave his orders, and everyone else promptly acknowledged them.

Jiang Hao watched Old Master’s retreating figure, then turned with a smile to the others.

“Fourth Uncle, you rest up. I’m going for a walk with Grandpa!”

Fourth Uncle and Fourth Aunt nodded their approval.

“Off you go! Just be sure to come back early for dinner!”

Jiang Hao agreed, then hurried after Old Master.

Leading the way, Old Master’s stride quickened. Jiang Hao watched the acceleration with a flicker of curiosity in his eyes.

Jiang Hao kept his words to a minimum and pressed on, keeping up with the pace.

Yet, the Old Master quickened his steps, soon moving at a speed that rivaled that of a young man in full sprint.

At that moment, Jiang Hao was utterly convinced that the Old Master possessed martial arts skills.

This was the second time he had encountered someone with such abilities!

Moreover, through Jiang Hao’s eyes, the Old Master’s prowess seemed even greater than that of the boastful old man he had once met while jogging in the park.

Jiang Hao was taken aback; he had never heard tales of his grandfather’s martial arts exploits.

All he knew was that his grandfather had been an opera singer!

And despite visiting home nearly every year, he had never witnessed the Old Master practicing any martial arts.

The chase quickly led them into a small grove of trees.

Without warning, the Old Master halted, turned, and launched a palm strike at Jiang Hao without so much as a gasp for air.

The strike whistled through the air, yet it lacked the force to injure Jiang Hao.

Fearing he might harm the Old Master, Jiang Hao hastily backed away, but the relentless elder pursued him.

With no other option, Jiang Hao deflected the Old Master’s arm and repeatedly called for a halt.

“Grandpa, enough!”

“I’m no match for you!”

But the Old Master seemed deaf to his pleas, swinging a fist straight for Jiang Hao’s midsection.

Jiang Hao, blessed with an acute sense of danger, had anticipated the move. Reluctantly, he grabbed and held fast to the Old Master’s fist, preventing him from retracting it.

After several attempts to free his fist proved futile, the Old Master finally ceased his efforts.

He gazed at Jiang Hao, his eyes filled with a complex mix of emotions.

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