One-Click Upgrade: Super Decomposition System

Chapter 210

C210 – Jiang Hao’s Action!

His uncle’s family is the wealthiest among his father’s four brothers, yet they seldom return home, even for the New Year. Their relationship had grown distant over time.

As for his own family, they had known hard times too, something Fourth Aunt was well aware of.

Third Uncle’s family had experienced similar struggles.

Fourth Uncle had broken his leg, leaving Fourth Aunt to single-handedly care for him, their elderly parents, and a school-aged child.

This was the source of the resentment in Fourth Aunt’s voice.

After a moment of silence, Jiang Hao spoke up.

“Fourth Aunt, I’m sorry.”

Fourth Aunt discreetly dabbed away tears from the corner of her eyes, forcing a nonchalant smile.

“It’s okay, it’s okay. I’ve grown accustomed to it.”

Hearing this, Jiang Hao’s heart sank even further.

“Fourth Aunt, please don’t worry. I have some medical knowledge. Let me examine Fourth Uncle first.

If that doesn’t work, I’ll drive him to the city’s major hospital!”

Fourth Aunt, however, shook her head with a smile.

“Hao Hao, your concern warms my heart, but it’s not necessary. Fourth Uncle’s leg has been properly set; all he needs now is rest.”

“And think about the cost of a hospital stay in the city!”

At that moment, Jiang Zixuan, who had been following along, chimed in.

“Fourth Aunt, please let my brother take a look at Fourth Uncle! He’s really skilled in medicine!”

Fourth Aunt hesitated, then looking at the earnest faces of Jiang Zixuan and Jiang Hao, she relented.


Jiang Hao and his sister couldn’t contain their joy!

Upon entering the next room, Jiang Hao finally saw his Fourth Uncle.

He was lying in bed, his right leg immobilized with a splint, fast asleep.

“Haoyu’s dad! Wake up, see who’s here!”

Haoyu was Fourth Uncle’s son.

Fourth Aunt nudged the sleeping Fourth Uncle.

Soon, Fourth Uncle stirred awake.

Jiang Hao and his sister approached and greeted him.

“Fourth Uncle, we’ve come to visit you!”

Recognizing Jiang Hao and his sister, Fourth Uncle’s face lit up with joy.

“Hao Hao, Zixuan?”

He then attempted to rise.

“Ah, Fourth Uncle, please don’t move. You just need to rest.”

Jiang Hao sprang into action, urging Fourth Uncle to lie down.

After a brief conversation, Jiang Hao made his offer.

“Fourth Uncle, I’ve picked up some medical knowledge. May I examine your leg?”

Fourth Uncle gave a wry smile before responding.

“There’s no need. Dr. Xu from the health clinic already set it for me. A three-month rest should do the trick.”

Just then, Fourth Aunt chimed in to support Jiang Hao.

“I’ve heard good things about Hao Hao’s medical abilities. Let him have a look.”

Surprised by Fourth Aunt’s interjection, Fourth Uncle eventually consented to Jiang Hao’s request.

With the go-ahead, Jiang Hao gingerly removed the splint and unwrapped the bandages, revealing Fourth Uncle’s swollen, bruised right calf.

Jiang Hao’s brow furrowed at the sight.

“Who’s the quack that put this splint on you?”

“It’s so swollen, and the bone isn’t even properly aligned!”

Fourth Uncle and Fourth Aunt were startled by his words.

“Really? But Dr. Xu is supposed to be a top-notch graduate!”

Jiang Hao’s frustration grew.

“Fourth Uncle, please tell me it wasn’t some greenhorn intern who did this?”

“How did you end up with him treating such a serious injury?”

“Thank goodness I arrived when I did. A few more days and your bone would have healed misaligned, leaving you with a permanent limp!”

Hearing this, Fourth Uncle and his wife grew frantic, pleading urgently.

“Hao Hao, what can we do?”

“Fourth Uncle is the backbone of our family. If he’s left crippled, what will we do?”

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