One-Click Upgrade: Super Decomposition System

Chapter 209

C209 – Go Home

In the blink of an eye, several days had flown by, and Jiang Zixuan had finally completed her middle school exams!

Jiang Hao, with a farewell from Jiang’s parents, drove Zixuan back to their ancestral home.

It’s noteworthy that the issue with his car was promptly addressed after a call to Manager Huang.

Manager Huang had the car taken for repairs and personally ensured its return once fixed.

And the matter of the driver’s license? Soong Wan had taken care of that too!

Wan’er’s efficiency was extraordinary; she had everything settled by the third day and delivered it straight to Jiang Hao!

So now, he was officially licensed to drive!

During the journey, the siblings enjoyed each other’s company, chatting away.

Time flew, and after five hours, they finally reached Jiang Village, nestled deep in the mountains. Despite its scenic beauty, the amenities left much to be desired.

Jiang Hao realized it had been over half a year since his last visit home.

Upon arrival, he encountered a young boy, about ten, leading a large black cow named Dahei with a bit of a wobble.

Hearing the car, the boy quickly guided Dahei to the grass to clear the path, then fixed his gaze on the vehicle with curious, shiny eyes.

This was his Third Uncle’s son, Jiang Jingyi.

Jiang Hao pulled over, rolled down the window, and greeted him with a warm smile.

“Jingyi, still herding cows, huh? Didn’t you go to school today?”

Jiang Jingyi, recognizing Jiang Hao, couldn’t contain his excitement and called out,

“Brother Hao, you’re back?”

Jiang Hao replied with a chuckle,

“I haven’t visited in over half a year. Just taking a stroll back home!”

“I’ll head home first. After you finish with the cows, swing by my place. I’ve brought you some treats!”

Jingyi’s face lit up with joy, and he nodded eagerly.

Jiang Hao then continued his drive home.

Soon, he pulled up to a familiar gate—this was his family’s house.

After parking, Jiang Hao and Zixuan stepped out of the car.

At that moment, a little black dog darted out from the house, barking joyfully and affectionately rubbing its head against Jiang Hao’s legs back and forth!

This little pup is named Little Black, and it’s been raised by his grandma for nearly a decade!

Soon after, a middle-aged woman emerged and caught sight of Jiang Hao. She called out with a burst of excitement.

“Hao Hao? Zixuan?”

“Have you come back?”

Jiang Hao looked up, his face breaking into a smile.

“Fourth Aunt, we’ve returned!”

Jiang’s dad was one of four brothers, the second eldest. His uncle’s family lived in Maple City, rarely making the trip back home. His Third Uncle’s family was close by in the same village. Fourth Uncle had chosen to stay behind, keeping their grandparents company.


Before long, Jiang Hao and his sister Jiang Zixuan were reunited with their grandparents, filling the room with joy. Both grandparents were in their seventies but still robust and hearty. His grandfather, in particular, had a ruddy complexion and bright eyes, far clearer than those of most elderly folks, radiating a vitality that belied his years.

Jiang Hao’s return was marred by the absence of Fourth Uncle, which struck him as odd.

“Fourth Aunt, where’s Fourth Uncle?”

At his question, Fourth Aunt’s smile vanished, and the grandparents’ faces fell too.

“Your Fourth Uncle was fixing a house at Liu Biao’s a few days ago when a wall collapsed. He broke his leg and is now recuperating downstairs. He’s probably asleep and didn’t hear you arrive. I’ll go check on him.”

As Fourth Aunt turned to leave, Jiang Hao’s brow furrowed, and he quickly followed her.

“When did this happen? Why weren’t we informed?”

Fourth Aunt forced a smile, more pained than pleasant.

“Inform you? I know you’re all busy.”

Jiang Hao detected a hint of bitterness in Fourth Aunt’s voice and was at a loss for words.

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