One-Click Upgrade: Super Decomposition System

Chapter 208

C208 – Scammed!

The Deliberately-Provoking Woman was left stunned!

After a prolonged silence, she reluctantly handed over the two hundred thousand she had just received, not even having had the chance to warm the bills in her hands.

“Here’s your two hundred thousand, please, just let me go!”

With a pitiful gaze, she looked up at Jiang Hao, but upon meeting his icy stare, her head drooped in defeat.

Jiang Hao reached for his phone.

“No, please don’t call!” she pleaded in panic, hastily pulling a bank card from her purse and thrusting it at Jiang Hao.

“This is all I have left—two hundred thousand. It’s yours, all yours!”

Jiang Hao accepted the card with a glance at the Deliberately-Provoking Woman.

Thinking Jiang Hao was appeased, her face lit up with relief.

But in the next moment, Jiang Hao turned to the onlookers and inquired,

“Anyone got a pen and paper?”

Despite their confusion, a student stepped forward and provided Jiang Hao with the requested items.

After expressing his thanks, Jiang Hao quickly scribbled something down.

Once finished, he handed the notebook and pen to the Deliberately-Provoking Woman and said in a frosty tone,

“You’ve given me four hundred thousand, but you still owe me six hundred thousand. This is an IOU. If everything looks correct, sign it.”

Jiang Hao’s words prompted a sudden understanding among the crowd, who burst into applause and cheers.

The Deliberately-Provoking Woman froze, her eyes meeting Jiang Hao’s unyielding expression. Realizing her pleas were futile, she resignedly signed her name.

Her face turned ashen.

Jiang Hao snatched the IOU from her grasp and returned the pen and paper to the student.

Holding the promissory note, he declared,

“Alright, that settles it. You’re free to go now. Better start earning—you’re in debt big time!”

With that, he gestured for Soong Wan to get in the car, taking the two hundred thousand with him.

The two drove off, leaving the Deliberately-Provoking Woman standing there, dumbstruck, as the crowd watched her with eyes full of sympathy.

This must be what they call a scam backfiring!

Inside the car, Soong Wan occasionally glanced at Jiang Hao.

“Do you think she’ll give you back that six hundred thousand?” she asked.

Jiang Hao turned to Soong Wan with a smile, the earlier frostiness gone from his face.

“No way. She’ll probably skip town as soon as she comes to!”

Soong Wan’s anxiety spiked at his response.

“That’s unacceptable!”

“We have to go back and confront her!”

“I can’t stand people who are perfectly capable yet resort to scamming!”

Jiang Hao just chuckled at her words, making no move to turn back.

Seeing this, Soong Wan’s irritation flared.

“And you’re laughing! My brand-new car now has a dent!”

Jiang Hao gave Soong Wan a reassuring look before explaining.

“There’s no need to worry.”

“First off, Manager Huang can take care of that little dent. It won’t cost a thing!”

“So, essentially, we’ve just netted two hundred thousand for free!”

It took a moment for Soong Wan to process this. Then, fixing her gaze on Jiang Hao, she could only muster one phrase.

“You’re incredible!”

Jiang Hao went on.

“Secondly, even though I can drive, I don’t have a license, so it’s not wise for me to get involved with her.”

Hearing this, Soong Wan froze, her face draining of color as a realization hit her, followed by a sharp scream!

Jiang Hao braked hard.

“What’s the matter, Wan’er?”

But Soong Wan just shot Jiang Hao a stern look and urged him to get out.

“Out of the car, now!”

Confused and startled, Jiang Hao exited the vehicle. Soong Wan quickly took the driver’s seat, shooting him a glare.

“Get in. Where do you need to go? I’ll take you!”

Jiang Hao couldn’t help but feel a mix of amusement and exasperation. Soong Wan scolded him.

“You’re driving without a license, and you dare to speed. You…”

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