One-Click Upgrade: Super Decomposition System

Chapter 184

Chapter 184 - The Immortal Was Found

“Pop, pop, pop…”

Suddenly, a burst of applause like thunder rolled in from outside the door!

“Well said!”

“China is in dire need of such lucid and courageous individuals!”


Unbeknownst to anyone, a crowd of patients and their families had gathered outside, initially drawn by the commotion. Yet, to their surprise, they encountered a voice that cut through the era's prevalent foreign idolization.

This voice seemed to stir their souls, and they were swiftly swept up in Jiang Hao's fervor, erupting into applause and cheers.

“Cousin, let's get out of here. I can't stand another minute in this place!”

With that, Jiang Hao made his way to the exit.

In that moment, the onlookers parted ways, respectfully watching him depart.


Just then, Specialist Hong collapsed to his knees behind him.

He continued to bow deeply to Jiang Hao, who had reached the doorway, pleading for mercy.

“The Godly Doctor is correct; I realize my error. Please, I beg you to save my life!”

Jiang Hao paused for a brief moment, yet he did not halt his stride.

Specialist Hong crumpled to the floor, his eyes void of hope.

Guo Yifei watched as the once haughty Specialist Hong now knelt in defeat, releasing a sigh of deep satisfaction. She, too, was eager to leave this place behind.

Meanwhile, Mu Xiaohua, utterly dumbfounded by the unfolding events, could only gaze after the departing Jiang Hao.

As Guo Yifei approached the door, a thought struck her, and she turned back to her mother's side to speak.

“Mom, I have to be honest with you—I've found the Immortal!”


Before her mother could revel in the news, Guo Yifei quickly added,

“In fact, our cousin is that Immortal!”

“And he's said he can heal Dad!”

Without waiting for a response, Guo Yifei dashed off after Jiang Hao, leaving no opportunity for Mu Xiaohua to interject.

Stunned, Mu Xiaohua stared after Jiang Hao, then, with resolve, she set off after him.

Jiang Hao and Guo Yifei made their way back to the 19th floor and into room 34.

There, Jiang Hao was finally reunited with his long-missed uncle—Guo Jianye.

However, the man lying on the hospital bed was a far cry from the vibrant uncle he remembered. His complexion was jaundiced, his hair unkempt.

“Uncle! I've come to visit you!”

Upon spotting Jiang Hao, Guo Jianye's face lit up with surprise.

“Hao Hao?”

The two then engaged in a heartfelt conversation, reconnecting after a long time apart.

Before long, Mu Xiaohua arrived.

“Xiao Hua, guess who's here!”

Guo Jianye, thinking Mu Xiaohua was unaware of Jiang Hao's arrival, excitedly shared the news.

Mu Xiaohua was suddenly overcome with embarrassment, unsure of what to say.

It was then that Jiang Hao, noticing Mu Xiaohua's discomfort, spoke up.

“Uncle, Auntie and I have already met.”

Jiang Hao chose not to elaborate further.

Upon hearing this, Mu Xiaohua quickly chimed in, her eyes filled with gratitude as she looked at Jiang Hao.

While Jiang Hao and Guo Jianye chatted on one side,

Mu Xiaohua was on the other, her mind racing with thoughts of her earlier behavior, her daughter's words, and the recent events, feeling too unsettled to face Jiang Hao.

But as she watched her husband lying helplessly in the hospital bed, she couldn't hold back any longer.

“Hao Hao, please, I'm begging you to save your uncle. You're the only one who can help him now!”

With that, Mu Xiaohua pulled out a card and handed it to Jiang Hao in a rush.

“Here's five million. Take it for now. Just… if you could lend your assistance…”

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