One-Click Upgrade: Super Decomposition System

Chapter 183

Chapter 183 - Why Should I Save You?

Moreover, without Jiang Hao pointing it out, they would have never noticed upon closer inspection.

They were utterly astonished.

Jiang Hao then continued.

“This particular poison from the strange flower takes a long time to take root!”

“I notice Specialist Hong's shirt pocket is slightly bulging. You must be carrying a sachet of some sort, correct?”

No sooner had Jiang Hao spoken than Hong Yangwei, without a word of denial, instinctively reached for his pocket.

Seeing this, everyone immediately realized that Jiang Hao had struck true once more!

“Moreover, my hunch is that this sachet was a gift from someone close in Specialist Hong's family. Otherwise, why would you keep it so close to your person?”

“It seems there may be some discord in Specialist Hong's household!”

As Jiang Hao narrated, Hong Yangwei swayed, his complexion turning ghastly.

“If Specialist Hong doubts my words, feel free to take out the sachet and examine it.

See if there's a white peach heart petal inside, with fine purple veins on it!”

With Jiang Hao's words hanging in the air, Hong Yangwei frantically retrieved a beautiful sachet from his pocket.

In a flurry, he grabbed a small knife from the table and sliced the sachet open!

Sure enough, when he unfolded the sachet and shook out its contents, he found indeed a white peach heart petal, complete with delicate purple veins!

At this sight, Hong Yangwei stumbled and collapsed into his chair, his eyes void of life.

Mu Xiaohua and the others were already in a state of shock.

Jiang Hao spoke again, and everyone listened intently, their nerves taut.

“This poison from the strange flower is typically undetectable once administered.

Only when the poison has deeply set in, and the victim's days are numbered, do subtle symptoms begin to show.

But even then, they're easily missed if one isn't vigilant!”

By now, Jiang Hao's implication was clear: Specialist Hong's days were numbered.

In that moment, everyone regarded Jiang Hao with a mix of reverence and fear.

Jiang Hao gazed at Hong Yangwei, whose face had turned ashen and who seemed to have lost his wits, and began to speak with a sly smile.

“Moreover, while this exotic flower's poison is tricky to cultivate, once it takes root, it's incredibly difficult to eradicate.

To my knowledge, I am the sole person in the world capable of neutralizing this toxin.”

Upon hearing this, a spark of life returned to Hong Yangwei's eyes.

But before he could utter a word, Jiang Hao posed a cutting question.

“Why, though, should I bother to rid you of this peculiar poison?”

The flicker of hope that had just sparked in Hong Yangwei's eyes was swiftly snuffed out.

Jiang Hao, pointing an accusing finger at Hong Yangwei, berated him with fury in his voice.

“You, who show such blatant disregard for your ancestors, willfully desecrating the precious legacy they left behind.

You've stooped to grovel before the scraps tossed aside by foreigners!

Why should I bother saving such a disgraceful descendant?”

“You fail to grasp even the basics of what your ancestors bequeathed, casting it aside completely.

Instead, you've chased after foreign lands, picking up only a veneer of their knowledge.

Then you swagger back to your homeland, puffing yourself up with grandiose speeches.”

“You claim: ‘Traditional Chinese Medicine is worthless!'”

“But have you truly sought to understand TCM? Do you even grasp its essence?”

Jiang Hao's voice dripped with heavy irony.

“A person like you might not suffer from physical ailments,

But what you fail to realize is that your thinking, even your very soul, is afflicted.

And it's a terminal illness, one that's incurable!”

Jiang Hao's final words were nearly roared in his impassioned outburst.

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