My Second Life in Another World

Chapter 128: Shota-con?

Chapter 128: Shota-con?

"[Hyakki Yagyo] (Night Parade of One Hundred Demons)" Akane's low voice rang out as the part corresponding to 1 on the wheel lit up and the translucent fire that was in the space started to take the form of different beasts a crow, snake, ape, bull, fox, tiger, and a dragon along with other beasts coming to a number of hundred different beasts. The heat emanating from them started burning the space and reducing it to ashes.


The animals roared as if responding to the anger of the caster and jumped straight towards the short woman who looked at the hundred animals made of translucent fire coming towards her.

"[Multitude of Colors - Providential Oni Poison] (Senshibankō - Shinpen Ki Doku)" Douji spoke in a slow tone as she tilted her cup making the sake in it fall down.

The multi-colored sake reached her feet it started to spread towards the Animals coming towards her. The sake was pure poison in fact the poison was so potent that it even affected space itself melting it and poison reached the beasts….




It melted them, all of those hundred demons were melted slowly turning into essence as the sake was pulled back in the woman's cup. The multi-colored Sake now had a pure red color resembling blood.

"You have gotten weaker Akane or Is it that you are worried about destroying the universes in the vicinity, anyway I always wanted to have a taste of your element. To think you even treated a disposable 'vessel' as your own son how pathetic can you get, though his looks are impressive almost mouth-watering, a shame he is too young and hasn't matured yet. Sake and men taste the best when they are matured enough." Douji said as she took a sip of the sake in her cup.

"ARGH* What?" The woman faltered as she saw burns start appearing on her body making her feel immense pain it was like her insides were stuffed with smoldering coal even though she wasn't there currently.

"Tch, you are lucky that I haven't recovered or you'd be a pile of ashes by now even though you aren't here yourself, but you are ballsy for trying to drink the essence made of my flames I'll give you that," Akane was angry, too angry in fact. But she knew that she was weaker at the moment or the insect in front of her won't even be able to think bad about her son much less open its mouth.

'Why isn't the damage from my Poison spreading further? Did she stop it even in her current state' Douji thought and as her eyes met Akane's she understood what happened.

'So she stopped it from spreading further, Looks like I have no choice now, I can only leave this 'one' behind. But lets rile her up so that she attacks me more. This way I can weaken her more which will be advantageous in the long run.' Douji thought as she sighed heavily.

"Fufufu, Akane you really became too weak after you took that ve-"

"You know the thing I hate the most is an irksome pest that gets close to the ones I love," Raikou said as she vanished from her place and appeared behind Douji with her katana in her hands. Purple lightning covered both the katana and Raikou as she slashed Douji's neck shredding apart the space from where her katana passed.


Douji's head flew before she could even react but there was no blood flowing out of her body.

"Insect I really wish you here so that I can rip you to shreds myself," Raikou said with a smile.

"Of course I won't be here in person, I am not that dumb to make the same mistake twice. Even though Akane has lost her powers she is still dangerous." Douji whose head was separated from her body laughed.

"Well that doesn't matter, your days are numbered anyway, I won't let you off for what you said before," Akane said with her red hair flaring and her eyes burning red.

"Ufufu I haven't said anything wrong anyway, no matter how much you try to avoid it, the gears have already turned and The vessel will fall into my hands as per my pl---" Douji wanted to continue but.

"I won't allow you to disrespect my son any longer, [Kaminari Hantei] (Lightning judgment)" Raikou's eyes were filled with unbridled anger as she swung her sword which was clad in lightning onto the body of the woman, and burned it to ashes.


With a large explosion that could be heard from even a few hundred thousand miles away shook the whole space.

"Hey, Raikou he is my S-O-N, how many times do I have to tell you?" Akane got angry at Raikou again.

"Ne~ Ne~ Akane-nee why can't I be the mother of that child?" Raikou asked with a smile.

"Hmph, don't think that I don't understand your twisted meaning behind those words. I'll say this again Raikou, I am not letting you marry my son. You damn Shotacon." Akane growled in anger.

"Oh my! Why can't I marry my Son?" Raikou asked in disbelief.

"Shut up you damn hag, you are millions of years old, where do you even get the idea that I will let you be my cute little son's wife?" Akane harrumphed in anger.

"Nee-san you do know that you are my big sister, right?" Raikou said with a sweet smile.


"You little brat," Veins started to appear on Akane's forehead as she rolled up her sleeves and was about to pounce on Raikou.

"Dear calm down now is not the time for this," Yanagi stopped Akane by hugging her waist from behind as she tried to struggle and hit Raikou.

"Release me Yanagi, let me wack this brat and bring her back to her senses, who does she think raised her since she was a little kid?" Akane growled at Raikou who just turned a blind eye to her.

"You are only making it worse dear, and we have bigger problems to think about," Yanagi said trying to hold Akane back.

"Brother-in-law is right we have important things to talk about," Raikou said while nodding her head.

"That can wait after I discipline you, You damn Shotacon," Akane shouted as she tried to free herself from Yanagi's grip.

"The seal placed on Haru is broken," Raikou said with a serious voice causing both Yanagi and Akane to freeze.

"WHAT?" Both Akane and Yanagi's bodies tensed up as they shouted with clear concern on their faces.

"How can this happen? We reinforced the seal before we left, how could this happen? Did his powers run wild again?" Akane asked in panic even though she would know if his powers ran wild she forgot all about it because of her worry.

"No the seal on his powers is still in place, the one that broke was the seal on his memories, so we don't have to worry about Ha-chan hurting himself," Raikou spoke calmly down the restless Akane.

"Is it because Kurumi woke up earlier than her supposed time? but even that is strange for her to wake up a few years earlier is also weird. But I am glad she helped in suppressing his seal," Yanagi said and sighed heavily after he thought up the reason Haru's powers didn't run wild like last time.

"ARGH it doesn't matter if she suppressed Ha-Kun's powers or not she had put him in danger, I'll burn that bitch to death," Akane growled angrily.

"Calm down dear," Yanagi said with a worried expression.

"That is correct, She woke up earlier because I was the one who woke up Kurumi and told her to meet Haru so that the seal can be forcefully broken making Haru remember about our existence." Raikou dropped the bomb on the two who were dumbfounded.

A few hours later,

"So tell us what happened," Yanagi asked Raikou as they were now sitting down in a standard Japanese room.

"Come on, out with it. why did you do this? I swear if something happens to my son my sister or not I'll reduce you to ashes, ya got that." Akane said calmly as her eyes were flaring dangerously. And these weren't empty words she actually tried to burn Raikou to ashes just before coming here she went on a rampage but both Yanagi and Raikou had to calmed her down.

"It won't come to that, I won't do something that will put My Son in danger," Raikou reassured Akane with a smile.


"Again for the last damn time, HE IS MY SON," Akane shouted in frustration as she slammed the table in from of her with her fist.

"Yes yes he is your son honey, Now Raikou-san can we move to the reason you did this," Yanagi said while trying to calm down the hopping mad Akane.

"Well, this is what I wanted to tell you…." Raikou said calmly.


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