My Second Life in Another World

Chapter 127: Son?

Chapter 127: Son?

"What are you going to do if you meet me?" A voice rang out behind them causing them to turn around in an instant.

"Oh, You are quite unlucky indeed Douji, I was just talking about you and you appeared in front of me," Akane said in a chilling voice as she looked at the person that showed up.

"Well, only time will tell if I am unlucky or not, Akane even though you are a lot weaker than before your temper is still the same, Fufufu," Douji laughed.

Her skin was pale tinged with light purple, almost resembling silver. Her hair was purple and short, reaching only her neck and her bangs cut past her forehead. Her eyes are lustrous purple, with red makeup painted right above them. Her horns appear to flow out of her body naturally, going from the same pale tone of her skin and gradually becoming wine-red. Her fangs are sharp and long compared to those of humans.

She was wearing a golden ornament with a green jewel over her forehead, in between her horns. She was wearing an extremely long kimono without the sash, leaving it open and exposing the body underneath. The kimono was bluish-purple in color, with red curved lines drawn throughout it, especially on the tri-parted extensions of the sleeves. Some green ribbons are attached to it. Underneath the open kimono, She is mostly naked. Her ankles have red ribbons tied around them. She wears a piece of seemingly metallic material that covers her crotch and breasts, linked together by thin lines, and going all the way up to her neck, connecting into a choker. Of the same material, her hands and feet wear small pieces, tied around her fingers and wrists, and toes and heels respectively.

She is seen carrying three gourds by her waist and over the hip: the first is a small brown gourd; the second is a white; the third and most prominent, is an overly large blue gourd of glass with golden ornaments, In addition, she holds a cup of sake in her right hand, while the left holds a much wider cup, with a vine of black grapes, multiple pink peaches, and shide (zig-zagged paper strips). She was also wearing a bandage on her left hand covering it completely.

"Oh, Douji do you think you can fight me alone just because I am weaker now? You sure grew balls from the last time I saw you." Akane said looking at the woman's left hand making the woman grimace as if she had remembered something unpleasant.

"You just had to make my sake taste bitter, huh. Well, I am not alone anyway I have already made plans to eliminate you two now that you two are at half of your strength so that I can weaken your faction Yanagi is exhausted from the fight earlier and you Akane are suffering from the backlash so right now you are just sitting ducks in front of me, with you out of the way I can easily get my hand on the 'vessel'." Douji said with a smirk as many monsters started to appear out of nowhere surrounding the two.

"You should watch your mouth or you'll get burned like the last time you tried," Akane said as the temperature around her was raised to the limit and the space started to burn.

"Akane don't," Yanagi said quickly trying to her but she just didn't listen.

'There are too many enemies for us to face after we have just killed a lot of them, if we were in our normal condition then… oh well.' Yanagi thought as he looked at the millions of monsters that were surrounding them even a lot of them were burned to ashes even before they can let out a scream by Akane's flames which didn't even touch them yet, but even then the monsters kept popping up like there was no end to them.

"That's quite the big talk coming from you Akane considering your current state look even your own partner is stopping you, But that is exactly what I expect from the one called 'Origin of Flames' (Honō no kigen) even though I failed the first time I won't fail this time. No matter what you do that 'vessel' will fall into my hands and you can't do anything about it." Douji snickered in amusement. Akane was about to move her hand but stopped.

"Ara~ Ara~ you know this is the reason I despise insects. [Raijin No Ya] (Thunder god's Arrow)" A soft melodious voice rang out in the space as….


Massive bolts of purple lightning fell on the monsters turning them into dust.

'How did this cow get here? I made sure that she doesn't get the news about this attack. Did something go wrong? What happened to The Leader of the Black faction? Did he fail?' Douji thought as she narrowed her eyes.

And all of the monsters that were surrounding Akane and Yanagi were turned to ashes in less than a second.

"Raikou you are late," Akane said while narrowing her eyes while looking at the woman who just appeared beside her.

An elegant, virtuous, and glamorous woman in the prime of her youth, a beautiful woman overflowing with tolerance, and the personification of maternal love, She had very long hair, which she ties at the very end.

While wearing a purple kimono with a white Obi which accentuated her figure. she wore samurai armor in the form of long shoulder pads, and head ornaments on each side with tight gauntlets and grieves, elbow and knee-length respectively. Her Katana is seen sheathed, connected to her by another sort of rope. A quiver holding a set of arrows appears joined by her right hip, and her left hand holding a tall bow.

"Sorry Akane-nee there were some insects in the way so I got delayed," The woman said in her melodious voice.

"Looks like I underestimated you Cow," Douji said with a sneer.

"Oh, so you are still here insect, I kind of overlooked your presence since it was so weak. Well, it's quite nice this way…." Raikou said with a smile but her eyes didn't hide her disgust towards the small woman.

"…For you to be bold enough and try to lay your hands on my son. I'll give you a punishment suitable for that sin." She continued as Purple lightning crackled around her form twisting and tearing the space around her.

"Raikou that is my son you are talking about, when did he become your son?" Akane wasn't having any of it even if her opponent was her own little sister the translucent fire around her increased and formed a wheel behind her it resembled a clock with twelve markings on it each having a distinct shape on it.

"Ara~ Ara~ Nee-san I don't quite agree with you on that one," Raikou spoke with a smile but her eyes were serious as well. With purple lightning shrouding her form making her look like a goddess of thunder and a giant Ox holding an axe formed behind her.

'These two are at it again,' Yanagi was rolling his eyes as this was the most common sight in their house and it usually only stopped when Haru stepped in.

'That kid is really different I am really proud of him, I don't think I can go in between these two.' Yanagi shook his head as he learnt his lesson the first time he tried to stop them.

"Wow so the two cows are going head to head over the 'Vessel'," Douji said with a snicker while taking a sip of her sake.

Both Akane and Raikou looked at the small woman with cold eyes.



The flame and lightning shrouded the whole area destroying the space itself as they opened their mouths at the same time. But Raikou immediately withdrew her lightning as Akane's fire was more rampant and destructive in nature.

If she didn't take back the lightning she would've been hurt seriously.

'Nee-san's powers are scary even though she is weaker,' Raikou thought.

"I told you to watch your mouth Insect," Akane said with a calm face but the killing intent in her tone was clear.

'I need to get out of here quickly, but it won't be easy but I'll need to try.' Douji thought as her palms were getting sweaty.

"What? Did I hit a nerve? It is the truth, after all, he was never You-" Douji's words were cut short.

"[Hyakki Yagyo] (Night Parade of One Hundred Demons)" Akane's low voice rang out.

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