My Second Life in Another World

Chapter 126: I Wonder What They Are Up To Now?

Chapter 126: I Wonder What They Are Up To Now?

"I-I am fine," Haru said with a smile but the pain on his face was clear.

"I am sorry I didn't notice that the time had already run out," Kurumi said with an apologetic expression.

"It is fine, don't worry about it," Haru said as he knew what Kurumi was like.

'She is quite forgetful since childhood,' Haru thought with a smile.

"Then I'll send you out, I'll contact you again when it is time so don't try to come here on your own or it will be dangerous for you," Kurumi said as she kissed his forehead.

"And I'll forgive you but…." Kurumi paused as her face reddened.

"….you will have to make up for it," then continued as she smiled while drawing circles on Haru's chest as her tails swayed.

"Sure thing," Haru said with a smile.

"Ufufu, I'll wait for the faithful day then," Kurumi said with a giggle and Haru vanished from the space.

Seeing that Haru was gone Kurumi sighed.

'If only I had more time to talk with him, But it is a given that he would be exhausted after that seal was broken, it is good that I stopped the seal on his power from breaking or it would've been a disaster, although it is crude I have delayed it, I should've learned more about seals like Yanagi. This is a race against time at this point, what is wrong with that Lightning Vixen, waking me up forcibly like this,' Kurumi thought with a serious face but she was still unhappy.

"I didn't get enough time to talk with Ha-kun," Kurumi's ears drooped a little.

"I'll get to talk with him more soon enough, I have him all to myself without that Son-con and Vixen." Kurumi merrily said as her ears and tails moved around showing her happiness.

"But more importantly….." Kurumi muttered.

'I kind of understand why that vixen woke me up now, Even though she can be a bit extreme sometimes she will never put Ha-Kun's life in danger. I can draw some conclusions, I am still not sure how they let things get to that point, but I'll make sure Ha-kun is safe. ' Kurumi thought with a serious face as she sat down on the bed which appeared out of thin air.

"I'll start with the system then. It looks like the creator gods got more rampant after Akane and I went silent for a few years, Do they really think they can control me if they get hold of Ha-kun, Ufufu interesting." Kurumi laughed and closed her eyes.


"Hmm," Haru woke up from his sleep and sat on the bed.

He saw that he was alone on the bed and naked as well.

'I'm exhausted,' Haru thought as he yawned before he stood up and walked towards the bathroom butt naked.

After a quick shower, he went towards the kitchen where he felt Queresha was.

'Oh, I forgot to ask Kurumi about why she stopped me from using gluttony on Antares. Well, I guess I somewhat know the answer to that.' Haru thought as he remembered the box that Antares left behind.

"My Lord you are awake. I prepared Breakfast or should I say lunch?" Queresha greeted Haru with a smile as she placed some freshly made pancakes on the table with a cup of coffee.

"Might as well call it a dinner, it is 5 P.M already," Haru said jokingly as he had slept a bit too much.

"That is true My Lord, is there anything specific My Lord wants to eat? I made this for myself but I didn't expect My lord to wake up." Queresha said with a small smile.

"No need to I'll eat this, The food you make is always good. Anyway, how is your health?" Haru said as he walked near her and checked her condition.

"I am fine, thank you for worrying My Lord." Queresha smiled as she answered.

"Umu it looks like you are recovering, just tell me if you feel something is wrong, and I'll help you again," Haru said as he patted her head softly.

"U-Un," Queresha blushed a little when she heard that Haru will help her again.

"Yum this is tasty," Haru said as he started eating the pancakes with a smile making Queresha smile as well and the two had their breakfast or lunch in peace.

After eating Haru was sitting in the living room thinking about the things that he needs to do. He has found out that his parents were alive thanks to the seal on his memory breaking because he met Kurumi.

'But why is Kurumi in my mental space? Does she not have a physical body?' Haru thought but he thought it would be better to ask her the next time they talk. Till then he needs to get all of his thoughts sorted.

'What should I say to everyone? I can't just tell them that I want to go search for my parents and I can't leave them behind after they refused the option to turn the time back even if it means that they won't be able to meet their families, I need to search for a way to revive their parents as well.' Haru thought seriously.

'And the journey is bound to be dangerous as well, But the most important thing is….'

'How am I going to tell them about Kurumi?' Haru was sweating a bit at the thought of how he was going to introduce Kurumi to them.

"My Lord, Kanae and Hae-in will be landing in Seoul in about half an hour and Jin-ah already woke up about two hours ago," Queresha said as she sat down beside Haru.

"Wait really you should've woken me up earlier then," Haru complained.

"Aunt Kyung-hye said to let you rest more," Queresha answered with a small smile.

"Oh Ok, then let's go check up on Jin-ah," Haru shook his head as he stood up.

"As you wish My Lord," Queresha said as she followed Haru and both of them left the house making their way to Jin-woo's house.

'I wonder what they are up to now?' Haru thought about his parents as he smiled.


In space where you can see many shimmering stars in the distance that were shining brightly, countless bodies were cut into pieces were floating in this landscape. The number was close to a billion and one can see two people standing in between this mess.

A beautiful red-haired woman and a Black-haired man with a sword in his hands were standing there looking at the bodies.

"To think that they would even set up an ambush on our way back, since when did the other factions become so ballsy I wonder," The woman spoke with displeasure clear in her voice.

"It was kind of expected, what I am really surprised about is how that guy abandoned his own people and ran away. What was his plan? Even though he knew he would lose to us he tried to attack earth just to draw us out and then this surprise attack only a..way .... Ah, I understand." The man said thinking over the events and then looked at his wife who had a calm face making him understand why that man ran away.

"What did you understand?" The woman asked calmly.

"Nothing dear, I just understood that their plan was stupid," The man answered quickly.

"I don't care what plan he has if I see him I'll roast him for Thousands of years and then ground him into Powder." The woman made her anger known as her red hair moved wildly.


She moved her hand and a translucent flame left her hand burning all the bodies in its way even the space itself was reduced to dust.

"Akane Dear you shouldn't use your powers, we are still receiving the backlash for breaking the rules and are weaker than we were at our peak. So if you keep using your powers you will only hurt yourself." The man spoke to his wife in a worried manner.

"Ah, Yanagi I don't care about this backlash, why do I have to face backlash when I just wanted to stay with my son? Hmph, that douji better not appear in front of me." The woman harrumphed angrily and the man could only smile wryly.

The fact was he himself was really angry with the current circumstances even though he was always the calm and collected type, But what can he do, they received the backlash because they broke the rules both he and his wife were now a lot weaker than what they used to be. Even though...

'We don't regret it as that Child is everything to us.' The man smiled sadly, he really missed his son and the same went for his wife, But there was something else on his mind as he stopped.

"What are you going to do if you meet me?" A voice rang out behind them causing them to turn around in an instant.

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