My military branches can Evolve Infinitely

Chapter 211 - 196: This Lord May Have Persecution Delusion (3K)_1

Chapter 211: Chapter 196: This Lord May Have Persecution Delusion (3K)_1

Translator: 549690339

In the northern part of Tianyuan Territory, a stone wall over two meters high, built from numerous stones of varying sizes, haphazardly stretched out to both sides, disappearing into a darkness beyond sight.

Watchtowers stood tall every few tens of meters in front of the stone wall.

Archers or other rotational soldiers occupied the heights of the watchtower, staying vigilant without shirking their duty.

Surrounding them, soldiers wielding long halberds and spears patrolled along predetermined routes.

“Not only that…”

Victor of the Phantom looked up, squinted his eyes, and gazed into the pitch- black night sky.

At that time, the moon was hidden behind the dark clouds, and the night was dark, but Victor, with his special skills, could still detect swift shadows passing through the night sky.

It was some flying troops.

Gazing down at the earth, even the slightest rustle of the grass wouldn’t escape the eyes in the sky.

“The strict ground defense is already like a large net, but outside of this net are concealed eyes. This arrangement…”

Despite having seen various territories, Victor found himself somewhat tongue-tied.

This seemed a bit excessive.

Spending so much money to purchase so many rare troops to construct this defensive line, the lord of this place must have been paranoid!

But Victor had to admit, this defensive line was effective, especially those eyes in the sky.

If he hadn’t been cautious enough to erase his presence with a special skill when emerging from the jungle, he would have been exposed.

For any other A-grade explorer, those with less refined stealth and concealment abilities, they might indeed fail at this point.

But it wasn’t a big deal if they did fail; the new territory wasn’t a dangerous pit of wolves and tigers. But if their colleagues found out they’d been outwitted by a new lord, they would surely die of laughter, becoming an embarrassing stain that would never be wiped clean for a lifetime.

“Seems like I have to be serious about this. I can’t afford to be exposed in a territory that’s only been established for a few months.”

With this thought in mind, Victor maintained his steady pace and moved forward.

Four hundred meters.

Two hundred meters.

One hundred meters.

He was getting closer and closer to the rather crude stone wall in the distance. The patrolling soldiers passed by not far away, with the nearest one only a few meters away from him.

Victor was not only unworried, he even stopped to observe.

“A Halberd Guard, an Imperial Guard, and three Spearmen. This configuration is something. From this, it seems the soldiers in the distant watchtower are not just archers, they are Strong Shooters.”

There were six such patrol squads like this around, and there must be hundreds of rare squads within the entire territory?

Victor was tongue-tied again.

The lord of this place was truly insane.

But he also felt an excitement of having ‘found a big fish’.

As an A-grade scout, Victor of the Phantom had great autonomy. How he gathered information and infiltrated territories was up to him. There were no specific mission objectives he had to complete, and the regional commander had no authority to direct him.

This was the privilege of A-grade scouts.

However, A-grade scouts also had to make a living. Important information could bring him more Shen Yao merit points, providing him with an opportunity to progress further.

Victor walked straight through the patrol squad.

His figure resembled a ghost.

His body presented a completely transparent texture. Even looking at himself, he could only see a faint outline.

“Form, sound, smell… when all of these disappear, the person almost fades into oblivion, more of a ghost than a ghost.”

“As for the observation from the Lord’s viewpoint?”

It was far from omnipotent. It could mark out infiltrated monsters to a certain extent, but was less effective against human players like him.

Even some higher-ranked monsters, those that had awakened their self- awareness and possessed special abilities, had many ways to evade.

Victor walked straight up to the stone wall, made a light leap, and landed on the over-two-meter-high wall.

Standing on the uneven wall, Victor didn’t rush to step down, but instead squinted his eyes to continue his observations. Soon, he noticed some inconspicuous carvings on the ground just inside the wall, hidden among the fine sand and stones.

“A detection array?”

Despite everything, Victor did not believe that a detection array from a small place like this could detect his hidden presence. However, he thought again, “Considering the lord’s level of paranoia here, chances are, he may have spent a hefty sum to procure array foundations. I need to be more cautious.”

He tightened the dark cloak around his body.

This item, called the ‘Cloak of Shadows’, was the most valuable equipment he had and was the key to his travels far and wide.

The dark cloak wrapped Victor completely within.

He made a leap and truly set foot in this territory. The suspected detection carving did not respond in the slightest.

Victor laughed in silence, “Ah, I was being overly cautious.”

Perhaps due to being relatively newly established, or with not high enough quality materials, or due to the incredible ability of the ‘Cloak of Shadows’, Isloa’s detection array, in the end, failed to activate.

A transparent human silhouette moved within the northern area of Tianyuan Territory.

This was the origin of “Phantom” in Victor’s name.

He infiltrated many territories and strategic locations, coming and going like a phantom, leaving no trace behind.

Upon entering this territory, the first thing Victor saw was still the watchtowers and arrow towers. They were aligned at certain distances, turning the northern part of the territory into an impregnable fortress.

Further in, he finally saw buildings that weren’t for defense.

Rows of two or three-storey buildings, neatly arranged. There was a windmill building that was more than ten meters high in the distance. The large windmill was still turning slowly; it seemed that someone was working overtime late into the night.

This was normal.

The Eternal World wasn’t Lanxing, and if people could knockoff work at nine in the evening, then it could only mean that the lord was particularly benevolent.

The lord was like an emperor within his own territory, doing anything he pleased.

But he was not a lord!

It was so close back then.

If their Star Splendor Federation were the only dominating power on Lanxing, would his life have been completely different?

Resentment +1!

Victor continued to move forward, witnessing fertile soil and plants, one after another, planted on this land, which were clearly extraordinary and possibly of rare level.

A lord only needed to stay within his own territory, enjoying the services of his subjects while harvesting resources over and over again, and he would have endless Soul Crystal Coins.

Unlike him, even though he was among the top players, he still needed to travel everywhere to earn some hard money.

Why should it be that way?!

Resentment +1.

Victor could control his negative emotions. Even if a new territory was just a sheep enclosure in his eyes, he would not take action against it.

His self-designated role was always that of an intelligence officer, gathering information.

After a while,

Having observed for a period, Victor did not go further into the core area of the territory but instead, turned westward to a special area.

Here, dark fog visible to the naked eye wafted about, and the elemental energy between heaven and earth was abnormal.

Not just him, an A-grade explorer, but even a normal person coming here would feel there was something off about this place.

In such an abnormal place, he needed to investigate more closely.

After walking for a while, Victor’s brows furrowed. “There is indeed something off about this place!”

He saw an enormous number of skeletons, wandering around individually and in groups.

There were even quite a few Skeleton Warriors among them.

He also spotted ghosts and Resentful Spirits floating around.

There were significantly more of these rare creatures here than outside!

Moreover, both the environment and the elemental energy in this place seemed out of the ordinary.

Victor was well-learned and had personally explored similar treasure troves before.

If his guess was correct, this was…

“Aunit building!”

“This new lord’s territory actually has a unit building!”

It seemed like his previous assessment of this territory had been rather low.

As Victor was thinking this, his gaze suddenly froze, locked onto a huge creature before him.

Its massive body was made up of silvery-white bones that looked like jade. A pair of ragged but huge Bone Wings were spread out, using some sort of force to enable the body to fly.

If his eyes weren’t playing tricks on him, this massive creature was likely one of the strongest units below the Epic level — the Bone Dragon.

It stood at the pinnacle among the ranks of skeleton units!

As a top player who has been struggling for over a decade, he still didn’t possess an excellent unit. And yet, this newcomer had managed to get a Bone Dragon in just a few months?

Resentment +9.9!

Victor was green with envy.

This was an esteemed unit that he could never hope to possess in his lifetime.

Suddenly, he shivered, “Wait, Bone Dragon…”

Top-tier excellent units like Bone Dragon no longer exist in the form of Remnant Souls.

To have one, it would require a lord with both great fortune and strength to recruit.

But how could a newcomer possibly have the strength to recruit a Bone Dragon?

Unless this newcomer was one in a million, a legendary figure.

As Victor thought about this, his heart pounded non-stop. He was not initially concerned about the task of finding the Tianyuan Territory as it was like looking for a needle in a haystack, entirely dependent on luck.

But could he have stumbled upon this massive stroke of luck?

“If this territory really is Tianyuan…”

The more he thought about it, the more excited he got.

He gazed further into the depths of the territory, eager to venture deeper. But his reason told him that if this truly was Tianyuan, his intrusion into the core area might expose him and alert the enemy.

It might be better to retreat now, having already gathered quite a bit of information.

This was already a great achievement.


Victor took another deep look, suppressing all his greed and desire, and was about to make his exit.

As he turned around,

A pair of huge eyes, glowing with the blue light of a Soul Flame, appeared before him, staring straight ahead.

Staring at the empty ground before him.

At the next moment, an immense and terrifying dragon’s might washed over him like a tidal wave.

In the distance, Dead Bone stood on a mound, gazing into the distance.

What it was observing was not the figure that had been forced to reveal himself under the dragon’s might; it was looking at the entire territory.

“Out of several defensive lines and a dozen arrangements, only one was effective.”

“Indeed, our current defensive methods are too fragile.”

It said that to the lord.

Mu Yuan also looked through the lord’s view and nodded.

Indeed, they only discovered the enemy after they had entered the North area, which was…too dangerous.

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