My military branches can Evolve Infinitely

Chapter 125 - 122: Ayuan's Performance is not Outstanding (Requesting 4K Monthly Tickets)_2

Chapter 125: Chapter 122: Ayuan’s Performance is not Outstanding (Requesting 4K Monthly Tickets)_2

Translator: 549690339

For veteran lords, increasing the upgrade speed is not as important as raising the limit (Rare Three-star), but there are more lords competing for this blueprint than the ones for the training field blueprint just now.

The arena battle has already entered the third round.

The final victor is a wolf cavalry at the professional level peak.

Mu Yuan set his eyes on Hong Yi.

“You’re up.”

“Hee hee hee hee hee     ”

The laughter echoed in the battlefield as Hong Yi, in a red dress, grandly entered the scene.

Blood seemed to drip from her dress, emitting an eerie and ominous aura. Just the first impression was enough to send shivers down one’s spine.

She also revealed a dominance that was much stronger than Lu Liu— at least visually.

She formed giant bloody claws several meters long and struck down the wolf cavalry time and time again, even sometimes emitting sharp shrieks that echoed through the arena.

After dozens of rounds, Hong Yi beheaded the cavalry off the wolf.

“She’s stronger than the former Royal Guard.”

“Perhaps this is Lord Tianyuan’s true trump card.”

“But what kind of unit is this? Her abilities are somewhat strange.”

A few lords muttered, then began to hesitate. They also had stronger armies, but they could also choose to compete for other treasures instead of taking a chance here.

It’ll be shameful for an established lord to lose to a newcomer who’s been around for just over a month.

Even if it’s Lord of Tianyuannt.

It’s better to wait and see.

But one brave lord stood up.

It was Da Ri…. does Lord Da Ri have a stronger trump card too? This batch of newcomers are as terrifying as…

Before he could finish the thought, Lord Da Ri himself had already stepped onto the stage.

Veteran Lord:”???”

Admittedly, it complies with the rules that the lords occasionally participate in person in Battle Will.

However, most lords deem it an issue of dignity, and more importantly… the majority of the lords’ combat power couldn’t match their trump cards.

But Lord Da Ri was clearly not among those weak lords.

The stream of light on his body was shining and changing, then, in the blink of an eye, he took the pose of the God Archer. This was far from the end, with Lord Da Ri’s low shout, his black hair turned golden, like flowing golden flames, radiating a scorching golden light. Flames of golden light also surged from his body, blending with the Treasure Armor, making him look like a deity.

He stretched out his arms, and Feather Arrows flew out one by one from his quiver, enveloped in flowing golden flames, pointing towards the red figure in the distance, like a flurry of golden flaming flying swords.

He, Lord Da Ri, was in full form!

One look at him would terrify any bystander.

No wonder he had the confidence and the arrogance to step onto the arena himself. The veteran lord was taken aback: my troops are inferior.

Great Lord Shepherd was also secretly shocked. If these Arrow with golden flames strike, HongYi, even with the protection of the ‘Bloody Robe’ skill, won’t be able to withstand it for long.

This is kind of restraining Hong Yi!


It’s time for the big move.

As Lord Da Ri was showing off his perfect form, Hong Yi closed her eyes and then opened them again, her eyes, now blood-red, seemed to contain a prison that locks the viewers in.

“What is this….”

What was once a flat combat platform had, in the blink of an eye, turned into a terrifying scene filled with gloom, crow caws, piled up bones, and a suspended blood moon.

The only constant was the figure in the red dress standing in the distance.

Only her dress became more crimson, dripping like blood mercilessly onto the ground.

She stood in front of a red building covered in bloody traces. Bell chimes rang from atop the building, carrying a soul-stirring demonic sound in their peeling. This is an illusion technique!

A complete Illusory World formed by advanced illusion techniques and skillful manipulation!

Lord Da Ri had clearly seen a lot, having noticed this immediately. However, that was as far as it got. Despite his attempts to invert energy and block energy, he could not escape from this terrifying illusionary scene.

His Golden Flame Arrows obliterated the red figure, along with the weird building behind it.

However, the next moment, the figure in red and the strange building appeared again, undamaged, in another spot not too far away.

Then came the second, third, and fourth HongYi.

Eerie buildings sprung up all around.

The eerie chuckles echoed in the secluded space enclosed by the buildings.

Lord Da Ri’s face gradually turned pale.

“Who are you?”

Hong Yi appeared not far away in a red dress, cocking her head as if in thought.

After a while, she said solemnly yet earnestly, ” I am merely one of the many in our master’s service, nothing special, hee hee hee hee hee—”

Lord Da Ri’s heart shuddered.

The defense line of his spirit, which could only barely hold on, collapsed completely at this moment.

He was swallowed by the terrifying wave of illusions.

In the real world, only two seconds had passed.

Lord Da Ri was still displaying his unbeatable form, making people marvel at his terrible Golden Flame Talent, given time, he was certain to have a place among Tai Xuan Strongman.

The next second,


The Suspended Feather Arrows lost their power and support and fell one after another.

The golden flames flickering on them, along with the golden flames rising from Lord Da Ri, went out and disappeared.

At this moment, Lord Da Ri, sealed in Treasure Armor, had turned white, covered in cold sweat, and could not even stand properly before collapsing on one knee, using his hand to support himself.

Cold sweat dripped down, one drop at a time.

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