My Dear Miss Medical Examiner

Chapter 73-1

Chapter 73-1


Lin Youyuans gaze fell on their intertwined hands. He remained expressionless, idly playing with his green thumb ring.

Are you coming here on your own, or should I send someone to fetch you?

He completely ignored Song Yuhang, clearly directing his words at Lin Yan.

Lin Yan lifted her chin slightly, locking eyes with him. Are you leaving on your own, or should I knock your teeth out and leave you rolling on the ground?

Her words were both arrogant and provocative, causing even Duan Cheng to give her a second glance.

Impressive, badass! If he spoke to his dad like that, he would probably have received two loud slaps a long time ago.

Lin Youyuan had a relatively kind-looking face, appearing gentle and benevolent. However, all the cunning and treachery were hidden within the lines and wrinkles of his skin.

He lightly furrowed his eyebrows, pausing his thumb rings movement. In the next moment, the two bodyguards behind them sprang into action.

Lin Yan was pushed back a step by Song Yuhang but bravely faced the situation empty-handed. The clash of experts happened in an instant, and Lin Yan watched intently without turning her gaze away. She saw the two bodyguards being forcefully pushed back several steps, one clutching his stomach unable to get up, while the other had his weapon confiscated by Song Yuhang, who pointed an electric baton at him.

Cold sweat dripped down the opponents forehead, and with raised hands, he indicated that he didnt want to fight anymore.

Lin Youyuan lazily lifted his gaze and glanced at her. Not bad, youve got some skills.

Song Yuhang released her grip, letting the baton fall to the ground. She walked back to Lin Yans side, still holding her hand, their fingers intertwined.

You did well. It would have been a bit challenging if we fought together.

Feeling the warmth of their fingertips, she stood firmly by his side. Lin Yans lips curved slightly, revealing a fleeting sweetness on her face that did not escape Lin Youyuans eyes.

As they listened to the police sirens coming from downstairs, memories of the confiscated goods by customs during the day resurfaced. Lin Youyuan maintained a fake smile, absentmindedly playing with his thumb ring intermittently.

What is your identity for coming here today?

This question was directed at Song Yuhang.

Song Yuhang took a step forward, removed her mask, and spoke loudly, I have always been clear about separating public and private matters. Investigating the case is public, taking Lin Yan away is private.

Lin Youyuan slightly curled his lips. Very well, does that mean youre not here in the capacity of a Criminal Investigation Team Captain?

All this talk about public and private matters triggered alarm bells in Lin Yans mind. She had been engaged in a hidden struggle with her biological father for decades, and she knew his temperament all too well. This matter was not as simple as it seemed.

Lin Youyuan was clearly setting a trap for her!

Lin Yan became agitated and grabbed her sleeve. Song Yuhang

Song Yuhang returned a reassuring look to her. Lin Yans injuries were not fully healed yet. She signaled to Duan Cheng, who silently stepped forward to protect Lin Yan, remaining vigilant behind her.

Yes, I came here today solely in the capacity of She glanced at Lin Yan. As Lin Yans family member, to take her away.

Family member? Lin Youyuan pondered over these two words and sneered. In that moment, he stopped playing with his thumb ring, and his expression turned cold.

My Lin family doesnt have people like you, nor will we allow such corrupting actions to happen.

Since youre wearing a mask, not wearing a police uniform or badge, its easy to deal with you. Who knows which petty thief you are, stealing things is one thing, but attempting to kidnap a hostage? My Lin family had no choice but to defend ourselves with weapons. Regardless of injuries or disabilities, bring it on!

In the previous second, he was speaking calmly, but in the next second, his expression drastically changed, and a violent fight broke out. The speed of this sudden change was truly astonishing.

The bodyguard behind Lin Youyuan rushed forward with a fierce momentum. With a swift motion, he revealed a fruit knife from his sleeve and aimed straight for Song Yuhangs face, not giving her a chance to catch her breath.

Lin Yan was also under significant pressure. Duan Cheng was somewhat of an amateur in this field, capable of dealing with a few local thugs, but facing the experienced martial arts-trained Lin family bodyguards, going all out with real weapons, he found himself lacking.

Another bodyguard wielding a knife charged from behind. Lin Yan blocked him with a baton, and as the metal clashed, sparks of gold flew. The assailant exerted force, and Lin Yan, physically exhausted, gradually bent under the pressure. Her shoulders throbbed with intense pain, and she fell to her knees with a thud.

Song Yuhang kicked the attacker away and helped Lin Yan up. Are you okay?

Lin Yan gasped for breath, clutching her shoulder, her face pale. She shook her head weakly. Im fine

Duan Cheng also sustained injuries, as a sharp blade grazed his side, leaving a gash. He retreated back to their side.

Captain Song The two exchanged a glance and nodded.

Duan Cheng pressed the miniature microphone by his ear. Old Zheng, get ready.

As soon as he finished speaking, the entire building plunged into darkness, leaving the assailants momentarily bewildered.

In that brief moment of confusion, Song Yuhang pushed Lin Yan and handed her over to Duan Cheng.

Take her and go. Ill hold them off.

Lin Yan gritted her teeth, wanting to say something, but the butler, following the original plan, arrived with several people in the darkness. He grabbed Lin Yan and forcefully separated the clasped hands between her and Song Yuhang.

Quick, Miss! Hurry!

In the darkness, the last glimpse was of Song Yuhang completely surrounded, isolated and helpless, being pinned down and mercilessly beaten by the approaching bodyguards. She kept getting up, time and time again, stubbornly grabbing onto the legs of the bodyguards who were trying to pursue them.

Miss, the elevator is out of service. Go this way, and youll meet up with your friends when you reach the bottom.

The butler spoke, leading the way ahead. However, when they were about to run down the stairs, Lin Yan furrowed her brow and abruptly halted her steps.

Wait, who told you there would be someone to help us?

Her mind was ringing with alarm bells, and she grabbed Duan Cheng and started running upstairs. Lets go!

Duan Cheng, still bewildered, hadnt fully regained his senses. Huh?

Before he could comprehend, the bodyguard walking behind Duan Cheng swung a baton, hitting him squarely on the head, causing him to collapse limply to the ground.

Duan Cheng, Duan Cheng, wake up Lin Yan nudged him a few times, but he remained motionless. She leaned against the wall, tightly gripping the baton, gasping for breath.

The butler stepped forward, bowing slightly. I apologize, Miss.

Lin Yan spat on his face with a ptui. Fuck, a sellout.

The butler remained unfazed, calmly wiping his face with a handkerchief. What are you waiting for? Take action. The master is still waiting.

Several men in black approached in silence, trapping them in the stairwell.

Old Zheng, why havent they come out yet? Fang Xin lay in the grass, using binoculars to observe the pitch-black building and the exit.

Zheng Chengrui was about to reply when he felt a chill on his neck. A knife was already at his throat. He swallowed hard and raised his hands.

A person in black kicked him onto the keyboard. Restore power.

When the lights came on, they were a bit dazzling. Song Yuhang squinted slightly, only to be hit on the back of the head with a stick. She tried to get up.

Lin Youyuan stepped on her hand, his cane pressing against her head. Do you think highly of yourself? Just a small Captain in the Criminal Investigation Team, daring to jump around in front of me. Even if your Director comes, he has to be respectful in front of me.

Who do you think you are?

The cane poked at her temple, applying a bit of force, scraping a layer of blood from her scalp.

Song Yuhang gritted her teeth as she tried to get up. Another person kicked her in the waist, causing her whole body to collapse instantly, violently coughing.

Lin Youyuan released the foot that was pinning down her hand, lifted her head with the cane, looked left and right, clicking his tongue in amazement.

So, isnt it strange? Why hasnt anyone come to pick you up all this time?

The old man chuckled knowingly. Song Yuhangs face instantly turned unpleasant, and her pupils showed the same resilience, cold determination, and indomitability as Lin Yan.

The difference was that Lin Yan hated him, wanted to kill him, while Song Yuhang just wanted to restrain him, giving Lin Yan a chance to escape.

The police officer lowered her gaze and smiled.

Lin Youyuans pupils contracted. It was too late to retract the cane. Taking advantage of the moment, Song Yuhang pulled him. The bodyguard nearby tried to stop her, but she threw him aside with an elbow, dragged Lin Youyuan to the ground, and pinned him down. Her hand clamped around his neck, lifting him up.

I see youve been doing business for too long, and youve forgotten how to fight, havent you? You should know, on the battlefield, its all about capturing the leader first.

Release President Lin! Several bodyguards became agitated and tried to rush forward to snatch him back.

Song Yuhang dragged him backward, her elbow still firmly pressing against his neck. Sure, as long as my companion confirms Lin Yans safety, I will naturally release him. After all, I should address you as my father-in-law, shouldnt I?

Without his cane, Lin Youyuan stumbled as he was dragged along. He followed Song Yuhang step by step, retreating without showing any signs of panic, as if he had everything under control.

Song Yuhang hesitated for a moment, a sense of unease creeping into her heart.

Is that so? Bring her up.

If one were to say that he refrained from dealing harshly with Song Yuhang because he was concerned about the reputation of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, then there was no need to show any mercy when dealing with his own biological daughter.

Lin Yan was brought up, her mouth taped shut. Two bodyguards escorted her, one on each side. Her injuries had not fully healed, and her face was as pale as paper, with beads of sweat forming on her forehead.

Lin Yan and the baton was thrown in front of her.

Song Yuhang clenched her teeth. A tiger does not eat its cubs.

Lin Youyuan allowed her to grip his neck, showing no signs of panic on his face.

Although tigers are known as the kings of beasts, their numbers are scarce. If they want to catch prey, they still have to learn from hyenas, who disown their own kin and possess cunning and slyness.

Several bodyguards grabbed Lin Yan by the hair, forcing her to raise her head and kneel on the ground. Song Yuhang gritted her teeth. Dont touch her!

Look, shes already exposed her weak spot. A biting dog that doesnt bark is usually worthless and only knows how to whimper. No wonder you and Lin Yan ended up together, both of you are just lowly scum.

Song Yuhang swallowed her saliva, glancing at Lin Yan and then at Lin Youyuan. She tightened her grip. Release her, and Ill let you go.

So, this is your way of fighting for Lin Yans freedom? Lin Youyuan coughed twice. The bodyguard wanted to step forward but was stopped by a gesture.

Your companions are also in my hands now. Whether you release me or not doesnt matter to me. As long as I give a signal with a glance, they will all die.

Jiangcheng is so vast, with the sea right next to it. A few small police officers drowned quietly. Who would care, right, Captain Song?

Lin Youyuan gently removed her arm from around his neck and was assisted by the butler as he sat back in his wheelchair.

Song Yuhang didnt resist; she couldnt resist. Her lover and friends were all in his hands.

Facing this kind-looking elderly man, a chilling sensation rose from the soles of her feet, just like it did with Lin Yan.

Several bodyguards pinned her down on the ground, and Lin Youyuan threw a gun onto the floor.

Dont say I dont give young people a chance. Theres only one bullet in this gun. Lets see who can grab it first. If Lin Yan wants freedom and you want to give it to her, lets see who has the heart to be ruthless.

The implication of these words was that only one person would leave alive today. Either shoot and kill the other person or take your own life to give the other person a chance.

The two locked eyes, breathing heavily. They both reached out to grab the gun. Lin Yan, being closer, snatched it first. Song Yuhang pounced on her, gripping her wrist in a struggle, gradually pointing the barrel towards herself.

Lin Youyuan couldnt help but want to burst into laughter. It was magnificent, truly magnificent.

Lin Yan, give it to me! The two fought like wild beasts, but they were desperately aiming the gun at themselves.

Lin Yan shook her head, and a hint of moisture appeared in her eyes.

LP: Sorry, too much murderous and not so safe words are appearing on my mind right now, I dont think Ill be able to say them coherently but F*** YOU LIN YOUYUAN


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