MMORPG: Rise of the Primordial Godsmith

Chapter 1018: Ascending in Origin

Chapter 1018: Ascending in Origin

Though the fact that the system had confirmed his ascension to Rank 4 made him jubilant, that jubilation immediately died down when he found out that he'd spent over a hundred million XP just to go up one level.

With that in mind, the young man's thoughts returned to the tribulations he'd gotten after having himself be recognized as a True Defier of Fate.

Thinking about the actions he did to become a True Defier of Fate, Valyr felt that they weren't all that special.

After all, all he did to be recognized by the system as a Junior Defier of Fate was that he used the Records Vaughn had given him to ascend to a High Human instead of relying on the system.

On the other hand, the action he did to become True Defier of Fate was far simpler, which was just him resisting against the Alltide's energy from forming a mark on his back.

Of course, mulling over it for a bit more, Valyr somewhat understood the perspective of the system, considering that those actions were things that could have been done through the system itself.

Ascending to a higher species could be done through the system. Obtaining the strength of a Divine-level being could also be done through the system.

Nevertheless, even though he understood where it was getting at, Valyr could not help himself from delving a bit deeper into the entire thing, wondering if it was due to him being a regressor that prompted the system to recognize him as one.

'Well, with how Vaughn seemed only mildly interested to the idea of me being a reincarnator, I guess transmigrators and regressors aren't all that surprising here either,' thought the young man to himself, recalling some of the fiction he'd read in his past life.

In the end, just like how he'd pushed such thoughts aside before ascending, Valyr decided to go over his questions some other time, faintly wondering whether Vaughn and Sellifer had answers to them.

With that, Valyr finally returned his attention to the various screens that appeared in his mind, faintly smiling as he read through them one by one.


[As you have ascended to a higher class, your VIT to HP coefficient has changed from 1:24 to 1:32.]

[As you have ascended to a higher class, your INT to MP coefficient has changed from 1:24 to 1:32.]

[As you have ascended to a higher class, your Attack stat coefficient has changed from 1:3 to 1:4.]

[As you have ascended to a higher class, your Defense stat coefficient has changed from 1:3 to 1:4.]

Seeing as all of the important stats had all of their coefficients improved by ascending to the next class rank, Valyr inwardly had a bitter smile on his face as he thought about how fixated he was in squeezing out as much strength from his rank as possible.

'Fortunately, Vaughn smacked some sense into me,' said Valyr to himself inwardly, letting out a bit of laughter as he moved on to the most important portion of the ascension process.

[Please select the species and class you would like to ascend with.]


As that line of text appeared within the young man's mind, two large screens soon appeared in front of it, both of them filled to the brim with choices that would leave many at a great loss for words.

Taking a look at the vast number of species and classes he could choose to ascend to, a look of satisfaction briefly traced Valyr's face as he shifted his attention towards classes first.

"Hmm..." Seeing that his choice for classes ranged between various rarities, the young man decided to make it easier for himself as he commanded the system to sort the list according to their power.

Surprisingly, the system obliged, immediately sorting the list of classes in a way that had the rarest classes appear at the top of list.

Seeing that the first three choices on the list were Ancient grade, a look of surprise briefly appeared on Valyr's face, only for it to turn into a frown as he went through them.

"Well then... that doesn't feel like Ancient grade." Looking through the Ancient grade classes that appeared aside from The First Blacksmith, Valyr immediately got the feeling that choosing either of them would reduce the potential his path had.

Sure, he would still be able to exhibit a great amount of strength thanks to the titles, skills, and stats he'd accumulated, but he had a feeling that choosing them would be akin to clipping off the wings he'd nurtured.

Immediately crossing out the two Ancient grade classes as a possible choice, Valyr decided to ask the system if it was possible to sort out the list in a way where the most beneficial class to him would be placed highest.

In response to that request, the system went silent, prompting the young man to think that such a request was impossible to do in the first place.

Yet, contrary to his thoughts, the system eventually responded to his request, sorting out the list according to the young man's specifications.


Please select the class you would like to take as your Rank 4 class:

The First Blacksmith (Ancient - Growth)

Creator of the Prime Azure (Mythic - Growth)

Sage of the Four Azure Paths (Mythic)

Heavenly Azure Spear Lord (Mythic)

Blacksmith of the Prime Azure (Legendary Growth)


Looking through the renewed list of classes he could choose, a faint smile appeared on the young man's face after seeing that his current class proved as the best class he could take in

his ascension.

Of course, that did not distract him from looking at the other classes that were near the top of the list, noticing that many of them had something to do with Azure Energy, Prime Azure Energy, or the concept of the Four Azure Paths he'd comprehended.

Though he was surprised that a considerable portion of them were Growth type classes, with some of them even having similar potential to his current class, it went without saying that Valyr chose the First Blacksmith as his next class.

After all, the system noted that it was his best choice.

With the problem of his Rank 4 class solved, Valyr then shifted his attention towards the list of species he could evolve into.

Commanding the system to sort the list in a similar manner to how he did his classes, Valyr had a feeling that the choice he'd make wouldn't be anything that different to the one he

made for his class.

'Just like how I chose the First Blacksmith as my class, I'll probably end up choosing the 4th Unsealing version of my current species,' thought Valyr to himself.

With that thought in mind, the young man gave the system all the time it needed to adjust the list of species according to his preferences.

Thankfully, it only took a similar amount of time for it to sort itself out, making Valyr feel a bit of excitement as he shifted his gaze towards the updated list.

For the most part, the updated list was more or less within Valyr's expectations, with many of the top choices having something to do with the various energies he'd gotten acquainted


In fact, even the 4th Unsealing version of his current species was at the top portion of the list

as well. However, if there was one thing that was different from the young man's expectations, it was the fact that the 4th Unsealing version of Reforged High Human wasn't at the top of the list.

It wasn't even second on the list, nor was it third.

It was fifth.


Please select the species you would like to take as your Rank 4 species:

Prime Azure Origin (4th Unsealing)

Divine Azure Serpent

True Azure Serpent

Revered Voidwalker

Reforged High Human (4th Unsealing)

Reforged True Human


[Note that the chosen species would have 'True Defier of Fate' attached to them.]

Seeing his intended choice be fifth on the list, Valyr went silent for a bit before looking at the various choices he had in greater detail, deciding to ask the system for more information on them to get a better idea of what species would benefit him the most.

Slightly curious towards the what-if scenario that was below his intended choice, Valyr asked the system to bring up information on Reforged True Human, which eventually appeared beside the list of species now that he was done choosing his class.

Of course, being a far superior version of the human race, the Reforged True Human species could be considered the best version a True Human could become, similar to how a Reforged High Human was the best version for High Humans.

Similar to Reforged High Humans, Reforged True Humans boasted a massive increase in stats, while also having access to a racial skill that could be considered an evolution of what

Valyr currently had.

'[Million Adaptations]...' Reading through the description of this skill, Valyr briefly felt the urge to choose it after seeing that the skill would give him a greater pool of stats he could use

to reallocate however he saw fit.

However, what made [Million Adaptations] truly stand apart was the fact that he could also gain points he could use to empower his skills however he saw fit.

Fortunately, the young man was able to stop himself from seeing the choice through, reminding himself that it was the sixth best choice on the list.

With that, the young man also moved his attention away from the fifth best choice, instead

deciding to take a look at second to fourth choices in greater detail.


As three screens containing loads of information appeared in front of the young man's vision,

it only took a bit of reading through them for Valyr to immediately understand why they were considered to be better species compared to his intended choice.

Stemming from the fact that he now had access to Void Energy, Revered Voidwalker could be considered a far better version of the Shadow Slave species he'd gotten back when he ascended to Rank 3.

Aside from giving him access to most of the things the Shadow Slave species had, but to a

greater degree, the Revered Voidwalker species also gave him the ability to contact the Serpent Maiden and the Overseer at any time.

On the other hand, the True Azure Serpent and Divine Azure Serpent species surprisingly came

from Sellifer.

Or more specifically, the Azure Energy she taught him.

With the system referring to Sellifer as the Azure Origin, the system explained to Valyr that

those two species were considered descendants of the Azure Origin, with the ones considered the best among them being the Divine Azure Serpents.

Unsurprisingly, as it was a species focused on Azure Energy, the benefits of becoming either a True or Divine Azure Serpent mostly revolved around Azure Energy.

Whether it was control, capacity, or the efficacy of Azure Energy, becoming either of the two

species would greatly boost Valyr's capabilities in that field to a level many could only hope to


Unfortunately, even though they were considered the second and third best choices

respectively, there was one thing the system failed to take note of.

'I don't have Azure Energy anymore.'

'I have Prime Azure Energy.'

And so, with the first choice on the list oddly having a similar level of progression on the path

of Unsealing just like his intended choice, it was no surprise as to what Valyr did next.


[You have chosen 'Prime Azure Origin (4th Unsealing)'.]

Smiling at the choice he'd made, Valyr soon felt a huge amount of energy coursing through

his body, only for him to fall unconscious not long after.

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