MMORPG: Rebirth of the Mortal Online

Chapter 132: Through the Arms, Through the Knees, Through the Neck

Chapter 132: Through the Arms, Through the Knees, Through the Neck

The shield barricade showed signs of cracking because of the commotion.

Among the tankers, there was one member of Shattered Shields.

He heard his friends cry and abandoned his post at the front lines to rush to their aid.

That created a sizeable opening in the shield wall, allowing the Blackhearts to swarm through and attack the rest of the mercenaries.

"No!" Kory shouted, seeing the carnage that ensued.

Other tanks tried to mend the opening in the shield wall, but it was too late, and they were forced to unsheathe their swords and join the fight.

A bloody, sword-screeching fight ensued-it was messy, chaotic, and relentless.

All the plans, all the strategies, and all the hopes of a swift victory had been dashed in an instant.

The Blackhearts rushed through the opening in the barrier, more and more of them pouring into the town with each passing moment.

The mercenaries were going to get overwhelmed at this rate.

At that moment, Kory waved his wand in circles and mended the hole in the barrier. The barrier recovered just in time to hold back the oncoming horde of Blackhearts.

Half of the Blackhearts stayed outside the barrier, but then they received a screaming order and started attacking the barrier with renewed fury.

This was a blessing in disguise-with quick thinking, Kory was able to cut the Blackheart army in half.

However, they had to kill the Blackhearts that were currently in the town before the barrier was broken through.

Kory looked towards the battlefield with an ugly expression.

The Crimson Hounds and the Shattered Shields were going at it-they didn't focus on the Blackhearts as they didn't have any breathing room to do so.

Adam wasn't completely aware of what was happening because he was in trouble. He was in the middle of the battlefield, flanked by the Blackhearts and mercenaries.

A bloody battle was happening all around him.

At that moment, one Blackheart managed to kill a mercenary near him, and his emotionless eyes turned straight towards Adam.

With a strange scream, he charged straight at him.

Ignoring the fallen corpses, the pools of blood, and the deafening sounds of war, the

Blackheart only focused on this one young man.

"Shield Charge!" Adam rammed his shield straight at the Blackheart, who only stumbled back one step.

Then, the Blackheart kicked the shield aside and punched Adam in the face.

The impact reverberated through his face and sent him flying backwards, only stopping once his back crashed against a wall with a loud thud.

"Argh!" Adam coughed and tasted blood in his mouth.

The Blackheart walked straight to him, grabbed him by the collar, and lifted him off the

ground. It looked like Adam was at the mercy of a merciless beast.

Adam stabbed his sword through the Blackheart's waist, but it was of no use; his grip didn't lessen.

Stab, stab, stab!

He started stabbing with all his might, but the Blackheart's grip remained firm.

Then, the Blackheart touched his throat and squeezed until Adam's vision began to blur.

The smile grew on Blackheart's face- he was enjoying this.

At that moment, he started hearing something as his ears perked up.



Slow, yet steady, rhythm of a heartbeat.

The Blackheart frowned and lowered his gaze from Adam's face to his chest. With sharp nails, he ripped off his shirt and touched the skin over his heart.

With a deep scowl, he started ripping through the flesh, and with bare hands, he created a

dark, gaping hole, deep enough to reveal a pulsing heart inside.

Adam was screaming. It was unbearably painful, even though the pain was only one-tenth of real life's pain.

It was still one of the worst pains he'd felt in a very long time.

The Blackheart looked inside, to the heart.

The heart was there, but it looked weird-it was half red, half black, pulsating in a way that was both mesmerizing and horrifying.

"Derk God fier Tsanenil Hulal..."

The black-hearted creature looked stunned, as if it had realized something unbelievable.

"Fuck... you!" Adam swung his sword and beheaded the creature, its head rolling across the ground before finally coming to a stop.

Adam fell back to the ground, his chest bleeding profusely from the wound inflicted by the creature.


He was about to die.

He quickly opened his inventory, took out the Flask of the Rising Moon, and gulped it down


It was his last Flask of the Rising Moon.

As soon as the liquid traveled through his throat, the gaping hole in his chest closed in, the flesh knitted together, and the pain slowly but surely disappeared.

'Why...' Adam touched his chest with an uncomfortable expression. 'What the hell was that


A short distance away, the battle between two guilds raged on.

The Shattered Shields were outnumbered, but they still put in a valiant effort. They had two members at Prime Mercenary rank, but still, Digby was stronger than both of them and managed to fight against both of them alone.

Digby's sword moved like a flash of lightning, and he parried the strikes from both with ease.

"Tch..." Aryme, the vice guild master of Shattered Shields, clicked his tongue in annoyance. He was with Ray, the second Prime Mercenary of Shattered Shields.

Aryme and Ray rapidly approached Digby-their weapons clad in their Kraft- and they then used their skills.

Digby moved his sword and parried the strikes from both, then pushed them back with rapid, consecutive thrusts.

Aryme and Ray struggled and got a few scratches on their arms-shallow but painful


Then they met again at the center of the town, their weapons clashing with firework-like sparks flying in every direction.

Aryme and Ray pushed forward and continued slashing, cutting, hacking, and stabbing, but Digby moved his sword to interject, blocking their blows with ease.

As soon as he finished blocking Aryme's strike, his sword immediately appeared in front of

Ray's sword, stopping it in its tracks.

They didn't have any chance to attack, as Digby was simply too quick.

'How is he not Royal Prince? This is madness!' Aryme thought with an ugly expression.

Their swords met with each other and clashed loudly. They repeatedly swung at each other, and even though he was outnumbered, Digby still had the upper hand. Aryme's sword was knocked out of his hand. Ray tried to come to help him, but Digby sliced through his waist, through the flesh, through the bone, and finally exited through Ray's back. Aryme shot towards his sword in the ground, picked it up, and swung at Digby with a flat, wide arc. It connected with Digby's sword, but again, Digby's strength overwhelmed Aryme, knocking the sword from his grasp.

The sword flew away and stabbed through the wall of a wooden building.

"No..." Aryme paled and tried to summon some of his Magick skills, but Digby swiftly cut through his arms, then through his knees, and finally through his neck, ending his life. With a bleeding, gushing neck, Aryme fell to the ground, lifeless and cold. "A-Aryme!" Ray screamed and tried to stand up, but Digby hacked off his head before he

could even move.

"Whew..." Digby exhaled, wiping the blood off his blade with the usual, calm look of indifference on his face.

At that moment, a sound of horses neighing and galloping could be heard in the distance.

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