Military System god realm revolution

Chapter 325: 325 Return power to the People

Chapter 325: 325 Return power to the People

At the Royal Palace Scripture room

"Your Highness, something big has happened." Qin Bo ran into the textbook room with a hurried expression. At this moment, Qin Bo's eyes were clearly filled with tiredness.

When Qin Bo entered the writing room, He met important people of the country. They were already waiting in this room.

Both General Guo Ling, Prime Minister Colonel Liao Hong of the Internal Audit Bureau also had a tense expression.

What happened in the Wang Zhi Jiutan Hotel, the government quickly learned of the matter. Although they could not block the communication in time, General Guo Ling quickly reported to Zhao Lingxin.

The large number of capitalists opposing the Security Council represents a rift within the country that could create a national problem if the government is not managed well.

By now, the procession of the capitalists who had traveled to the palace had dispersed entirely. But what the capitalist incitement still affects the overall state of the government.

"Your Highness, this is a sealed message from all the parliamentarians." Qin Bo submitted the signed documents of the capitalists and parliamentarians to submit a request to Zhao Lingxin.

Zhao Lingxin quickly read the document before placing it on the desk.

"It's just a pretty common word. Nothing specific, but" Zhao Lingxin paused for a moment. Before emphasizing that,

"They were clearly aiming at me," Zhao Lingxin said simply, with a very careless expression.

"Your Highness, this must be their evil plan," said General Guo Ling.

"Your Highness, should I send the investigation bureau to arrest them?" Colonel Liao Hong of the investigation bureau, who had heard of the abnormal political movements, hurriedly cleaned the cell,  preparing to accommodate many political prisoners. As long as Zhao Lingxin gave an order, Colonel Liao Hong would immediately send someone to arrest him.

From the view of state security, the move was a blatant transgression of Zhao Lingxin's monarchy that Colonel Liao Hong would not be able to tolerate.

"Colonel Liao Hong, calm down first. We can't act impulsively." General Guo Ling clams him.

This time, the person who came out to cause chaos was a national capitalist. Even if Zhao Lingxin had the supreme power in administering state affairs, he could not act harshly on the capitalist.

The government cannot underestimate this power. If the capitalists raise the price of the product. The imperial government would immediately collapse. Moreover, there may be a disturbance among the people as well.

The capitalist has a great power called money.

The empire is a capitalist-driven country. Therefore, this powerhouse Zhao Lingxin had to treat them very carefully.

"There must be a dark shadow behind this matter." Zhao Lingxin had cold eyes. Today's events made him realize that someone was trying to attack him.

"What information did the investigation bureau get?" Zhao Lingxin asked.

Hearing this, Colonel Liao Hong lowered his head in shame.

"Your majesty, the Investigation Bureau does not have any in-depth information on the true cause of this action right now."

Zhao Lingxin waved his hand as a sign that he didn't need to worry.

"The Investigation Bureau hastened to investigate the incident immediately."

"Acknowledged," Colonel Liao Hong accepted.

Zhao Lingxin turned to meet General Guo Ling's eyes and said,

"I think this time they deliberately harass this matter." Zhao Lingxin analyzed the situation.

In fact, in the next few days, Zhao Lingxin was preparing to dissolve the Security Council, returning power to all departments as usual before the war. Because the country had now come to peace, there was no reason for the Security Council to continue, but he did not expect that the Wang zhi jiutan Hotel would happen.

The story was too coincidental as if someone intentionally caused it before Zhao Lingxin dissolved the Security Council.

Members of parliament fiercely attacked the Security Council, accusing it of unconstitutional consolidation, and submitted a seal to Zhao Lingxin.

"Guo Ling, take a look at this." Zhao Lingxin handed the sealed document signed by the investors earlier to General Guo Ling.

"They were clearly aiming at me. Obviously, this letter was covered with many denunciations. All of which refer to me indirectly," Zhao Lingxin said. He would surely see the implications hidden in this document.

Because usually, the highest authority of the Security Council was none other than Zhao Lingxin. This group of capitalists pretended not to know that Zhao Lingxin was behind them. Sending a sealed message to him was no different from a full slap in the face of Zhao Lingxin saying that the powerful emperor had violated the Constitution himself.

"This group of capitalists is overdoing it. Don't they know who made them what they are today? It is because of His Majesty's kindness that nourishes them." General Guo Ling threw the sealed document to the ground angrily. Many years ago, they still respected Zhao Lingxin like a kitten.

However, now, when there was so much power, everyone began to fearlessly strengthen against the emperor's great power.

"When you have money, the power will follow. Now the capitalists want us to surrender their power to them," Zhao Lingxin said.

In fact, Zhao Lingxin, reading the sealed document, felt a little sad. Because he saw that the Shenzhou capitalist, who was his power base, had also signed this document. Zhao Lingxin felt the pain of being betrayed.

"Huh, if they think these documents can do anything to me. They were wrong." Zhao Lingxin didn't feel vexed by the capitalists' resistance. Because only Zhao Lingxin had issued a single word, it could wipe them out completely.

This was extremely fortunate that Zhao Lingxin had supreme military power. Hold this power firmly; never let anyone have it. This made Zhao Lingxin very confident in occupying this dragon throne.

History has always taught Zhao Lingxin that anyone who can control an army doesn't need to be afraid of anything.

"Your Highness, are we going to comply with their demands?" General Guo Ling asked. Because if Zhao Lingxin was willing to obey the demands, he was afraid that this group of capitalists would get overbold.

"I have no choice. Because we still need to rely on them now." Zhao Lingxin said.

The empire now relied on capital to develop the country. Zhao Lingxin did not want to cause chaos to the capital group to thwart this rapid development.

"Prime Minister, don't worry. Because in the end, I have to return this power anyway." Zhao Lingxin chose to retreat from the conflict. Willing to compromise with the capitalists accepting their offer.

"Qin Bo brings documents." Zhao Lingxin asked for documents from the Imperial Secretariat.

Qin Bo had placed some documents in front of Zhao Lingxin.

"Now, by the constitutional emperor, Repeal of Emergency Order Act 44 Dissolved the Security Council Restored executive power to the imperial government and all ministries. Returning jurisdiction to the Judiciary and restored legislative power to the imperial parliament. with effect from today." Zhao Lingxin signed an order repealing various special laws. Now, the state of the empire's politics returned to its normal state.

The Security Council has been canceled. The executive power has now been relegated to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

"I will inform everyone of this immediately." General Guo Ling handed over Zhao Lingxin's signature documents. before announcing it to the country immediately

The government has announced the repeal of a special law passed by the emperor. Immediately put an end to the current political conflict. Dissolving the frustration of many capitalists who have been stripped of their power for a long time.

At the Wang Zhi Jiutan Hotel, many businessmen and capitalists sat in grand celebrations.

"Cheers, drink to our success." The capitalists welcomed this unexpected victory. They were able to successfully deal with the Royal Palace. In addition, the political status as a member of parliament has returned to its former bosom.

"Drink," the sound of glass clattering echoed throughout the hotel. Capitalists bring good spirits to celebrate with joy. Many are preparing to return to the debates in the upcoming council meeting soon.

In the dark corner of the Wang Zhi Jiutan Hotel. An anonymous person was having a mysterious conversation.

"The first plan was successful. Prepare to take the next step." The conversation went unnoticed in the slightest.

A capitalist stood up with a drunken expression at the banquet before shouting out in a loud voice.

"For the Council and the People of the Great Dazhou Empire," the slogan quickly gained the attention of many. They all stood up and shouted in unison.

"For the Council and the people of the Great Dazhou Empire."



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