Mechanical Alchemist

Chapter 108: Do you call yourself a gunman?

Chapter 108: Do you call yourself a gunman?

Su'en, why did you take off your alchemical armor?

To escape?

In the previous second, Kay hadn't reacted yet, but in the next second, his expression became very strange.

At this moment, he wasn't just feeling that something was wrong with Su'en's behavior, but also that there was something off about the dark golden and ferocious eight-armed spider spear.

What the hell is this?

Seeing this bizarre alchemical armor, it surprised him even more than when a monster suddenly appeared in the carriage earlier.

If it weren't for the pentagram formation on the ground, would I believe that this is alchemical armor?

The spider-shaped alchemical armor is not only unique in the outer city, but probably also rare in the inner city.

In a moment of thought, Kay seemed to realize that he had never seen Su'en's alchemical armor before.

He had asked before, hoping to help him get a suitable gunslinger's armor. But Su'en said he already had a "decent" set of armor, so Kay didn't ask further.

But... is this it?

You call this kind of armor "decent"?

Also, is this the kind of armor a proper gunslinger should have?

What's the deal with those eight spider spears? Are they for running faster? But you also need to be able to control them!

Although he didn't understand what Su'en was doing, looking at that familiar dead fish face, Kay felt an inexplicable trust in his heart.

The familiar feeling of the battlefield had returned. If this guy says he can fight back, then he definitely can.


After taking off the alchemical armor, it's not over yet!

Su'en knew very well that simple physical damage would be difficult to penetrate the "Abomination Warrior's" skin. Even though the spider spears were sharp, they didn't penetrate deep enough, so the damage they caused to the monster was extremely limited.

Just as he took off the armor, Su'en didn't stop. His hands quickly changed into the gestures of a sorcerer.

The alchemical formation lit up again, and his gaze became sharper and sharper. With the final sorcerer's gesture, he softly chanted, "Alchemical Secret Technique: Unbound Servant!"

In that instant, a faint blue cold flame appeared on his entire body. The eight spider spears were covered in cold fire, resembling eight fiery spears, with a strange and ferocious style.

When this cold flame spell appeared, Kay, who was far away, was no longer surprised, but completely shocked.

The rank of alchemical spells often corresponds to the intensity of their display. This cold flame, filled with a chilling aura, didn't look simple at all. This was definitely not an ordinary alchemical spell!

However, the higher the rank of alchemical spells, the longer the learning time required, and more importantly, this high-ranking alchemical knowledge couldn't be bought.

Previously, Su'en had already shown him the "Gold Fusion Technique," which was already unbelievable. And now, he had this flame protective spell that he couldn't understand.

With just this, you still call yourself a gunslinger?


Now is not the time to hesitate. Once the reinforcements from the Steam Party arrive, they will face more than just a monster.

After Su'en took off the armor, he didn't hesitate at all. He raised his hands, dual-wielding pistols, and instantly attracted the monster's attention.

The monster charged forward, its eight spider arms moving together, and its eight legs supporting its body. It dodged at a strange angle.

And in that moment of passing by, Su'en's hands grabbed the air, and several strands of cosmic threads formed a lead-gray puppet. As the threads were pulled, the puppet, like a magnet, firmly grabbed the monster's right side.

Almost at the same time, Su'en shouted, "Release!"

The runes on the puppet immediately lit up. In an instant, the monster's legs became unbalanced, and it stumbled and fell to the ground.

This was the intermediate puppet, Lead Weight Doll, engraved with the earth-based "Mountain Rune." When the doll stepped on the ground, it was like a magnet attracting iron sand, and earth elements would continuously attach to the doll, making it heavier and heavier until it reached its limit. Originally a light wooden doll, it could generate a pulling force of over a thousand kilograms.

The monster fell heavily to the ground, and Su'en knew that this wouldn't cause it any harm.

Almost at the same time, the eight spider legs pulled at the same time, and two more puppets, one black and one red, made a crisp sound as their wooden joints moved. They rushed forward.

When they approached the Abomination Warrior, the black-faced puppet's jaw split open, and a black tube emerged, spraying a dark liquid like oil towards the monster. At the same time, the red-faced puppet opened its mouth and sprayed a flame with a special phosphorescent glow that was over ten meters long.

When the fuel met the flame, it immediately became like a flamethrower, igniting the entire body of the monster.

These two puppets were Su'en's latest mastery of two types of runic puppets, the Oil Devouring Doll and the Phosphorus Fire Doll!

The red-faced doll was engraved with an alchemical formation and spewed a first-level alchemical spell called "Indestructible Phosphorus Fire."

The black-faced doll didn't spray ordinary fuel, but a specially formulated combustion-enhancing material called "Refined Phosphorus Oil."

The fuel was extremely sticky and couldn't be shaken off once it stuck to something.

And when phosphorus fire encountered water, it was difficult to extinguish unless it burned out.

Strong defense and strong recovery, so what?

If it were an alchemist who knew magic, they might have other means to extinguish the flames.

But for a physically attacking and low-intelligence "Abomination Warrior," this burn would be enough to give it a hard time.


The monster seemed to have no sense of pain. It had flames burning on its back, but it seemed completely unaware.

It stood up, slapped and shattered the Lead Weight Doll clinging to its leg, and turned its head towards Su'en.

But this time, the monster made a shaking motion with its head, as if trying to shake off the phosphorus blocking its vision.

It was precisely this shaking motion that delayed it for a second, allowing it to charge towards Su'en.

Su'en caught the monster's subtle head movement and immediately judged in his heart, "As expected! This monster also relies on visual perception to locate its target. The burning flames have greatly limited its perception!"The hateful warrior charged furiously, running and dripping phosphorous fire all the way.

A gust of wind carrying a bone-piercing heat wave brushed past him. This time, Su'en skillfully avoided the monster's charge by using his spider spear to support his body.

And this time, it was much easier than the last.

The monster, with its limited perception, had a noticeably weaker reaction.

For Su'en, the crisis was significantly reduced in an instant.

He could just watch the monster burn. Although it probably wouldn't burn to death, it could be severely damaged.

Killing it would be much easier then.

But Su'en knew he couldn't wait any longer.

This monster had an extraordinary vitality. If he didn't fight quickly, it might hold out until the reinforcements from the Steam Party arrived.

So, he had to take the initiative to attack.

As he brushed past the flaming monster, it collided with the steel wire. This pull caused Su'en to "whoosh" and fly out.

But, this was exactly what he wanted!

Su'en's body flew backward, like a javelin thrower's inertia sprint, giving him an extra acceleration.

At this moment, he had already set up eight spider spears vertically in front of him. With a "crack" sound, the sharp ends of the spider spears shot out sharp black spikes.

The monster, failing to hit its target, also sensed something and abruptly stopped.

In that instant, Su'en was catapulted out by a huge inertia. The eight spider spears, wrapped in a cold, blue flame, fearlessly pierced towards the monster's body, aiming for its vital points.

Four spears targeted the monster's back of the head, chest, and waist.

Not knowing if it finally felt pain, the monster's movements noticeably slowed.

Su'en didn't stop. He pulled the steel wire, and his whole body was fixed in mid-air. The spider spears were flexible at the joints, not only capable of straight stabs, but also able to attack lateral points. With a "hiss" sound, two spears pierced into the monster's ears.

The spider spears even had better penetration than alchemical bullets, with six spikes penetrating half a foot into the flesh.

The eight-armed spider spear, permanently engraved with the "Sharp Rune", was not only sharp, but also carried the toxic properties of the cursed material itself!

The "Corrosive Toxin" gave the spider spear a remarkable armor-piercing effect; after piercing, it instantly released the "Blood Corruption Toxin" that slowed wound healing.

The double toxins made the spear penetrate deeper, causing massive damage to the monster.

Su'en was like a giant mosquito, with eight spider legs acting like mouthparts, firmly attached to the monster's back.

Because of the multiple legs, he had enough support points to calmly avoid the monster's swinging arms, repeatedly stabbing and creating new wounds. In an instant, the monster's body was like a punctured water bag, with blue blood spurting out.


The remote wilderness echoed with the monster's angry roar.

The monster instinctively sensed danger and tried to shake Su'en off its back.

After several unsuccessful attempts, it accelerated and charged towards the bulletproof transport vehicle.

With a "thud", the massive impact force shifted the heavy vehicle several meters.

Su'en, however, was quick and pulled the steel wire in his hand, separating himself from the monster's body before he could be crushed.

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