Magic and Martial War God

Chapter 174: Supreme Sword Sect Fights! Part 1

Chapter 174: Supreme Sword Sect Fights! Part 1

In the ground ten miles away from the sect.

"Arrogant!" Hearing his remark, the middle-aged man erupted a powerful aura, suddenly few drops of essence condensed in his finger, turning his finger red. His body had a powerful and mysterious space where all of that essence was stored.

When fire gushed out of his finger, it formed a powerful streak of laser, shooting towards him. Seeing this, anger flashed on Johnny's face. But soon, he kept his mind calm and the infinite energy erupted into his sword.

At the same time, the dragon roared from his sword. The chant of the dragon was something everyone could hear, including those three. Suddenly, the concept of thunder was released. At this moment, his concept of thunder was already at the ninth stage.

This was another breakthrough during that transformation. At that time, he didn't feel it because he was consumed with other transformations. After all, that time he had gone through a complete transformation.

When infinite energy turned into thunder energy, it binds around his sword, not releasing but condensing inside his sword. Against fire laser, he held his sword slashed diagonally, from down to up. The thunder energy condensed inside the sword released in the shape of a thunderbolt.

"Thunderbolt Sword Art- Thunder Release"

"Bang" "Bang" "Crack" "Boom"

Two different powers, fire and thunder collided, and when both collided, the thunder energy was enormous, filled with mysterious energy formed by his sword, it destroyed the fire with a loud explosion.

"Humph!" Seeing his attack getting invalid, the essence condensed on his leg. This essence transformed his feet, making him move faster. Just like the Instant Escape, he appeared in front of Johnny. But at the same time, Johnny had already activated his Ancient Nine-Headed Hydra Bloodline.

He knows the difference between him and the middle-aged man in front of him. At this moment, he was silently burrowing the power of the dragon soul stored inside the Black Dragon Sword. He doesn't want to use his trump card yet, so this was the only way.

"Space Transfer"

The moment a middle-aged man appeared in front of him. Johnny activated Space Transfer to teleport himself to the mid-air. The moment he appeared in the mid-air, his mouth was rumbling with thunder energy.

"Thunder Howl"

Suddenly, he opened his mouth and seven bolts of thunder emerged out of his mouth. These bolts weren't straight instead twisted. But when they emerged the power of thunder moved towards the middle-aged man.

Everything happened in the blink of an eye, if it was anyone else, they would've been scared. But the middle-aged calm, although his eyes were red with anger, it wasn't due to his attack. The essence erupted out of his body once again, fusing with his hand.

Against the seven thunderbolts, he didn't use any fancy moves. Instead, when those thunderbolts reached near him, he lifted his hands and grabbed those. Although he didn't use any fancy move, he did use his physical strength and crushed those thunderbolts.

"Space Transfer" "Fire Lotus" "Space Transfer"

Suddenly, Johnny appeared behind him and smashed the fire lotus on his hand at him. If not for the fact that his blood energy was enormous, he might've been unconscious due to the burden of his bloodline. This was also the reason Su Ling awakened his bloodline early on.

She didn't expect her son would be so crazy to create his own cultivation system. And this cultivation system was very approvable to his bloodlines. Every time he improves his realm, his physical and magical strength will rise.

Even though the fire lotus was so close to him, the middle-aged man didn't dodge. He simply condensed the powerful essence in his fist again and smashed against the fire lotus.

"Bang" "Boom"

When his fist collided with the fire lotus, it exploded causing a powerful explosion around. But the middle-aged man's strength had already surpassed the Emperor Rank, if not for the fact he wasn't serious, Johnny might get compelled to use his last trick.

But even though he was strong, when the explosion settled down, he frowned. Looking at his fist, he found there was a scar due to burning. Suddenly, his pupil shrank as he moved his head and looked slammed his fist at his right.

"Phoenix Flame Incinerate!"

The power of blue flame condensed in a small ball moved towards him. Although a middle-aged man came up with a powerful fist, condensed with the star essence, he still didn't use any kinds of special move.

"Bang" "Boom"

This time, the explosion engulfed him, and the power explosion was twice as greater as before. But this time, he ignored the injuries and searched Johnny. He immediately found him, hovering in the sky. In fact, Johnny was breathing heavily.

Although he had an enormous amount of energy, his stamina was limited. Not to mention, he wasn't very strong, he was burrowing the power of Black Dragon Soul. His aura was getting stronger each second even though he was already panting.

Although he only used his sword once, he still got the sword in his hand. At the moment, others also noticed huge abnormalities in his body. They could see, a powerful strength flowing out of the sword to his body.

Even the middle-aged man found those abnormalities. But Johnny didn't give him time to think. Rushing with the Space Transfer, he appeared fifty meters away from him. Burning his feet with the Primordial Origin Fire, he slammed his feet on the ground and rushed towards him with a front kick.

The fire condensed into powerful energy, turning his leg powerful.

"Nine Yang Sun Bursting Art"

"Fourth Style- Phoenix Kick" The blue fire condensed a sharp edge at his feet and he slammed a kick at the middle-aged man. But the middle-aged man seems to be ready, his hand was condensed with the powerful amount of star essence.

"Tap" "Bang" His hand directly crushed the sharp edge and caught his feet. Just when Johnny was about to use 'Earth Escape', he caught it tightly and slammed him on the ground.

"Thud" "Ku-ek"

His strength was very powerful as he slammed Johnny on the ground. Johnny fell on his upper back and broke some of his bones. The blood spits out of his mouth, and when he was about to strike again, he slammed his feet on the ground and stood up.

But his body was still reacting with that slam, so he moved a little far away on his feet, sliding on the ground. His mouth was full of blood, but at the same time, the 'Undead Sword God' bloodline was activated. This time, it was different.

His injuries were repairing too fast. Just when his body was stabilized on the ground, he felt his injuries were repaired, that man appeared in front of him. He slammed another fist, but this time, he slammed it from his left side, towards his head.

His actions were too fast, but Johnny was still on guard. Even though he doesn't possess any proper defense art, he still got his last trick. When he raises both of his hands to his left side, the black energy condensed into his forearm, turning it black.

"Bang" "Zzzzzzzzzzz" "Bang" "Thud" "Thud" "Thud"

Although his defense improved with the help of conqueror armament, that fist slammed on it and broke his conqueror armament. The power of the conqueror armament was broken with few sparkles rising from it.

When the conqueror armament broke, Johnny was slammed onto the ground, three times before he once again stables his body. Although his body was full of pain, excitement was flashing in his eyes. At this moment, his 'Undead Sword God' bloodline was pushed to its limit, and it wasn't alone repairing his wounds.

At the same time, his Divine Heart of Great Origin Life was fusing an enormous amount of vitality in his body, repairing his wounds with Undead Sword God Bloodline. Finally, when he got stable he felt the burst of energy in his body.

At this moment, his cultivation didn't increase but his combat power reached the peak of Emperor Realm without using any abilities or his physical body. At the same time, Johnny murmured "Sulfur, is it complete?"

"Yes sir, data is ready to be transferred to your brain." Hearing Sulfur's response, the flash of excitement rose, using his 'Space Transfer', he moved a little far away. He doesn't want to get sneaked into an attack by that man.

When Sulfur began to transfer that data to his mind, he closed his eyes and murmured "Gene Art- Fire Spirit Summoning!"

Suddenly, a scorching fire erupted out of his body, flying towards the sky, it formed a giant portal of ten meters radius. At this moment, the flame began to erupt from the portal. This flame was scorching with the sun's temperature.

At the same time, the surroundings were burnt into ashes. Fortunately, nobody of the sect was here. A figure walked out of the portal. It was a female, her body was whitish with a silk piece of clothes covering her breasts and lower part only. But at least, they were properly covered. Her hair was dyed in red with her red crystals like pupils and rosy lips.

She was stunning, ten more times more stunning than the female from Federation. Even that female had envy in her eyes when she saw her.

When the beauty walked out of the portal, her eyes scanned everyone. Suddenly, her eyebrows raised when she saw Johnny, the excitement flashed in her eyes as she rushed while shouting "Young master!"

At the same time, Johnny received a new memory with a Sulfur notification "Nine Yang Sun Bursting Art complete volume has been transferred to Host's brain!"

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