Magic and Martial War God

Chapter 135: Sect Entrance Examination Part 4- Disciples Selection

Chapter 135: Sect Entrance Examination Part 4- Disciples Selection

"Umm! I just found something very interesting." Johnny slowly walked towards James ignoring the other's gaze. When he reached in front of James, he clenched his fists, bent a little, and slammed a punch in James's chest. It was so fast, except Yan Yijun and Klink, nobody follows it.

"Bang" "Bang" "Bang" "Thud"

The body of James flew back, with a huge impact colliding against the ground a few times, and finally falling heavily.

"Sect master, what are you doing?" Natasha didn't understand his intention and rushed towards James. But when she reached near him, she found something that froze her. James had some scratches but nothing else.

The strength of Johnny's fist was clear to them, it was enough to beat Junior Magician to the meat pulp with a single strike, but nothing really happened to James. And more importantly, he hasn't even entered the path of cultivation.


Johnny reached in front of him and bent down. He pokes James's head and said "You see, your body is not waste. You are not a waste. You are just walking in the wrong direction. It seems you don't have much faith in our sect. But as I previously said, I'll turn even the waste into a genius."

Then, his voice stopped for a moment until he chuckled "Not to mention, you are the hidden gem. Your sheer Will has proven you, so don't worry, our sect will do everything we can to unlock that hidden gem inside you."

Suddenly, James raised his head looking at Johnny, he couldn't see his face properly but he could see the light, light of hope. At this moment, tears fell down his cheeks once again as he nodded his head.

"Alright, now take this." Johnny took out the scroll and passed it to James. But when James was about to hold it, Johnny whispered "Although your sheer Will is strong, it is not enough to gain this art from the start. And it is the only the first stage of the complete art, your contribution to the sect will help you gain further stages."

Then, Johnny stood up and walked towards other participants who have awakened. There were many other participants who failed to enter their sect. Their expression was very sad, after all, this is the first time that they have seen such examination.

"I know, most of you are disappointed. But there is nothing I can do about the rules. You need to prove your worth if you wish to gain something. But don't worry, you can just continue the next year. Since you know the examination rules, you can start tempering your Will from now on."

"But beware, next time this same examination will be a lot tougher. Alright, everyone, I hope everyone who failed the examination will leave this place quietly."

Although it wasn't quiet, everyone left the stadium. Only thirty people remained. Seeing these fifty people, Johnny explained "Now, everyone standing here is already the part of Supreme Sword Sect. I, sect master of Supreme Sword Sect, welcome the first year's disciples to our sect."

"Yeah" "I can be a cultivator." "Yeah" Half of the thirty participants were ordinary people, when they heard about it, everyone shouted in happiness. Some burst into tears, clinging to each other. Unlike James, most of them didn't get high supplementary of resources from a small age.

"Alright, I know everyone is happy. Those who want to awaken their cultivation path can contact your vice-sect master. As I previously stated, those with no uniqueness must take sword cultivation as their core path. So we will conduct a competition after six months to see everyone's progress."

"If your progress disappoints us, then you'll be expelled. Of course, we'll judge you not just by your strength, but also your contribution to the sect. The sect will release missions and disciples need to complete. Now, everyone has two days to say goodbye to your family members, at the third day after today, we'll leave for Kangaroo city."

Saying so, he turned away. Johnny didn't continue to waste his time since he needs to show his presence as a sect master. While he left, Klink floated in front of Jian Tian. Both stared at each other, but Jian Tian was slowly sweating the more stares.

At this moment, Natasha walked in front of everyone and clasped her hands. Her actions gathered their attention as she explained "As all of you know, our sect is recently established. And our age is not much different than any of you."

"Of course, there is the difference in strength that is why we are your elders. As for the sect master, you might curious. There is nothing much I can but, recently he chased War King away. Of course, there were Elder Klink and Elder Yan supporting him."

"Wow!" Everyone including Jian Tian was dumbfounded listening to her. They didn't believe them, but he is the sect master after all. At this moment, Jian Tian looked at Klink with a solemn expression. At this moment, Klink spoke "Sword Cultivator Klink, age 16, Second Stage of Sword Heart Realm."

"Disciple Jian Tian, I wish to take you as my disciple from the request of sect master, do you agree?"

Hearing his voice everyone was dumbfounded again. Everyone here was sixteen years old but the difference in strength was so huge. But Jian Tian wasn't discouraged, he looked into the eyes of Klink and asked "If I come under you, can I surpass you?"

"No, it is impossible." Jian Tian was a little anxious to know this answer. He didn't know how long Klink will take to answer this question, whether he will even answer it or not. But when he saw Klink shaking his head and denying it without a single thought, he was once again dumbfounded.

'I have the Heavenly Sword God Meridians, you know. How come you are so sure I can never surpass you?' Although he scolded Klink in his mind, he didn't utter a single word.

"You burrow the talent of the sword while I am the sword. So it is naturally impossible to surpass me." Klink explained, but his explanation made everyone dumbfounded again.

'How can anyone understand such a thing?'

'You are clearly a human, even if you reached the Sword Heart Realm or Sword and Man unity state, you can't be a sword.'

Hearing him, Jian Tian kept scolding Klink in his inner heart. But still, he couldn't help himself. He kneeled in front of Klink and shouted "Disciple Jian Tian greet master!"

"Tap" "Tap" "Tap"

Suddenly, he realized something dropping on his head. It was liquid, as it slowly falls down his cheeks, he got terrified for a moment.

"Thud" Then, everyone noticed a dead body falling from the sky.

"Klink, you can't kill people like this." Yan Yijun shook his head and yelled at Klink from afar.

Klink shook his head and made an innocent face. He looked at Jian Tian and said "He should be from your family. His intention was to check my strength. But he overestimated himself. With such a weak strength, he couldn't even take a sword from me and died."

Then, he bent down and patted his shoulder saying "If your family wants to check our strength, then please send someone stronger next time."

"Master, I don't think that's the issue here. You just killed a grandmaster realm cultivator, off course they won't send anyone else for checking the strength of rank was one sect." Jian Tian noticed a pure fighting intent in his master's eyes and shook his head. He doesn't want his family members to seek death.

He didn't even see his master making the move, but the opponent already died. Thinking of this, Jian Tian asked "Master, I didn't even see you attacking. How did you kill him?"

At this moment, Klink put a smile on his lips and spoke "A sword is invisible, a sword is fast, and a sword covers a thousand miles. The true sword is the sword which transcendence space-time."

"Really! Can I sword be so fast? Master, did your sword surpass space-time?" At this moment, Jian Tian and Klink almost forget there were people around them. This was the life of sword cultivators, they never care about anything else.

"Surpass space-time, I am not even one percent close to it. There is a long way to go. But both of us can reach that point someday." Klink shook his head and explained.

'Wow! Master is already so fast but he said, he hasn't even reached the one percent of that speed. Sure enough, sword cultivation is vast. I was just wasting my time in my home and another sect. I was destined to improve only by joining this sect.' Jian Tian thought in his head and looked at Klink with stars twinkling in his pupils.

At this moment, Yan Yijun came forward and spoke "Yan Yijun, a Buddhist cultivator. I use the knowledge of Buddha to maintain the balance between good and evil. Fourth Rank Monster, with strength closer to Elder Klink. I don't like displaying my strength unless necessary."

Then, he looked at Raphael and asked "Disciple Raphael, I wish to take you as my disciple from the request of sect master, do you agree?"

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