Mage Adam

Chapter 229: Battle (1)

Chapter 229: Battle (1)

Windflame 222 was worried that Adam might get carried away by the thrill of battle and the desire to win honors, so he warned him about many things.

The other Titans felt the same way, and they all told Adam that if he ever faced danger, he should run immediately. They explained that the strength of a newborn Titan was too weak to make a difference even if he stayed.

Titans, being massive creatures, could only be born in a vast plane. Otherwise, the plane might collapse under their weight before natural enemies could even pose a threat.

Adam had some understanding of this when he was in the outer void, but it wasn't until he left Ironburg and ventured into the wilderness that he truly grasped the real concept of vastness.

In this plane, there were no plants or trees, only the hard metal ground and towering mountains of metal that stretched into the clouds. This meant that both Titans and Metal Eaters had no cover in their surroundings, and with their good vision, they could easily spot targets from dozens of kilometers away.

Given the Titans' huge size and the large numbers of Metal Eaters, neither were well-suited for hiding.

Two days after following the patrol route set by the Ironburg commander, both parties spotted each other.

Bluewater 457's force field generator shot out a huge energy blast, and the usually faint defensive force field materialized instantly.

Adam quickly adjusted the fluctuation of his Flame to avoid being pushed out again.

Bluewater 457 then gently said to Adam, "The battle has started. Be careful on your own. There are quite a few Metal Eaters on the other side."

Adam could see it clearly too. Over the past month, he had developed a few circuits, including radar vision. At that moment, his vision was filled with dense white dots representing Metal Eaters.

There were more than five hundred of them, all at least level two, rushing towards them at three times the speed of sound.

After several loud bangs, Windflame 222 extended hundreds of gun barrels from his body, and energy rapidly converged toward them. He yelled, "For the Flame, for the honor, for the delicious energy blocks, let's take them down!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a barrage of energy bullets rained down on the Metal Eaters.

The other Titans, not wanting to be outdone, transformed into their battle modes and moved swiftly in formation, charging towards the Metal Eaters as a single unit.

Out of the ten Titans, aside from Bluewater 457 who was a support type, there were three energy types including Windflame 222, three offensive types with bodies made of the sharpest and toughest alloys, and three defensive types.

Under the coordination of their force fields, no matter how they moved, the defensive ones always stayed at the forefront of the formation.

The energy Titans began to bombard wildly, with each energy bullet having at least level two strength.

Under Windflame 222's command, they launched a saturation attack on the Metal Eaters.

The Titans were operating at full power, using all their energy for speed. Like three large ghosts, they darted in and out of the Metal Eaters' ranks, elusive and unpredictable.

The Metal Eaters, however, were not at a disadvantage. Their defensive fields could increase output just in time to counter the energy attacks, and then redirect this energy elsewhere after the attack ended.

The assaults by the Titans were repeatedly dodged through quick reformation. After five minutes of intense fighting, only about a dozen Metal Eaters had died, and the Titans were covered in small wounds.

The two races knew each other too well, and with their energy levels being roughly equal, it was impossible to determine a victor in a short time.

Adam stayed safely within the force field, never making a move. With his current energy, none of his attacks could break through the Metal Eaters' defenses. Instead of recklessly disrupting the Titans' rhythm, it was better to quietly wait for an opportunity.

During the Cthulhu war, he had managed to enhance the entire legion's capabilities as a level one mage. Adam was rapidly analyzing the principles behind the force field of the Titans. He wanted to become an even better support Titan than Bluewater 457.

Adam dedicated a single thread to controlling his body and following the team, while the rest of his computational power was focused on analyzing the force field.

Inside his soul, all eleven sparks, including his own, were integrated into a function equation. The fire seeds' energy output and frequency fluctuations per second were the variables. This required a significant amount of computational power, but with two algorithms from Earth at his disposal, Adam was confident he could complete the calculations in a short time.

"Watch out! They're going berserk! 457, keep an eye on the Novice!" Windflame 222 warned.

The Metal Eaters swiftly changed formation, creating countless energy whirlpools on the surface of their force field.

These whirlpools converged and launched a type of corrosive attack that was different from other corrosion liquids Adam had seen before.

These attacks were energy-based, more akin to magic, and sprayed out from various strange angles that could combine with each other.

Before long, the whirlpools began to flash with different lights, unleashing a barrage of energy attacks similar to those used by the Titans.

"Don't worry." Bluewater 457 transformed into an amplifier, relying entirely on the force field to connect with the other Titans for movement. He didn't forget about Adam, though, as a tangible blue chain tightly bound Adam to his side.

"We have three minutes before our force fields neutralize with the Metal Eaters. Then it'll be time for free combat... What are you doing? Are you scared stiff?" Before Bluewater 457 could finish his cautionary words, he noticed Adam's lifeless eyes and silent Flames. "Ah, never mind, I'll throw you out when the force field collapses, you---"

"Wait, give me some more time!" Adam urgently interrupted Bluewater 457. He was in the final stages of his calculations; he just needed a bit more time to take control of the force field.

Bluewater 457 wasn't sure what Adam was planning, but since it was still within the three-minute window, he chose to trust him. His Vital Generator was working overtime, causing his body to melt.

Not just him, but the rest of the Titans also exerted themselves, filling the space with the energy of their Flames. The force field pushed back against the Metal Eaters once more.

The Metal Eaters changed formation again, aligning in the sky to form a line. Their force field's energy concentrated, slashing down at the Titans like a massive, sharp longsword.

There was one minute left until the three-minute deadline.

The defensive Titans bravely moved forward to meet the attack, their metallic bodies rapidly melting.

Windflame 222, without looking back, roared, "Whatever you're planning, I can only give you thirty more seconds, or else---"

Adam's Vital Generator burst into life, and he broke free from Bluewater457's chain to move forward.

"Give me control of the battle formation," he said."

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