Love The Psycho

Chapter 110: The Governor's Daughter

Chapter 110: The Governor's Daughter

Maybe, because August had a naturally baby face and looked a little younger than most of her peers her age, people often thought she was still young, maybe still 18 years old. It was no surprise that the lady in front of her called her a little girl, but August was not offended at all. After all, she indeed looked small, but still August chose to ignore her and turned to look at the photo. It was apparent, these ladies were out for blood.

After being ignored by the shabby looking girl, Jenny got even more angrier. How did someone like her even get into the cultural centre? Was the centre now opened to just anybody at all without reservation? If not because of her friendship with Mimi Garcia, she wouldn't have been able to get into the cultural centre herself but now, this girl with cheap clothes even got in and was standing in front of her idol, tracing the photo with her dirty hands. The more Jenny thought about this, the more she wanted to teach the little brat a lesson.

''Stop tracing the portrait with your filthy hands, will you?" Jenny barked.

Mimi smiled and watched. Usually, she didn't like to dirty her hands and wanted to always appear refined and dignified. That is why, she always allowed Jenny and Berky to go out with her. They would do the bullying in her stead.

August felt her hands been smacked and she turned and looked at the culprit coldly with a darkened gaze. Her eyes made Jenny's heart to skip a beat. The aura displayed by the girl made her scared but she quickly brushed it off as the girl been angry because she merely smacked her. Mimi Garcia noticed the slight change in August and merely smiled.

August raised her hand and looked at it casually before looking up and saying ''do you always hit people you meet for the first time with no reservation? Like a thug?'' August asked with a smile.

'No, it is just you. You are the first person that I have smacked at a place like this. Why? Because, you look cheap and you dared to touch my idol with such filthy hands. You even ignored Mimi when she spoke to you. Even if you don't have any self-awareness, shouldn't you know to respond when the daughter of the governor is speaking to you?'' Jenny finished her piece smugly.

August cast a gently glance at Mimi Garcia and got the whole picture clear. The lady who spoke to her first is called Mimi Garcia and she is the daughter of the governor of D-City. She looked so dignified yet she was dirty in her mind. She was obviously the one orchestrating the whole confrontation behind the scenes but she was also the type who allowed others to do the dirty works for her while she remained the angel in people's eyes.

Clearly, this kind of person was good at playing the victim and getting support and sympathy from people. August Maijune didn't have the energy to waste on such people, so she sighed and turned to leave.

Mimi Garcia was someone who got attention and enjoyed it, so seeing that the girl only cast her a glance and was about to turn and leave without a word, she got angry. Stretching her heel a bit further, she put it in the way of the girl and she tripped and fell.

August didn't realise what was going on but before she knew it, she was already on the floor. She had fell off guarded hence scratched her knees and hissed.

''Aah''. August turned and saw Mimi retracting her leg away. August looked up and Mimi looked at her innocently as if she wasn't the one who tripped her. August was stupefied. The girl was even more an actor than she thought.

Jenny looked at August disgustingly saying ''look at you now? You should have just apologised and went your way but you just had to behave pompous''.

''Apologise? What did I do wrong to apologise? Don't you think is rather rude to talk to someone you didn't know?'' August tried to get up and Jenny used her bag to hit August's head saying.

''How dare you talk back at me?'' Jenny said.

''How dare you also hit her with that fake imitated Vintage bag?'' Liyah said and walked to them suavely. She wore a green straight dress that reached to her knee and Lyah's bag and shoes.

Mimi Garcia and Jenny turned and saw Liyah and their faces froze. Liyah looked condescendingly at the two ladies but her eyes and countenance softened greatly once she looked at the girl on the floor. Liyah stretched her hand out towards August saying ''you only know how to bully me at home but when you are out, you dare allow just anyone to bully you? Did I teach you to be so weak, little lass?''

August smiled sheepishly and stood up leaning on Liyah and Aaron Saint and Leo Martins walked to them.

Leo Martins bent down with his handkerchief cleaning August's knees as he said ''so, the rumours that the governor's daughter was a known bully at school wasn't just a rumour? You even dared to bully my wife's princess?''. Leo stood up after cleaning her knees.

''I will take August to the washroom to change, luckily I brought her a change of clothes''. Liyah said looking at Aaron.

''Mm, go ahead''. Aaron Saint said. Liyah held August's hand and they walked away. Mimi Garcia's face still was frozen as she looked at Leo Martins and Aaron Saint.

Aaron Saint casually put his hands inside his pockets and looked at them. The other VIP guests present were now also looking at them.

'How did it come to this? How does that brat know such big figures in D-City?' The more Mimi Garcia thought about it, the more the situation became bizarre. Such a girl who dressed so shabbily knew Aaron Saint, Leo Martins and Liyah Myers? Liyah Myers even called her little lass, were they that close? Did they stay in the same house? What about Aaron Saint? What kind of relationship did he have with the girl?

As Mimi Garcia thought about all of this at once, she failed to notice the cold gaze Aaron Saint gave her and her friend Jenny. But, Jenny did as she was the one caught in the eye.

Jenny's heart was already out of the door as she felt the emanate danger coming from the man's cold gaze. She was someone who always did whatever she wanted because at the end, it was all because of and for Mimi Garcia. Mimi Garcia would always pay her handsomely for bullying people in her stead and even gave her a lot of used clothes. She didn't know that the brat she just messed with at Mimi Garcia's command was someone who knew such powerful people, now her only saving grace was Mimi Garcia.

If only Mimi Garcia said a word for her, she would be forgiven but as soon as she opened her mouth, Mimi Garcia's words shook her beyond her wits.

''Jenny, I always told you to treat people nicely. Now, look at what you have done? You should have let the poor girl go when I told you to. Now, Mr. Martins and Mr. Saint will think that I have a hand in what just happened. I only wanted to look at the beautiful portrait of Old Master Saint. Now, you have made me out to be a bad person''.

Mimi Garcia said and looked at Jenny chilly. If Jenny knew what was good for her, she wouldn't dare go against Mimi Garcia at this moment.

Jenny immediately knelt down on the cold floor begging. ''Is my fault. I bullied the girl on my own. This had nothing to do with Mimi Garcia. Please, have mercy on me. I am sorry for do what I did''.

The VIP present all saw what happened and thus gasped at the confession on Jenny. Some quickly took their phones to record what was going on. Mimi Garcia looked at Aaron Saint's face trying to read him to no avail.

Aaron Saint was the reason why she came here tonight. She was hoping to find him here and have a chat with him, and maybe leave a good impression on him. She had pestered her father to collaborate with the Saint Group because she was in love with Aaron Saint and had dreamt of becoming his woman. Just that, now he found her in this unfavourable situation and her gut feeling told her that Aaron Saint didn't believe things were that simple.

Especially after what Leo Martins said about her. Mimi Garcia clutched her hands into fists while trying to maintain a calm and composed look.

Leo Martins turned and looked at Jenny's shoes and shook his head and turned to look at Mimi Garcia's shoes. Because, August's jeans were short and ripped, the lower edges of the jeans could be easily pulled out. Jenny's shoes were block and short heeled and therefore didn't have the ability to have such impact on August's knees while Mimi Garcia's shoes were about 25 inches and had a bit of rough edged diamond crystals at the end which was capable of attracting loosed end offs. And also, August's jeans strings were on Mimi's shoes which meant she was the one who tripped August.

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