Love The Psycho

Chapter 107: Medical report

Chapter 107: Medical report


June sat across Dr. Sam and smiled, she turned to look at the photo on the wall and spoke ''Aaron Saint told me you were my doctor. Can you treat me? Do you have the confidence to treat me?''

''Do you want to be treated?'' Dr. Sam asked ''you are not the real owner of the body. I can only treat you with the permission of August Maijune''

''But, she is not here right now. I am the current owner of the body and you have my consent'' June said.

''Are you not afraid of disappearing forever?''

''I wasn't supposed to be here in the first place. Dr. Sam, I am not real. You know that too. I am just an illusion''

''You seem to be more self-aware as compared to the other characters?''

''That's because I am the oldest. Dr. I want August Maijune to have a normal life. Is dangerous being different people all the time. You know that too''

''I know. It is mentally exhausting on the health of August Maijune but you know you have two dangerous personalities in you. I cannot treat August Maijune unless they all agree to it''

''That's why I am here. Doctor, there is something I need to find out from August Maijune's missing memories. I think the ones holding those memories are Mai and Maijune. Can you perform hypnosis on me?''

''Is dangerous, the last time I did it, Maijune almost killed me. she said there are somethings August is better off not knowing. Since then, she stopped coming here''

''I know. What Maijune said was probably about Lorca. He is the greatest danger to August Maijune but I need to be hypnotised. There is something I need to find out about the medical report that Lorca told me about. He is hiding and plotting something and I need to find out about it and write it down before I disappear''

''Alright, go and lay on the relaxing chair and close your eyes'' Dr. Sam said and looked at the hour glass. He turned the sand in it to start counting from start. He placed a weight mental and hit gently on it.

June laid relaxed on the chair and closed her eyes. Her environment was soon serene and her mind entered into a state of calmness.


June found herself in a room, the brightened light made her squirt her eyes a little before opening them and saw her parents. They were arguing about something and she walked closer to them. She saw 12-year-old August standing at a corner holding a piece of paper and June walked over. The younger August stretched her hand, giving the paper to her and June took it and looked at it. it was a medical report that contained her diagnosis of DID.

Young August pointed at her parents and June looked up. she saw her mother sitting on a chair and massaging her head and she heard their voices.

''I told you to be careful with the way you worked with the underworld. How did August get there in the first place?" Her father asked.

''Lorca brought her. I didn't know she would be there. do you know how scared I was when I saw that smile on her face after killing that man?''

''Laura, no one must find out about August's condition. If our enemies find out, they will use it against us. they might even try to do something to her''

''I know. That is why this medical report never existed''

''You are right. I will definitely find a way to cure our daughter. Don't worry too much'' her father said and hugged her mother.


Dr. Sam walked closer to June and noticed she was deeply asleep. He sat down and watched her as he murmured ''what kind of connection do you have with my daughter, August Maijune''.

Dr. Sam was deep in thoughts and didn't notice that the woman's eyes were opened. She turned and looked at the room and saw the doctor and frowned before sitting up.

''Dr. Sam?'' she called out and the doctor opened his eyes.

''You are awake?'' Dr. Sam asked.

''How did I get here?'' August Maijune asked.

''August Maijune?'' Dr. Sam looked at her.

''Yes, did Aaron Saint bring me here?''

''No, you came here on your own. I mean June did. She asked me to hypnotise her. but, do you remember me? I thought you couldn't remember anything after the accident?''

''I don't remember most of my memories yet but I remember you. can I have a cup of water? I feel thirsty'' August said.

''Sure'' Dr. Sam picked a bottle of water and unscrewed it for her.

''Thanks. My head is aching''

''I will give you something to take. August, why did you refuse to come to the hospital again?''

''What's the use? I feel tired. Nothing will ever change about me. doctor, what did you discuss with June?'' August asked and drunk the water.

''She seemed to have met your uncle and he said something to her''

''Lorca. Why do I suddenly feel uncomfortable about that? Dr. Sam, I need to go. there is something I need to check''

''I will call Aaron to come and pick you'' Dr. Sam said.

''No, don't. I am fine. I will be able to go on my own'' August Maijune picked her bag and left the hospital.

An hour later, she stood in front of the castle and sighed.

''What is this? Why do I suddenly remember this place? I'm sure this is the place June came to. Am I still under hypnosis?'' August walked to the gate and attempted to open it using the passcode.

''Why do I suddenly remember everything June did?'' August frowned and walked into the house after the gate opened.

August looked at the big hall and turned to a room. She walked to the door and looked at the name plate on it ''August Maijune? Was this my room?'' August was about to enter when the phone in her pocket rang and she stopped and removed it. it was a call from Aaron Saint.

''Hello'' August answered.

''June, where are you? did we agree that you will not go out without my consent?'' Aaron Saint spoke on the phone.

''Is not June. Is me August Maijune. Aaron Saint, I think I remember everything June did'' August said.

''Where are you?''

''I'm at the castle in the hill''

''Stay right there, I am coming for you'' Aaron said and hung up.

August opened the door and went into the room. She walked to the bed and sat on it and looked at the room ''why don't I remember ever living here? This was clearly my room''

August placed the bag on the bed and walked to the closet and opened it. a file fell down along with a pile of clothes. She bent down and picked the file and opened it and read it out ''Medical report of August Maijune'' her eyes lit up and she went and sat on the bed with the file and started opening the papers attached to it.

''First showed signs of anti-social behaviour on April 5th 20xx. Rare blood type O. ABO blood type O with missing ABH antigen as well as H antigen. Phenotype; Bombay.

Patient first showed signs of split disorder on 20th May, 20xx at the age of 12. Varied personalities shows a high level of dangerous characters formed. Patient should be excluded from society and put under close observation''

August Maijune frowned and murmured ''does it mean my parents eloped with me from the hospital?'' she sighed and looked confused. Her phone rang again and she saw Aaron's ID. August took the file and her purse and went out of the castle.

''August Maijune'' Aaron called her as soon as he saw her walking towards him. He sighed and pulled her into a hug ''are you alright? Why did you come here?''

''I suddenly remember a memory of June coming here and I followed my instincts and came here. Aaron Saint, I think I was really a monster. A scary one'' August said as tears trimmed down her face.

''August, what is it? What happened?'' Aaron looked at her worriedly.

''This is my medical report from 15 years ago. I found it in my room'' August said and handed the file to Aaron and placed her head on his chest.

''Let's go home first'' Aaron said and helped her into the car.


Aaron pulled over and saw Liyah at their villa pacing about. Liyah saw them and rushed forward.

''Aaron, June, where did you go to? I didn't see any of you the whole day and was worried. why didn't you answer my calls?''

''Something happened'' Aaron said.

''Big sis'' August went forward and hugged Liyah ''I missed you so much''

''August Maijune?'' Liyah blurted out and looked at her and August nodded and Liyah screamed ''Hey, you little brat. Why did you stay so long? Are you alright? What happened? How did you suddenly come back?''

''I don't know. I think June wanted me to come back. I thought I wouldn't see you again, big sis''

''We have a lot of catching up to do. Aaron, I'm stealing this brat away right now'' Liyah said and pulled August Maijune along.

''I will come back later, Aaron Saint'' August said and went away with Liyah. Aaron looked at the file in his hands and removed his phone to make a call.

''Kash, we need to meet and talk''

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