Love The Psycho

Chapter 106: Didn't you say you wanted to get to know me better?

Chapter 106: Didn't you say you wanted to get to know me better?

"'I really like your confidence but still, you should really slow down. You are too high on adrenaline and just confusing it with talent. You are nothing like your mother. I have a preposition for you. I also have a show coming up very soon. We can join hands together and it will be a win-win situation. I will provide the platform that you need and you will give me the rights to your designs''

''You are sick'' June said to him.

''What?'' Donald looked at June and frowned.

''I just said you are sick. You want her to give you the rights to her designs? On what basis?'' June asked.

''You are a lot different from the reports, August Maijune. I am really interested in knowing you better'' Donald said and sized June up from head to toe.

''That's enough, Donald Jones. She isn't someone you can mess with'' Liyah said and turned to June ''let's go''

''I heard you are with Leo Martins now. Aaron Saint's best friend. And our little Miss here is the girl Aaron rescued 6 years ago. You know really have a strange connection'' Donald said.

''Don't you dare talk about something you know nothing about'' Liyah told him.

''Wait, not so fast. You haven't given me an answer yet'' Donald said.

''She already gave you an answer. You are sick to even think that I will allow you even a metre close to my designs. If there is no way but your way, then I will create my own way'' Liyah said and walked out. June waited behind and immediately Liyah stepped out, she shut the door and locked it leaving Liyah outside. She turned and gave Donald a wicked smile.

''What are you doing?'' Donald asked and June started walking closer to him. She heard Liyah's voice on the other side of the door but ignored her.

''Didn't you say that you wanted to get to know me better?'' June asked and sat on his laps and gave him a wink.

Donald smiled and looked at June. He thought he had hit the jackpot and cleared his throat.

''Well, I was hoping so'' he said.

''En, I am also hoping to get to know you very well. You see, there are two people in this world that if anyone dared to mess with them, I get really mad'' June said and removed Donald's necktie from the suit. Donald didn't know when it happened because everything happened in a flash. June finished fastened the necktie tightly against his neck, hurting his throat in the process as she glared at him.

''Aaron Saint and Liyah Myers are my family. If anyone mess with them, then they are looking for my wrath. Do you hear me?'' June screamed at him and he nodded his head as he perspired forcefully.

''Good boy. Remember this face very well because the next time you try to mess with Liyah Myers, this face will come hunting you. you want to play with me? The only person I want to play with is Aaron Saint and you are not closed to even clean his shoes. What a pervert old hag'' June said and got up from his laps. She looked down and saw that he had a mess down there and laughed before going to the door.

Donald Jones was shocked and frightened so much that he didn't turn or stand up even after the door opened and his secretary rushed in. June looked at them and walked out saying to Liyah ''let's go''

''Sir, are you alright? Should I call the security to stop them?'' the secretary asked and Donald shook his head.


Liyah looked at June as they walked out of the building and she asked ''why are you looking at me like that, big sis?''

''What did you do to him inside there? Why did you lock me out?'' Liyah asked.

''I didn't do much. I just had a little chat with him'' June said and stood by the car when they reached the parking space.

''It didn't look like it was a casual chat'' Liyah said.

''Mmm, maybe, maybe not. let's go and get something to eat. I'm hungry'' June said and got into the car.

Norman Caf

June ate her sandwich and watched Liyah as she stirred the coffee with her straw. ''Are you alright? did I spoil your plans for you by messing with that man?'' June asked and Liyah shook her head.

''No. I was just thinking. Maybe I was in a hurry to launch my own clothing line that I didn't take into consideration the obstacles on my way'' Liyah said.

''Why? Do you want to give up so easily after encountering that pervert?" June asked.

''No, not at all. Is just that, I was thinking of something different. I don't necessarily have to have a show before people recognise my work. I think I was doing it the wrong way all this way. You know, I could simply get a store and make my clothes there. People who want my clothes could request for customised clothes and I can make them'' Liyah said and June's eyes lit up.

''Right. You are right. we could totally do that'' June added.

''Gush, why didn't I think of that before?'' Liyah asked herself.

''We have our answer already. Big sis, let's start our own company. I will invest in you and be your shareholder'' June said.

''That's right. I will ask Aaron to make me a business proposal and plan. August Maijune, let's start our own business'' Liyah said.

''Yes, we will start our own business then''

That night.

June woke up with a splitting headache and went down to the hall. She opened the fridge and removed a bottle of water to drink and Aaron Saint walked down at the same time. He saw her struggling to open the bottle as she held her head and he asked worriedly.

''June, what's it?''

''I don't know. I just woke up with a headache. Aaron Saint, my head feels like is on fire'' June said.

''Why? Do you feel sick apart from that?'' Aaron asked as he helped her to the hall.

''I don't know. Aaron Saint'' June smiled and continued ''do you have any painkiller?''

''Wait here, Kash left some medicine for you the last time. I will bring it to you right away'' Aaron helped June to lay on the sofa and he rushed to the room to bring the medicine. He returned with it and poured a cup of warm water from a jug on the table and sent it to her.

''June, here, take this'' Aaron gave her the painkillers and she ate. After a while, she felt her headache subsiding and she was able to sit.

''Do you experience such headaches regularly?'' Aaron asked.

''No, this is the first time I have experience such a headache before'' June yawned.

''Is alright. tomorrow we will go to the hospital, Kash told me the results of the scan and MRI was out already. We will know what's wrong with you when we go tomorrow''

''I would like to go and see a psychiatrist. Can you also arrange for that? there is something I need him to do for me'' June said.

''What do you want to do?''

''Hypnosis. I want to be hypnotized. There is something I need to find out from Mai. Only she has information about that''

''What could that be?''

''My uncle said something to me before you arrived. He said something about giving my file to an unknown research team who are interested in my blood group''

''What is your blood group?"

''0 negative. He didn't say exactly what it was but I feel that he just sold me out to a dangerous group of people and it won't be long before they start looking for me. I want to find every information Mai has and write it down for you, in case I am not around and something happens. If anything happens, I trust Mai and Maijune to handle it but August still has no recollection of our past and what we went through. She will be in danger when that happens''

''Don't worry. I promised to protect you and I will continue to do that. I will have someone find out about what Lorca is up to recently and let you know'' Aaron said to her.

''Thank you''

''But, can I ask you something. How did you come to be?'' Aaron asked.

''You mean, how I came to be a pervert character?'' June asked and chuckled. ''There is not much to it. There was a time, I really can't remember much about it but, there was a time that my uncle would send me to deliver aphrodisiacs to nightclubs and casinos. Those are dangerous places. I was often faced with all sort of men who wanted to take advantage of me so I started to study the behaviour of those women at the club. I just learnt it and it became a part of me. I would often use seduction to get out of any problems I faced. But'' June moved closer to Aaron and smiled flirtatiously ''with you I am not doing it to get out. I really want to sleep with you, Aaron Saint''.

Aaron pushed her away and stood up 'it seems you are fine now. Go to bed. We will go to the hospital tomorrow' Aaron said and walked away. June got up and walked following him. They reached Aaron's door and he pushed her aside and locked immediately after going in leaving June outside.

June scoffed and turned back to her room.

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