Lord of the Truth

Chapter 674 Situation at the Great Line

674  Situation at the Great Line

"Don't stop here... We must reach one of the cities... We must--" One of the five giants took a few steps forward, but his body did not listen to him. He collapsed to the ground in exhaustion after he felt that he had finally reached safety.

"Huff.. huff.. let's stay here for a while and catch our breath..." Another giant took two steps more before collapsing on his face as well, he didn't even have the strength to take a few more steps until he reached the river

"There is something wrong here.." The voice of the youngest of the five appeared, "The path was difficult and full of dangers, but it was not impossible to pass. Why haven't we heard anything about the messengers who came before us?"

"...Maybe our luck was good and we did not encounter the real dangers at the Great Line?" The giant lying on the ground mumbled with his eyes closed, already beginning to fall asleep

"No, no, I don't feel good about this, I don't think we have reached safety yet. We must not stop until we meet one of the officials and deliver the message, the entire Eastern Region is counting on us!" The young giant urged them again

"...Alverano is right, let's get going..." The giant pushed the ground with both hands so that he could stand again, even his extreme fatigue could not be forgotten by the logic in his colleague's words.

"Hmm? Who's there?" At this moment a voice came from the side

"Ah! Who?!" The bodies of the five giants shook in terror. They lived in imminent danger for about a full month passing the Great Line made their nerves tense to the utmost degree.

But they were relieved a little when they saw a male of the Nihari giants approaching them... He was bald with strong, sharp features, wearing loose clothes, but his muscles were prominent underneath, and on his chest was a rosary composed of 9 large beads. Although he did not attempt to emit his aura, his mere appearance suppressed them all

"This.. I know him. I have read a lot about the Emperors of the North and saw a painting of all of them!!" One of the five giants, the eldest of them, knelt down when he saw the bald giant, "Hail Your Majesty the martial Emperor, Monarch of the Nine Suns!"

"We salute His Majesty the martial Emperor!!" The rest of the giants quickly stood up and knelt down as well. Two of them had already begun to have tears in their eyes. They had the opportunity to deliver the report to one of the Emperors of the North directly as soon as they left the Great Line!!

"What's going on here? Did you come from the east? Don't you know that entering the northern region is forbidden for you?" The Nine Suns Monarch furrowed his eyebrows and began to advance towards them

"Your Majesty, there is an emergency!!" The older giant raised his head and shouted in terror, "An invasion from an outside world has come and--"


The four giants opened their eyes wide in astonishment as they saw the head of their fifth fly in front of them in slow motion.

"Why did you have to yell at me? That's annoying…" The Nine Suns Monarch shook his head


The remaining four stuck their heads to the ground, their foreheads starting to drip with sweat and their wide-open eyes looking as if they would never close, still trying to process what had just happened.

"You there, speak, but in a low voice this time." The Nine Suns Monarch chose one of them randomly

"M-- me? Yes yes." The youngest of the giants tried to gather his courage and decided to say the most shocking thing that came to his mind, "There is a foreign invasion that has landed in the central region. They want to exterminate everyone."

"What do we have to do in the central region? What else is there?" The Nine Suns Monarch waved boredly

"What's our business?!" The young giant was about to go crazy, but he restrained himself and thought of something else to say, "There is a person called Jabba. He was a giant, but he disgraced our race and turned into a human, and now he is trying to destroy the Eastern Region. He has already controlled half of it and killed millions of victims."

The Monarch of the Nine Suns tilted his head to the side, "What's the problem if he destroys you? Sect Master Jabba may be a fool for leaving His Excellency's side, but the orders still say that he is a person worthy of respect."

"Sect Master Jabba? His Excellency?! WHAT THE-- AHH!!!"

Before the young giant could complete his sentence, a huge flame ball appeared above the head of him and his three companions. The three of them turned into charcoal within a few seconds without any significant resistance.


"I see you caught one of the groups today too, good job." At this moment, a human landed next to the Monarch of the Nine Suns with a gust of wind. He was wearing loose clothes without armor or even anything to cover his face, and the only thing on his body was two rings and a bracelet, a space ring, a sound ring, and a gravity bracelet.

That human stood next to the Monarch of the Nine Suns as an equal to him and not as a follower or someone who came to deliver a message, his aura didn't seem much weaker either.

"This is the second group today. Did you get one?" The Sun Monarch spoke calmly as if he had not just killed five

"Yes, these attempts to get in have been increasing recently. Without the support we have received, we would not have been able to cover the entire Great Line..." The Human Emperor nodded, "I have received reports that the Great Line separating the northern and central regions is witnessing an explosive increase in attempts as well."

"This cannot continue, even with a complete encirclement by the Ashira tribe and 40 of you as support, we cannot continue like this. Sooner or later, one of those groups will be able to break through the encirclement and get into the Northern Region..." The Nine Suns Monarch narrowed his eyes.

 After he was subdued using the Soul Enslavement Technique, The Nine Suns Monarch immediately carried out the same trick on the rest of his relatives and slowly took control of the entire Ashira tribe. Immediately after that, they were ordered to encircle the entire Northern Region. n/ô/vel/b//jn dot c//om

In the beginning, it was no that hard, with the presence of dozens of Ashira Martial Emperors and thousands of experts in the Dragon Realm, Stopping anyone from getting in or out was easy, especially since the numbers of those trying to cross were not large, but this changed during the last few months with the arrival of the invaders, so through the space portal that Theo secretly arranged its construction in the northern region, The Ashira tribe was supported by 40 Human Emperors of Lightning and Wind users, but even after the support arrived, it does not seem that they would succeed. The area they had to protect was simply too wide, and a wider deployment of forces would expose what they were trying to do!

 The Human Emperor nodded, "There are several groups of Northern Giant Tribes that were trying to cross as well, but we had to make them disappear under mysterious circumstances as well."

After a few seconds, the Nine Suns Monarch looked up at the sky and muttered, "Master Richard will have to make a big move soon, or I'm afraid we all will be in big trouble."


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