Lord of the Truth

Chapter 666 Two problems

666  Two problems

One day later--



"Arrgh pfft"

"No no.. Ahh!!!"

After Commander Seagal gave the signal, 3,000 high-leveled sages and 8 Emperors spread out until they imposed a complete cordon on the area. Then they began to approach little by little, killing anyone they could see until they pushed the giants and the rest of the races together into the city. Then the ship fired three energy shots that destroyed half of the city and killed most of the survivors instantly, then the army of the Great Serpent Emperor entered and killed the rest until the streets turned red, and they destroyed all the buildings they came across to search for energy pearls until the once great city turned into rubble.

Out of the three thousand Sages, only twenty were killed, this is still a huge loss for an elite vanguard squad, but it is nothing compared to the outcome.

"Boss, this is incredible, we have collected 130 energy gems so far!!" One of the officers came running, hugging a number of pearls as if he were carrying his children

"..." Commander Seagal did not respond happily as the officers expected. Rather, he maintained his silence, but the loud beating of his heart was sufficient to describe his shock.

130 energy pearls in a random place they found by chance, and they haven't even finished the search yet?!

What exactly is this city? Why are there no large forces to protect these treasures? And what's going on here? More importantly, what would the king of this planet do if he knew that they had stolen all those pearls from him?!


The door of the city governor's palace finally opened, after a few long hours of being closed, and one of the officers of the elite Vanguard squad came out. Every step he took left a trail of blood behind him, and every second he left the door behind him open, blood flowed from it as if someone had left the tap running.

His calm features and sharp eyes suggest that this is something he is accustomed to doing every day. The only strange thing about him is his ears and eyes, which shine a faint yellow color.

"Hmm? What let you out, Shakut? We still have a thousand more prisoners." The Giant Ohon looked at his colleague in wonder

Officer Shakot spent more than 12 hours in that palace, and more than 50 high-ranking prisoners of different races were forced to get in there with him. Each one of them screamed for a few minutes before falling completely silent, except for the last few people, with whom he spent more than ten hours.

"No need, I gathered all the information we wanted." Chakot stuck out his cleft tongue and shook his head, "The number of prisoners isn't necessary if we are asking about common knowledge, actually the first 40 prisoners were just for intimidation. The actual interrogation started with the last ten. When they saw the body parts of the rest, their interrogation became a little easier."

"You think you got all the information we wanted from just ten people? How lazy." Ohon shook his head and then looked at Commander Seagal, "Boss, tell him to go back and finish his work!"

Commander Seagal merely looked at his officer, Shakut, for a few seconds, "Have you gathered the information that concerns us? None of us are as proficient in using the Simultaneous Translation Technique as you are."

Shakut laughed, the simultaneous translation technique is a high-level technique that relies on the power of the soul to try to deduce what the other party is saying without causing any harm to him. It is a technique that is distributed to all the soldiers of the Great Serpent Empire, but only a handful of them master it to the point of perfection so that they understand almost all the words they hear, and those are allocated in the units as communication officials, "Of course, boss, and if a specific person has a complaint, let him go himself and continue himself!"

"Hi!!" Ohon felt annoyed since he was the target, but he did not say anything. He did not care much about developing the simultaneous translation technique and similar communication techniques. All his focus was on offensive techniques.

"Speak up, what did you find?" Commander Seagal furrowed his eyebrows and straightened his seat. His officer's next words would determine a lot

"It is as you expected, boss, this city is just one of thousands of cities. It does not contain anyone from the royal family or anything like that, there aren't any kings here at all, not even a regime."

"Hmm? How is it possible for a planet with such an advanced energy system to not have a ruling system? Hasn't anyone tried to gather an army around it and occupy a piece of land or something like that?!" One of the officers leaning against the wall spoke in surprise

The different races that were flooding the city were using the internal energy system and all of their attacks were extremely pure which means that the internal energy system has witnessed great developments and reached perfection here. As for the giants, their situation is even stranger. They use a physical power system and at the same time they can launch long-range attacks using the laws, it is a terrifying system that they have never seen before!

The number of users of the second and third stages of the laws in this remote city was too large. If it were not for the help of the spacecraft and if it were not for the Great Serpent Empire's army's exceptional weapons, the losses would not have stopped at this point! How could a place like this be without a ruling system?!

Shakut shook his head, "It is not like that. There was actually a ruling system that depended on the tribes of those giants, called the Nihari Giants, but recently a revolution began from the rest of the intelligent races against the race of Nihari Giants, and the political and economic system and everything collapsed. It is clear that what we saw today is happening everywhere in this *Central Region*, oh, and they don't have a single person using the fourth stage around."

"Hah? Hahaha, we really hit the jackpot!" Giant Ohon looked up at the sky and laughed in an earth-shattering voice

"This is too good to be all... What else is there?" Commander Seagal suppressed his excitement and furrowed his eyebrows, a place containing this amount of energy would definitely not be this pathetic

"Well... There are two problems." Officer Shakot narrowed his eyebrows, "The first is the northern region. Everyone I investigated spoke of the presence of hundreds of fourth-stage law users there who call themselves Emperors, but they live isolated in the northern region and do not care about anything that happens in the rest of the regions, but frankly, I don't know how they would react if they found out about an external invasion."

"Hundreds?!" Ohon cut off his laughter. The Great Serpent Empire extends over 8 planets other than their mother planet, meaning 9 planets in total, and each of those planets contains forces to suppress and protect it. Their forces available to search for and conquer other planets do not contain many fourth-class users, there are only a thousand or two! n/ô/vel/b//in dot c//om

"Hundreds of them..." Commander Seagal looked towards the horizon, but he did not look surprised or angry. Rather, he seemed relieved and nodded a few times.

A planet of this size and such favorable conditions for cultivation would be strange if there were not a huge number of users of the fourth stage of the Laws. Rather, he would become even more worried and perhaps order a withdrawal if he did not hear this news. Fighting against the unknown is the most frightening thing.

"What do we do, leader? Even if we bring the whole army, we will suffer some losses in that northern region. This will not please His Majesty..." One of the officers looked at the commander with concern. Increasing the planets they control means increasing the requirements for the number of soldiers. The killing of a large number of soldiers will put any commander in trouble no matter what his rank

"It's okay, we have something to change his mood, we found more than a hundred energy pearls in one city. What do you think awaits us in the rest of the cities? And what will we find in the northern region full of experts? Certainly, the treasures there are much more! His Majesty sees that we have collected enough pearls for thousands of years of payments to the OverLord. He will reward us and will not care about the details.." Commander Seagal smiled at the unfamiliar sight and pointed at the energy pearls lying on the ground, then looked at his officer Shakut again, "You said there are two problems... What is the second?"

At this moment, Shakut narrowed his eyes and looked serious, "The second...This planet had seen three Truth Chosens, one of whom is still alive."


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