Lord of the Truth

Chapter 665 First contact

665  First contact


The spacecraft approached the ground more and more until it reached a certain distance and stopped in midair, it was so huge that it appeared as if it were a floating city


One of the side doors opened and ten individuals appeared behind it, looking around in shock

"By s?!"

"The energy density of this planet is equal to the energy density of a planet that has an owner. Is it possible that we reached the main planet of one of the other Empires?"

"No, it's very unlikely. In your opinion, how many planetary empires are there in the young planetary belt? We're not that bad of luck... This place is definitely one of those planets blessed with high energy levels, Haven't you seen how big it is? I am almost certain that it is the size of our nine planets combined!"

"Oh my God.. It contains this much energy when it doesn't even have an owner? What would happen to it if his majesty could refine it?"

The Ten of them continued to look around in shock. The number of inhabited planets is many, but most of them are poor planets in one way or another. There is rarely a planet that has something that makes it special. A planet of this size and this energy density makes it worthy of being the mother planet of any Planetary Empire!

Seagal, the leader of the Vanguard crew, took another step until his foot touched the air, "Argh." The intense gravity pulled him down quickly, but he devoted a large portion of his energy to ward off the effect of gravity and flew forcefully until he rose above the spacecraft and began observing the surroundings.

He quickly spotted something worth following, so he approached closer and the rest of the Emperors flew after him

At this moment, a city near them was witnessing a major fight. The defenders were giants, their height reaching three meters, while the assailants were a mixture of multiple races. "This..?" n/ô/vel/b//in dot c//om

The battle was intense and bloody to the utmost degree. Neither the assailants nor the defenders were adhering to the laws of war, implementing strategies, etc. What was going on was a pure massacre, where each individual showed his strength in front of the other, fighting until one of them died. It was clear that this was not a battle for plunder or political control, but both sides were trying to annihilate the other!

The assailants also did not commit to fighting the army of giants in front of them, their entire focus was on entering to destroy the city from within and killing civilians, but they also spent some time inside the houses emptying them of shiny spherical objects that looked like pearls from afar.

"Bring me one of those pearls..." Seagal pointed towards the battle, and the rest of the officers immediately knew what he was talking about.

One of them approached, using the trees as cover, until he reached the side of the wall, and with a slight movement, he grabbed a human, breaking his neck. Then he took the three pearls that he was holding and quickly returned to his commander and placed them between his hands.

As Seagal touched the energy pearls, his facial expressions changed immediately, "This... This is the purest type of energy stone. Each one of these energy pearls is compressed under special conditions and over tens of thousands of years. This is exactly the type that is collected in order to send it to the Overlord, He is literally supporting us for ten thousand years just to receive batches of these pearls every now and then!!" Then he raised his face to look at the burning city

A lowly human who was randomly arrested was carrying three energy pearls?!! No.. That person took it from one of those houses. Do all those houses that contain energy pearls? Doesn't this mean that that one city contains enough pearls to prepare two or three batches for the Overlord?!

"Unbelievable... Is this the Royal City of the Planet or something?!" One of the officers looked towards the city again with half-closed eyes, but even he himself was not convinced by his words

"The city seems very ordinary. It does not even contain a special palace or exceptional defenses, and the number of soldiers on both sides is very small compared to the size of the planet... This is undoubtedly an ordinary residential city!"

"..." Commander Seagal lowered his hands as looked at the burning city...

When Seagal saw the planet he decided to land in the middle of it so he would have better options, so now he is somewhere in the central region, he has landed in the heart of the events of the rebellion.

"Ha.. hahaha!!" Ohon looked up and laughed out loud, "A huge planet, full of natural energy and containing a huge amount of pure energy pearls. Haha. Am I dreaming? We have become rich! Rich!! Hahaha." Then he clenched his fists and advanced towards the city.

"Wait, you big idiot, you think a planet this size wouldn't have a number of Fourth Stage Law users? Even we as an elite team wouldn't be able to handle this planet by ourselves, stay close until the boss gives his orders!!" Bandal shouted at his colleague and came forward to grab his arm

"Leave him. We need to take over that city at least to find out more about the situation." But Commander Seagal stopped him, then looked at the spacecraft and issued a signal


*baam* *baam* *baam*

The rest of the spacecraft's doors began to open one after the other, and large numbers of soldiers rushed out. They all tried to float around and form a formation in the air, but they failed to stay flying for long and landed under the spacecraft. Quickly, more than three thousand soldiers came out, and all of them took up an attack formation immediately on the ground.

Each of the soldiers was wearing full, silver-colored body armor and a helmet that concealed his features, and carrying a spear longer than his himself. Although the sizes of the soldiers were different and some of them had different physical characteristics, they were extremely organized, as if they were part of one body.

Although the gravity was very strong for people who were strangers to the planet, they were all high level sages so they were able to stand and move stably without problems, but they probably would not be able to fly any time soon...

Commander Seagal nodded when he saw the preparation of his elite soldiers and then returned to speak to his men, "Take the soldiers with you and impose a complete siege around the city. Everyone inside or outside the city must be killed or else word will spread about our presence, understood?"

"Yes!" The officers gave the military salute and went down to the soldiers to divide the teams

But as they landed, Commander Seagal grabbed Bandal's wrist, "I want you on another mission. I can only trust you with it.."

"Just give me your order, Commander, we have been together for two hundred years now, anything for you!" Bandal bowed slightly

Commander Seagal did not hesitate, "For some reason, the wormhole that brought us here is stable and has not disappeared yet. I want you to take one of the reserve spacecraft and return through the same wormhole to bring support." Then he placed the three pearls in his hands, "Give these to the support headquarters and tell them that these are abundant here and tell them everything you saw, and give them the coordinates of this planet as well in case the wormhole disappears... Tell them that we have found a place suitable to be our new capital."


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