Lord of the Truth

Chapter 646 Fulfilling the promise

Chapter 646 Fulfilling the promise

?"THEY will help convince us?" Flora pointed towards the sitting Martial Emperors, "What are they even doing?"

Robin smiled, "You'll know in a little while. I feel like Alexander is about to finish.." Then he turned back to look at her again, "By the way, how is the war in Greenland going now?"

"Shouldn't you ask one of your followers?" Flora looked at him sideways

"I want to hear it from your mouth." Robin shrugged

Flora furrowed her eyebrows and returned to focusing on Alexander to try to deduce something, but she did not dare to leave Robin waiting and replied, "There is not much to say in truth, your human army alone is enough to control this weak world, even leaving aside your army coming from Jura's world, Only your army of the local tribes has become strong enough to defend your current territories and even expand them themselves."

Robin laughed, "Well, Greenland is not that weak. On the contrary, Greenland was originally stronger than Orphan Blood Planet, but they don't have your cruel sacrifices technique. Nevertheless ~ I want a somewhat detailed report, How do you see the army, and how far have we reached?"

Flora sent a quick angry look towards Robin before returning to focus on Alexander, "What do you want me to say? The Warlords are the main focus in most fights, although they still cannot kill the original Warlords, they are enough to stop them whenever they appear. As for your Martial Emperors, I don't mean any offense but they are useless, they are just Sages with a bit of a long breath. But in the end, they are just humans so it is expected. The good thing is that they are numerous enough, their current number is approximately 170, and there is also Alexander and Jabba who have reached level 42, so their presence in battles makes a difference, even if a little bit. And the presence of the Warlords with them is enough to remove any difficulties they face and reduce the time it takes to control the world."

Then she continued about the results, "After the killing of Labikan and forcing Sanawest to recite an oath of loyalty to you, and after 6 local tribes were subjugated, a large number of them were killed and the rest were forced to integrate into your affiliated tribes... The war is currently based on two main fronts, which are: Tree Father Flores and Tree Father Moseley, and on four other side fronts belong to local tribes, and more than half of their lands have already been penetrated by your forces. Headquarters information says that the strongest Tree Father, Tavina, is forcing the remaining local tribes to leave their ancient lands and go live next to his trunk, he also pushed the rest of the Tree Fathers to send a large part of their armies towards his lands as well. Everyone says that the decisive battle will be there and that he is planning something big... But if you want my opinion, it is an empty resistance, within two or three years the rest of the Tree Fathers and the local tribes will be subdued or killed. Also, that foolish tree father does not know about your demon army. If you withdraw ten or twenty Demon Emperors and place them here, you will end the war here no matter what tricks they play."

"Oh? we have taken out another 2 Tree Fathers. I bet the refinement percentage available has gone up a lot now..." Robin rubbed his chin, smiling. He had promised Evergreen to finish refining her completely before the Nihari invasion began, but he spent the last five years trying to solve the problem of the Human Martial Emperors. In the remaining five years, he must make it up for her...

"Refinement?" Flora turned her face to face him, the word refinement seeming to refer to something big that could not be ignored

"Hmm? Oh, no need to worry about it." Robin waved, then seemed to sense something and pointed at Alexander, "Here we go.."


Alexander opened his eyes and slowly stood up, and as soon as he stood up, the strong mountain winds stopped blowing

Alexander took a few steps towards Robin and then *PAA* got down on one knee forcefully, "Thank you, Your Excellency, I bear witness that you have fulfilled your promise."

A big smile appeared on Robin's face and he nodded

But Flora was terrified and started asking, "What is happening here? He promised you what? What happened to the wind suddenly?!" But inside herself, she was hoping that she would not hear an answer, as she was certain that the answer would not please her

"Haha, Alexander, why don't you show Miss Flora a practical application?" Robin laughed loudly and pointed towards the cliff behind him

"Yes." Alexander stood and bowed once again before making his way towards the cliff, then raised both his hands before bringing them down quickly like an axe.


*Rumble* *Earthquake*

"WHAT THE---" Flora took a few steps towards the cliff with a shocked expression on her face

Alexander's two blows formed two wind blades that split the ground into two parallel lines hundreds of meters long, and as for the depth... the two slits began to spew out lava!!

"Is this... the fourth stage of the Major Heavenly Law of Wind?!" Flora finally understood something and stared at Alexander

*whistling sound* "Congratulations, Governor Alexander, congratulations, haha!" Raiden came from behind him, clapping and patting Alexander on the back

As for Robin, he stared into Flora's eyes, "A moment ago, you said that my Emperors are useless?"

"..." Flora couldn't find anything to say. Robin's eyes were full of sarcasm and arrogance. What was she supposed to respond with? But what is there to say?!

No wonder he said that what she would see would help convince her and the rest of the Orphan Blood Emperors… There were currently 170 Human Martial Emperors, and after what she had seen today, all of them could be using the fourth stage of the Laws, they had become true Emperors! Even by taking the demons out of the equation, Robin could still eliminate all of the Orphan Blood Planet Emperors with his human army alone.

"Alexander, I want you to put on your full golden armor and accompany Miss Flora to her home and stay with her until you personally hand her over to her lover. Oh, Raiden, go with them as well, I think you and Aru will get along just fine..." Robin started the order and turned back to look towards the horizon.

"yes." The two of them bowed and began to put on the special golden armor where they stood

Flora looked at the ground for a long time, still feeling lost, "These things... These king things cannot be solved by logic and intimidation. The number of people who will listen to the voice of reason will be small!!"

"Then be it~ I extended my hand with peace, whether you hold it or not is up to you." Robin shrugged his shoulders, "Even if one Emperor agrees, tell him that I am ready to receive him to work as a mercenary here on the Farm Planet. You are also welcome back to us after you deliver the message." Then he turned his face only to look into her eyes, "I want you to tell them something else... I don't want anyone to say that I am a dictator or something like that, tell them that I am giving you five more years of peace so that you can use to think about the offer and come to visit the farm planet, after the additional five years are up there will be no more mercy. whoever agrees to the conditions and works as a mercenary when asked will live, and whoever refuses to become food for the demons, the matter will be that simple... Was it clear enough?"

"...clear, thank you." Flora clenched her hand tightly and looked at the ground

"Miss Flora, come with us this way." Alexander's voice was heard at this moment, and the current appearance of him and Raiden was breathtaking, even Robin raised his eyebrows slightly.

The golden armor of the Martial Emperors had a distinctive design from that of the army. Although the standard army armor has also changed, there has been a recent change in the design of the armor, making it more solid, flexible, and even more eye-catching, and the old armor and weapons full of battle marks were transported to an unknown place. The standard army armor is still dominated by the golden color, and they are all similar.

As for the armor of Martial Emperors, it is designed by hand for each Emperor. For example, Raiden's armor contains materials to withstand the fourth stage of the Major Heavenly Law of Lightning, and its design helps him cut through the air in front of him more easily to maintain his tremendous speed, and so on~ But the new armor of Alexander and Raiden have one new thing in common... They both contain black pieces integrated into them!

Areas such as in front of the heart, the private parts, and the spine are all made of black metal, but the armor designers carefully combined the two colors, making it even more breath-

taking... It was the strongest metal currently available to the Empire, Uracilium!

"We have a way to use Uracilium metal now? I see, the research and development team is not nit joking around..." Robin was clearly happy, "By the way, Flora, take a space ring with you and fill it with everything you see in front of you before you return, whether meat, vegetables, or even talismans and weapons, of course, you will only take samples, maybe it helps a little."

"Yes." Flora nodded one last time and then flew away with lost eyes, followed by Raiden and Alexander...

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