Lord of the Truth

Chapter 645 Offer

Chapter 645 Offer

?"No... No, this is not possible!!" Flora took a few steps back

Just because she found it to be more comfortable here does not mean that she now hates her planet or is thinking about giving up the fight for it. In the end, it is still her home even if it is hell. In fact, until this moment, she was thinking about enjoying Greenland for as long as possible before returning and continuing the fight for her home to the end

But according to Robin's words... there is no longer a need to fight?!

"Believe it or not, this is your problem. I think you will see for yourself when the five-year deadline arrives." Robin shrugged his shoulders indifferently, and Flora felt her heart drop to her feet as her eyes opened to the last of them... She believed.

After everything she had seen here, she knew that Robin had no reason to lie... In addition to the Demons, whose numbers had certainly increased, even if only slightly. But assuming that they had not increased in number at all, what about the warlords who had not appeared on The Orphan Blood Planet until today? She fought Julian 3 years ago and he severely beat her until her face became as flat on the ground!!

she can already imagine the scene of the *decisive battle* that Aru is preparing for when the deadline expires. She can imagine hundreds of Demons Emperors emerging from that damn city, eating her lover and her family, "Ahh!"

Robin's smile increased when he heard Flora's terrified scream, "Now that's better..."

"...Why are you telling me this now?" Flora hugged herself and looked at the ground, the feeling of helplessness and waiting for the inevitable weighing heavily on her

"Because there is good news." Robin clapped with a big smile, "The corpses of the law users have provided food for the demons' army for a long time, while the limited hunting that we agreed upon will provide food for their families and young ones, and this means..?"

"...You mean there is no longer any need to continue the war?" Flora finally raised her face and looked at Robin with some hope, "But there are millions of demons. Will the limited hunting we agreed on secure their food? How long will they adhere to the agreement before they start another war of extermination?"

"Demons love the meat of intelligent beings, and their strength increases by eating it, but they can live on eating beast meat without problems, and I can easily provide their daily food of beast meat from four different planets! So there is no need to worry about their normal rations, and the limited daily hunting will be more than enough to strengthen a new generation of the army~" Robin shrugged his shoulders and then went back to looking into her eyes, "My point is… killing around 90 Emperors seems a bit too lavish to me, especially Emperors of different races who each have their own unique qualities, it was no coincidence that you were able to keep up with the Demon Emperors all these years! So if there is no other solution, I don't want to choose to eliminate you. And I certainly don't want to annihilate the peoples of Planet Orphan Blood whose numbers are estimated at about ten billion in exchange for one big lunch party!"

"...And what is the solution from your point of view?" Flora furrowed her eyebrows slightly, "If you want peace, you can simply take the corpses and withdraw from our world, but if you want our loyalty... Don't you see that your actions have crossed the line of reconciliation? There are a number of Emperors who have literally sacrificed their entire clans because of you."

"Because of me? Let's be rational here. You see me as an ambitious person and perhaps an opportunist, right? If I were given the choice of death or of sacrificing my children, I would certainly choose death. And you are not different either. I did not see inside your body any fragment of laws that belong to the path of fire, that means you have not touched Your kind or even the races close to them, so whoever sacrificed his clan did so in order to gain power and not because of me, or do you think I am wrong? They just used me as an excuse." Robin laughed and shook his head, "The harsh environment of your planet, your familiarity with killing scenes, and the feeling of loss of a loved one have made most of you, if not all of you, think about how to gain strength and only depend on yourselves, like beasts. So in my opinion, managing things between us may be difficult, but it is not impossible, especially... If I gave you more than you can dream of.."

Flora looked to the side with furrowed eyebrows, thinking about what she had heard...

"As for the solutions, they are actually quite simple..." Robin returned to looking at her seriously, "As for your Emperors, I will give security to whoever works for me, it is not required that he swear loyalty or anything like that, but if I need you in a war, I must see you by my side as mercenaries. I will also apply the point system to you~ Using the points, you can take Emperor Realm techniques to complete your breakthrough to the higher levels without sacrificing anyone else. You can learn to draw runes and craft divine weapons, and most importantly... you can exchange the points for vacations on one of the planets under my control!"

*Pa- Dum* Flora's heart beat hard at the last part

Robin smiled when he noticed the effect this part had on her and continued, "You have fought on my side for three years now and you see for yourself how organized my army is and the kind of equipment they get. Any day on the front here is a hundred times better than the best days on your home planet, so by being my mercenaries you will not lose anything, but will only gain. Of course, this is besides the fact that your Emperors will have complete immunity from me even if any of the demons touch them. That is, you will enjoy peace in your homeland and benefits outside it. Are there better conditions? And of course, whoever swears complete loyalty to me will be allowed to come and go from any planet I own whenever he wishes and without time limits. You have spent a few years here and know about the Oath Tablets, right? It is more simple and decisive in this way if you take my opinion..."

*Gulp* "And what about the rest of the people of the Orphan Blood World? Will you grant them protection as well if we accept your terms?" Flora swallowed and asked with difficulty

"Huh? Of course not~ Where will I find another perfect farm like you?" Robin laughed out loud, "As I told you five years ago, you can consider the Demon City as another tribe whose young go out to hunt and fight with the rest of the tribes, to kill and be killed. Let's be realistic here, your planet is dominated by the Minor Heavenly Law of Bloodthirst, the Major Heavenly Law of Chaos, and other terrible laws that make peace impossible. Even if I unite you and give you peace, a year will not pass before an internal war breaks out, so why should I fight nature? Let them eat each other as they always did. There are more than ten races that have been exterminated in the war so far, right? Consider the demon race a new one and deal with them on this basis, and I will promise you that no large armies will emerge from the city or a large-scale invasion will take place unless your peoples start first!"

"...Your words are reasonable, but these matters are not solved with reason most of the time." Flora squeezed her hand tightly and spoke with shaking eyes, "Even if I am convinced by your offer, that does not mean that the others will listen to me..."

Robin smiled big and pointed at the human Emperors sitting nearby, "That's why I requested your presence today as soon as possible. I have something that will help convince you a little bit faster~"

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