Lord of the Truth

Chapter 644 The beautiful exile

Chapter 644 The beautiful exile

?Several hours had passed since Jabba's departure

Robin was still standing in his spot with the same cold features as if time had frozen. The Martial Emperors were still sitting on the ground, shutting off their six senses to comprehend or use the technique, so they didn't really know what happened... Only Raiden was standing at the side, glancing at Robin at times and at the ground at times, rubbing his hair sometimes and biting his nails sometimes.

He knows that the situation is bad and that Robin is burning with anger right now, but he does not know what he should do in this awkward situation... Should he console Robin as if he lost someone dear to him? But what if His Excellency was angry with Jabba and it backfired?! Or maybe he should talk badly about Jabba for leaving? But what if His Excellency loves his disciple and cannot bear to hear a bad word to him? ...Should he stay silent? But what if His Excellency thinks he doesn't care for him?!

Raiden spent his childhood running after livestock and plowing fields, and after he discovered his talent, he was thrown into academies and wars. He does not understand these social situations!

Finally, after many hours, Raiden gathered some courage and approached Robin after taking a deep breath, "Um... Your Excellency, I know you feel sorry for the way things turned out, but I ask you to try to regain your clarity of mind, everyone is counting on you." Then he let out a long exhale, this sentence was the most neutral thing he had thought of

Robin remained silent for a while and even Raiden worried a little that his intervention was inappropriate, but he finally opened his mouth and spoke in a coherent tone, "I don't feel sorry. Jabba has his path and I have mine. Having him by my side for a while was good for both of us, but in the end, each of us has his own story, I wish him success in whatever he seeks."

"But what if that he seeks conflict with your grand plan? Ah." Raidin was happy that His Excellency answered him and then asked, but he quickly regretted his question. Isn't this question as if it were rubbing salt in the wound?!

"Jabba is trying to save what can be saved from his planet, and this does not conflict with my position on the planet Nihari. If he succeeds, congratulations to him, and if he does not succeed, then it has nothing to do with me." Robin did not get angry as he expected, even a slight smile appeared on his face and he spoke firmly, which comforted Raiden's heart a little, but he held his breath when he heard him continue, "But... if Jabba actually tries to stand in my way in any shape or form, I will crush him."

*gulp* Raiden went silent again

He knew at this moment that he did not have to *console* His Excellency from the beginning. This strong personality does not need comfort from anyone, rather he needs a goal! As long as his goal is in his sights, nothing else matters.

Silence remained the title of the situation until a shadow quickly approached.

Raiden took a step forward and took an alert position until the features of the shadow's owner began to become clear... Long red hair dances in the air, thick horns emerge from above her pointed ears, her height exceeds two meters, and she wears revealing clothes that expose her mature body... there was no one here with these specifications other than Orphan Blood Planet Martial Empress Flora!

But even after Raiden was sure of her identity, he continued to assume his alert posture. It was clear that he did not trust her completely, but she did not care and passed directly past him until she stood in front of Robin *swoosh*, "I got word that you requested my presence. What's wrong?"

"You will go back to where you came from," Robin replied with a cold expression without looking at her

"Oh? There are still 4 months left until the end of the five years term, are you sure you need to send me back now? I can handle staying here a little longer..." Flora smiled charmingly.

"No need. I remembered you today by chance. I may not remember you again for a few years. It is better for you to go back now and fulfill my promise early before some human rat says that Emperor Robin broke his promise." Robin waved

"Oh? I don't believe you, who could forget all this? Hehe~" Flora giggled and gently pulled her hand from her chest to her thigh, drawing Raiden's eyes towards her body.

But this trick did not work on Robin, who was still looking toward the horizon, so her facial expression turned serious, "Can't you just tell your generals to let me go after four months? Spending time with Sister Victoria isn't so bad..."

"I am not surprised that you have made Victoria a friend, as they say, birds of a feather flock together, but..." A half-smile finally appeared on Robin's face, "Do I imagine things, or do you really would rather stay here than go to your lover's side?"

Flora waved both hands, "Aru will not lose anything if he waits for me for another 4 months, but the important thing here is that you keep your promise in front of people, otherwise they will say that you are lenient!"

Robin finally looked into her eyes before bursting out laughing, "Interesting, very interesting... A few trees, clean water, and some meat and vegetables, these things we take for granted, but to others, they seem like paradise. Five years ago, you came with me with dead eyes, and now you refuse to go back even though I made you fight on my side far away from your family? Maybe I should have expected this... How can I take someone out of heaven and throw him back into hell after he experienced both?"

Flora furrowed her eyebrows but did not say anything... If she denied it, he would reply that if she did not want to stay then she had to go back, and this was something she certainly did not want. And if she agreed to him, he would think that she was cheap and willing to break away from her family in exchange for a comfortable life.

But what should she do? The difference between the two planets: Greenland and the Orphan Blood is like clouds and mud.

Who would come out of prison and say to themselves, *I must go back again because I missed my cellmate*?! A person might go to visit his old cellmates once a week, for example, and stay for a couple of hours with him, but he would definitely not prefer to return to prison permanently!

As for Raiden on the side, he let out a long sigh. He didn't care about the charming lizard girl, but seeing His Excellency laughing again was a source of relief.

Robin went back to looking at the horizon with a slight smile, "To be honest, I was planning to influence you by showing off my armies, techniques, treasures, and the different planets under my control. I did not expect that some food and a breath of fresh air would do the trick, but the important thing is that we reached the desired result."

"Influence me to do what exactly? If you want me to stab my family in the back, then you are dreaming!" Flora shouted, but she maintained a tone of respect. She really wanted to stick to staying here for as long as she could, but she definitely would not betray Aru or betray her tribe and her people for it!

"Stabbing them in the back?" Robin smiled, "Sorry but there's no need for that. One of the terms of the Five-Year Truce was to hand over the bodies of the sacrificed Law Users. Are we talking about approximately three to four million law-user corpses? The Demon Emperors' numbers must have at the very least doubled by now, and are on their way to multiply more and more."

"No... This is not possible! The corpses of the people who were sacrificed are devoid of any energy levels, they have become like the corpses of mortals who have never cultivated in their lives! Everyone sadly agreed to this condition because it would fill the stomachs of the demons with already dead people and would make them hunt less of our people for several years, And also because we know the demons will not benefit much from their corpses!" Flora shook her head in disbelief

"Hehe, that's what you guys think, and that's also why I asked you and I'm sure you'll agree. The demons don't care about natural energy, their bodies simply reject it, they use something I call Blood Energy, and what they're after is the blood and flesh of the Law users themselves. And so, the demons can now rely on beasts and mortals for their daily food, and when they are ready to level up, they would eat a corpse or two of the Law Users you provided for them on a silver platter, isn't that great?" Robin laughed and then looked into her eyes, "Your great sacrifices and noble decisions truly deserve respect, but you simply gave the demons a feast of law users that would not end for decades and you gave me a large army that I had never dreamed of having this fast. Thank you!"

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