Lord of the Truth

Chapter 642 I don’t want to

Chapter 642 I don't want to

?"Err... Your Excellency, what is inside those vials? What exactly do they do? And why didn't you give me the same?" Raiden looked around and wondered

After the Martial Emperors received the scrolls and vials, they all sat down and began to do as they were ordered. Currently, there were 16 Martial Emperors sitting cross-legged in a semicircle around Robin, some of them were still reading the scroll, and some of them had already swallowed the contents of the vial and began applying the teachings!

As for Robin, he was sitting next to Raiden on the side, leaning on his right hand. After hearing the boy's question, he responded with a smile, "Each vial contains something different depending on the path the user uses. For example, the vial with Old Gu contains the blood of a beast at the top of the Sage Domain called the Fire Mountain Phoenix, It's quite a strong beast that lives in the wildernesses of the planet Nihari and is mixed with a number of fiery and soothing herbs according to very precise standards. As for the one there with Alexander, it contains the blood of the Wind Bite beast and its origin is from the Orphan Blood Planet, and it is also mixed with a number of herbs with wind path that have been identified and collected from the four planets, as for the rest... Well, you got the point~"

Then he pointed towards the scrolls, "As for the scrolls, they contain almost the same content, they all contain a very special technique. This technique is a combination of the Superior Energy Control technique in addition to the Deep Absorption technique, both of which were invented by Jabba, you may call this newly born technique Superior Absorption. It also has a few side notes, such as when they activate the technique, where they focus on absorption, some patterns they have to create in their blood using the Super Absorption Technique, and several things like that~"

"This seems very complicated... You said that each one of those vials contains beast blood and a number of herbs?" Raiden furrowed his eyebrows slightly, "Is it strengthening their affinity with their path or something?"

"You may consider it that way." Robin shrugged his shoulders, smiling, "This technique and formula will give the body a false familiarity for a certain period. This period likely varies depending on the person, from a few hours to a whole day. During that period, the body will not resist the passage of energy through the veins and will find the most appropriate ways to facilitate the movement of energy. Without further explanation, you can imagine that their bodies will be like yours, but for a limited time."

"Your Excellency created something like this?! Amazing..." Raiden looked at Robin with wide-eyed eyes... His Excellency didn't even know he existed or what was different about his body before today, and yet he somehow made copies of him! Or, more accurately, he was able to find a loophole in the system, a loophole that could produce the best possible result without leaving any side effects. "Your Excellency is truly an unparalleled genius, Now you have not only solved the problem of your Martial Emperors' impotence during battles, but the way I see it, if these substances accumulate inside the body, they will certainly increase their true affinity towards their paths!"

"Let's not get our hopes up too much, It may happen that one of them undergoes a fundamental transformation and gains a body like yours, or it may never happen, but at least the problem of their inability in battles has been solved temporarily," Robin spoke with slightly furrowed eyebrows. If this method succeeds, his Martial Emperors will be ready to fight in any systemic war he leads, but they will remain unable to defend themselves in peacetime. In the end, this method requires quite a preparation time...

"Master, it seems that the news was true, have you finally finished your research?!" Meanwhile, a human shadow landed next to Robin. The owner of that shadow was muscular, but not to the point of hindering his movement. His long braids reached all the way to his lower back, and tattoos covered a large part of his body and neck... Who could he be but Jabba?

"Oh, Jabba? Hmm, yeah... yeah I finished it." Robin did not seem very happy with the meeting. He merely scratched his rubbed with the tip of his index finger and looked away.

Jabba took a few more steps and greeted Raiden with a raised eyebrow, then looked at Robin again, "Can we talk now?!"

"....." Robin looked back into Jabba's determined eyes for a few seconds before sighing and rubbing his eyes, "..Raiden, go for a walk or something."

"Alright." The silver-haired boy gave the military salute and retreated, but he did not get far and went to stand with the rest of the Martial Emperors.

As for Robin, he got up and walked until he reached the cliff of the mountain, and without looking back, he opened his mouth, "Okay, we are alone now, Speak."

"When will we move towards Nihari?" Jabba got into the matter directly, "The turmoil has reached its peak there. There are no longer any laws that prevail in the four regions: eastern, western, central, and southern. There is nothing left but killing and destruction, especially after more batches of divine weapons arrived at the revolutionaries in those regions. The cities of the giants are collapsing, and the colonies of humans and other intelligent creatures are being razed to the ground every day. We must intervene!!"

Robin nodded several times, "That's really unfortunate... But why should we interfere?"

"....." Jabba furrowed his eyebrows and merely looked at his master

"Don't give me that look! I'm not holding the hand of the rebels and forcing them to fight, and I'm certainly not the one who forced the Nihari giants to enslave intelligent races for hundreds of thousands of years! One side takes what's right in its own hands and the other reaps what it sows. I'm just a simple merchant in the middle who doesn't care about either of them..." Robin shrugged

Jabba took two steps forward and quickly replied, "Haven't you earned enough as a merchant then?! Nihari's natural energy density and the number of intelligent beings there which are estimated at least 70 billion, and the high-level techniques that an *Anonymous* has distributed; all that have contributed to the production of tens of millions of knights and hundreds of thousands of Saints and Sages and it's still counting by the day! And the more their numbers increase, the more the war rages. The four regions have collapsed politically and economically. Everyone there, whether giants or non-giants, is dying of hunger and does not see the light at the end of the tunnel. Please, enough is enough, and let us go to Nihari. Take charge and correct the situation!" The news he receives about Nihari hurts him psychologically and physically on a daily basis

According to the time plan Jabba set, the army should have moved to control the eastern region of Nihari at least two years ago. They had to begin invading and unifying the rest of the planet by now. But until this moment, Robin has not shown any intention of going to Nihari, and he has not stopped providing them with weapons!!

Wasn't the True Beginning Empire supposed to invade Planet Nihari to unify it? How is it possible that he is still trying to strengthen the people he will subjugate in the future? Doesn't he know that their huge numbers will stand against him if he tries to welcome them under his banner in the future? Isn't the logical way to do this to accept their loyalty first and then give them those techniques and weapons? ...Does he even intend to annex them to the Empire at all?!

But Robin's response to going to Nihari was shorter than he expected. He just turned to face him and then raised his shoulders, "I don't want to."

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