Lord of the Truth

Chapter 641 A surprise from Raiden

Chapter 641 A surprise from Raiden

?Above the Green Dawn Mountain--

The Green Dawn Mountain is the closest mountain to the steep hill, with a height of just over three thousand meters. It's not that close, but it is the only closest mountain to the steep hill that Jabba did not destroy in his experiments, or more accurately, he was unable to destroy it. This mountain contains a significant amount of minerals and hard stones strong enough to keep it together to this day. So even though the mountain is no longer *green* now after the explosions of Jabba's array burned everything, it is still holding on!

On top of this mountain, Robin was sitting in the middle of a pile of scrolls and glass bottles. The strong winds at the top of the mountain were enough to uproot small trees, but those light scrolls seemed as if they were ignoring the wind here!

Robin's clothes were not dirty and his hair was well styled. Everything around him suggested nobility and great wisdom... but all of this did not hide his tired eyes that looked as if they had not tasted sleep in years.

*swoosh* *swoosh*

"We salute Your Excellency!" Several shadows descended in succession and bowed slightly

Robin raised his head and nodded towards them with a smile, "I didn't think everyone was at the headquarters today. It seems the war is going well."

Alexander stood up straight and smiled, "Since Your Excellency created the Warlords, everything began to go our way and we progressed quite smoothly for two years, and when Your Excellency brought that dragon girl Flora, everything turned in our favor even more. She did not follow Your Excellency's words to move freely and come to the battlefield only when we called her, but she is currently staying permanently in the western army with Victoria, and I heard that they have formed a strong friendship as well..."

"Oh? That's reassuring.." Robin raised his eyebrows slightly and then nodded, "It's true that the five-year term is almost up. Send her a message that I want to see her here as fast as possible."

Alexander nodded and closed his eyes, clearly starting to send the message

In front of Robin now was Emily, with her Elizabeth, Alexander, even Old Gu, and a number of other Emperors from different paths. As Robin ordered, Emily tried to gather at least one emperor from all the available paths... One of them, for example, uses the major heavenly law of life and the other uses the major heavenly law of Lightning!

Robin raised his eyebrows when his eyes fell on a silver-haired youth, "Someone has already reached the Emperor Realm using lightning? Am I to understand that you are General Raiden?"

"Yes, I have broken through to the Martial Emperor's Realm just two months ago. This humble subordinate salute your Excellency!" Raiden took two steps and knelt down on one knee, the sound of his heartbeat being heard by everyone

"Has your dream finally come true, little boy?" Elizabeth put her hand to her mouth and said, "Your Excellency, Raiden came to the headquarters today to personally deliver the reports from the eastern armies and ask about your news. He has been wanting to meet you for a long time, finally, his dream came true today!"

"Miss Elizabeth!!" Raiden looked to his side with a pleading look while still kneeling

Robin gave a big smile, "A young man who is not yet forty has managed to secure a prestigious place among my generals, a young man full of ambition and talent that will surely bring him a brighter future. I too have wanted to meet him for a while!"

During Robin's words, which he spoke slowly, his eyes sparkled with a faint golden glow for a moment as he secretly examined Raiden, although he did not think he would find anything, but his curiosity to examine anything forced him to do so.

"Your Excellency's praise is undeserved!! If it weren't for Your Excellency, I would be currently herding cows somewhere. If I do have some talent, I will definitely put it at Your Excellency's service forever and---" Raiden was about to finish his words when he saw the golden glow in Robin's eyes increased and features changed to shock, "...Your Excellency?"

Robin stood up and took a few quick steps towards Raiden, then grabbed Raiden's shoulders, raised him up, and began to study him with the eyes of truth more intensely.

Robin's actions forced the rest of the Emperors to look at each other out of the corners of their eyes and wonder what was happening

Finally, after Robin's eyes roamed over Raiden's entire body, he returned to looking into his eyes, "You... You can use the fourth stage of The Major Heavenly Law of Lightning, aren't you?!"

"WHAT?!" Alexander and the rest were shocked and looked at Raiden in stupefaction, waiting for his response

Raiden scratched his silver hair for a few seconds and replied sheepishly, "It is true then, It is impossible to hide anything from Your Excellency.."

"You could use the fourth stage of the Major Heavenly Law of Lightning and you didn't tell us!" Elizabeth didn't hold herself back, so she took two steps and gently slapped Raiden on the back of his head

"I'm sorry, Miss Elizabeth, but when I saw that everyone couldn't do it, I decided to keep it to myself so that you wouldn't be upset with me."Raiden looked at the ground with an embarrassed look...

His personality is usually the impulsive, prickly type who is ready to attack any enemy that appears in front of him, no matter how high his level is, but here he feels that he is just an infant.

All the emperors present are over a hundred years old. This *Miss Elizabeth* is approximately 800 years old, while the youngest person present, His Majesty Emperor Robin, is almost 200 years old. Among these people, he feels that he is sitting with his elders and not with other generals!

"But how?!" Alexander looked at Raiden from bottom to top, but he didn't see anything special. Even after covering him with his soul sense, he didn't see anything different about him either.

Robin straightened his back and rested his chin on his right hand, "The Major Heavenly Law of Lightning in his body is abnormally active. I can see small lightning bolts moving in his veins in certain patterns automatically even though he does not have any variable particles. What is happening to him has gone beyond the limits of The Major Heavenly Law of Lightning technique that he used to break through, as if his mind needed my techniques to comprehend the laws but his body didn't really need them..." Then he pointed at the foot of the mountain, "Strike that spot with a fourth stage attack."

"Yes." Raiden stood up and gave the military salute, then took a few steps to distance himself from everyone, before raising both his hands to the sky...

*Rumble* *Turmoil*

*Bzzzzzzt* *Bzzzzzzttt*

The sky quickly became cloudy and the lightning bolts intensified until they became visible


A large number of lightning bolts condensed together and then descended as a column of lightning


"Ah!!" Elizabeth, Emily, and the rest of the Emperors automatically took a step back in shock, but they quickly looked back down, "...This is the power of the fourth stage?"

A crater ten meters in diameter and more than thirty meters deep appeared at the point where Raiden struck

"Amazing... a number of lightning bolts that are invisible to the naked eye formed a temporary pattern in your blood, allowing the attacking energy to pass through easily, and now that massive pattern has disintegrated and the lightning bolts have returned to form small patterns that help you increase the speed of your cultivation and affinity with the Major Heavenly Law of Lightning!" Robin sighed and shook his head, "They weren't exaggerating when they described you to me. The planet spirits sometimes give children gifts like a strong soul or a solid body. In your case, it gave you a body with an unreal affinity with the Major Heavenly Law of Lightning. I don't think we'll see this degree of affinity again anytime soon..."

Raiden rubbed his head again and nodded a few times shyly, since he launched his attack while taking quick glances at the Emperors standing behind him, their looks were not pleasant at all...

Some of them were deep in thought with their eyebrows furrowed, and some of them were looking at him with clear envy!

When Robin felt what the rest of the Emperors thinking as well, he laughed loudly, "Alright, Alright, you may not have what the spirit of Planet Jura gave Raiden, but that doesn't mean that you will never use the fourth stage of your laws... Have you forgotten that I am still here?"

"Your Excellency, you mean..?" The Emperor user of the Law of Life took a step forward with his eyes shining

Robin smiled again, then with a wave of his hand, the scrolls and flasks lying on the ground flew, so one scroll and one flask fell into the hands of each emperor, "I want you to read the scroll and understand it well, then drink what is in the flask in one go - I know it tastes bad but you will do it anyway- and then move what you have drunk into their bodies according to what you have understood from the scroll, Is everything clear?"

"Yes, your Excellency!" All the emperors responded quickly

"Good, you may start!"

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