Legend of Dragon Son-in-law

Chapter 233 - 232 The Plot is Revealed 1

Chapter 233: Chapter 232 The Plot is Revealed 1

Translator: 549690339

“Zalmon Martin!

Seeing Zalmon Martin fall to the ground, Zade Radcliffe was alarmed.

He hurried over, helped her up from the ground, and pointed at the three men in suits, scolding, “You must be hired by Quella Radcliffe, daring to impersonate people from the Willson Group! Now I’m going to hold you accountable, get ready to go to jail!”

Zade Radcliffe didn’t believe that the mere Radcliffe Group warranted the Willson Group to send people personally, especially setting the invitation number to Quella Radcliffe’s birthday.

After some investigation over the past few days, he had learned something about the Willson Group — it was mysterious!

So mysterious that even Ovidiu Cook wasn’t qualified to meet the boss of the Willson Group.

Therefore, Zade Radcliffe was certain that these men were impostors!

“Whether it’s real or fake, I don’t need to explain to you!”

Sheamus Young said arrogantly, “The invitations we sent out have already been delivered to Zalmon Martin. As for whether what I said is true or false, you can check the invitation code to understand.”

Having said that, he turned around and looked at the suppliers behind him.

“Madeline Pendleton, invitation number 1150. Leonardo Leopold, invitation number 0877. Jeremy Martin, invitation number 0912…”

Sheamus Young named a number with each person he looked at.

Those called out, considering the Willson Group’s invitation very important,

Then they took out their invitations from their clothes and looked at the numbers.

And one by one, their expressions changed dramatically.

Because each number Sheamus Young recited was completely accurate.

This indicated that these three men were indeed personnel of the Willson Group!

“We had no idea that staff from the Willson Group had come to Gonzalez City; we neglected you!”

Facing a business giant, they, merely small boats, dared not make any transgressions!

Now, they greeted them with smiles, trying to leave a good impression.


Zade Radcliffe was equally shocked; he quickly went over, one by one, looking at the invitation numbers of his old friends, his face turning deathly pale instantly!

Not a single mistake!

“Since this old man claims we three are impostors, I will surely report this to the boss when I return! Then you Radcliffe Group, wait to face the consequences!”

Sheamus Young snorted coldly and turned to leave.

Just like when they had arrived, they disappeared before anyone could react.

The conference room was very quiet; you could hear a pin drop.

Everyone was pondering, all the while making difficult decisions.

Nobody was foolish enough to doubt the identity of these three men anymore. “Everyone, our company now needs to deal with some internal matters.”

Quella Radcliffe looked at the wealthy businesspeople from Gonzalez City at the door and revealed a polite smile.

“Understood! Since President Radcliffe has matters to attend to, we won’t disturb you! Just contact us whenever you need anything! I, Madeline Pendleton, may not dare to guarantee much, but I can assure you the lowest prices in town!”

Knowing that Quella Radcliffe was giving them the hint to leave, the businessmen tactfully departed.

The other businesspeople also expressed their sincerity before quickly leaving the place.

Once the outsiders had left, Quella Radcliffe, looking at the ashen-faced Zalmon Martin, asked softly, “Tell me, what exactly is going on. You heard what has just been said; if the Willson Group directs their anger at us, we’re all doomed.”

She glanced around at the members of Radcliffe Clan present, smiling slightly, “Not only won’t you be able to keep your current interests, but you’ll also be left with nothing in the future. Let’s make money together; since I took office, the company’s funds have been tightly controlled, but we’ve been on the right track.”

Quella Radcliffe glanced at the watch on her hand, “It’s ten in the morning now, and last month’s dividends should have been deposited into your salary accounts. Cherish this last dividend, because once the Willson Group applies pressure, we’ll lose all room to survive.”


One by one, the buzz of vibrating phones and the occasional text message alert filled the conference room.

Everyone took out their phones, and all bore expressions of surprise as they looked at the figures on their screens.

“There’s no need for doubt; thanks to everyone’s hard work last month, the company has seen significant profits,” Quella Radcliffe said with a faint smile, “Meeting adjourned.”

“Hold on!”

A member of the Radcliffe Clan Stand 1110 from his seat. Innked around the

room, and shouted, “Let’s be frank, although President Radcliffe manages us strictly and can’t embezzle company funds, this profit sharing amount is indeed substantial!”

“That’s right! I just received fifty thousand, when I used to get only sixty to seventy thousand at the end of the year.”

“Yes! Even though we used to do it on the sly, we never got much, but now I’ve received a single-month bonus of one hundred thousand. At this rate, I can make at least one and a half million a year!”

“We’ve misjudged President Radcliffe!”

Many of those present were from the Radcliffe Family’s side branches and didn’t have high salaries.

Aside from people like Otis Radcliffe, who easily moved tens of thousands, others could at best meddle with amounts around one hundred and twenty to a hundred and thirty thousand.

Usually, even getting thirty to fifty thousand required stealth, but now the distribution was open and above board—who wouldn’t want to make money with their head held high?

“Zalmon Martin! Give it to us straight. Did you do this? Are you trying to cut off everyone’s source of income?”

Soon, the accusatory fingers pointed straight at Zalmon Martin.

Just now, Sheamus Young had personally admitted that he handed the invitation to Zalmon Martin.

“That’s right! You actually betrayed the company!”

“Spill it!”

People began rising to their feet, filled with righteous indignation.

Scared, Zalmon Martin took a few steps back, not knowing how to begin speaking.

“What do you think you’re doing? A few tens of thousands, and you’ve sold yourselves? Are you still members of the Radcliffe Clan with attitudes like these?” Zade Radcliffe’s heart tightened as he quickly stood up to rebuke them. Usually, when he scolded them like this, no one dared to make a sound.

But this time was an exception.

“Old Master, Quella Radcliffe is your own granddaughter and is also part of our

Radcliffe Family, right? Besides, back in the day, apart from Otis Radcliffe and

Wellington Radcliffe and your direct relatives, we didn’t make much money!” “Exactly! Otis Radcliffe takes away millions from the group every year, and you turn a blind eye; but when we get a little more, we’re immediately met with a barrage of scolding!”

“You play favorites; when have you ever considered us one of your own!”

As one person started, others also stood up to accuse.

“You… you all…”

Zade Radcliffe was so angry he couldn’t find the words to speak, flabbergasted that his usually obedient clan members dared to confront him!

In truth, these grievances had been building in everyone’s hearts for a long time; they just exploded today, taking advantage of the occasion.

“Zalmon Martin! Speak up!”

Some surrounded her, demanding answers harshly.

“It was the Old Master!”

Taking a deep breath, Zalmon Martin lowered her head, not daring to look at Zade Radcliffe, “It was the Old Master who instructed me to do it. I really had no choice!”

At this point, she knew she couldn’t hide it any longer; it was better to expose Zade Radcliffe.

“The invitation arrived long ago, and the Old Master told me to withhold it, hoping to use this opportunity to bring Quella… no, President Radcliffe, down from the chairman position..”

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