Legend of Concubine's Daughter Minglan

Chapter 273: A Talk with Gongsun Baishi (5)

Chapter 273: A Talk with Gongsun Baishi (5)

Translator: Iris

“Can Zhonghuai spread what has happened to him? No, he can not, otherwise he will be accused of being unfilial.” Gongsun Baishi said.

Minglan tried to digest his words, and then nodded slowly.

Bai shi’s existence was a humiliation to Marquis Ningyuan’s family. Old Master Gu married Bai shi for her money but did not treat her son well and even drove the young boy out of the family. If this thing was known by others, Old Master’s reputation would be ruined and Marquis Ningyuan’s family would become a joke.

However, a son should never speak ill of his father. If Gu Tingye really gave great publicity to his family story and damaged his father’s reputation, he would surely be reproached even if he didn’t do anything wrong.

“Because of the three reasons I have just told, I have advised Zhonghuai to have a long-term vision and stop focusing on the temporary loss. He still has so much time to redress wrongs done to Madam Bai and do justice to himself. I told him that he has to be patient.”

Gongsun Baishi picked up the handkerchief from the ice to wipe his hands and then stroked his beard, saying, “Zhonghuai was in a huff a few days ago, so I couldn’t say much. Two days ago when you two came back from Marquis Ningyuan’s mansion, I saw him not as decisive as before. Then I went to him right away to advise him again. Finally, he was persuaded by me.”

Minglan was very touched deep down, thinking, ‘This old man truly means good for us, otherwise he wouldn’t have tried so many times persuading Gu Tingye.’

“... Thanks for your efforts, Sir. I, I am so grateful.” After saying that, she bowed to the old man sincerely.

Gongsun Baishi waved his hand and said smilingly, “Don’t mention it. The friendship between Zhonghuai and me has nothing to do with our age and I like his temperament a lot. Also, that’s not the only thing I told him. I also suggested, ‘Do not go to anyone else to argue for your families. Go straightly to His Majesty and plead for them. It’ll be better if you can shed tears when you say how heartbroken you are.’”

Minglan opened her mouth slightly and appreciated Gongsun Baishi’s marvelous idea.

It meant that Gu Tingye hadn’t gone to the emperor to absolve the Gu’s people of their guilt since they truly were guilty. What he had done was asking the emperor to give his family a light sentence for his own sake.

Or rather, what mattered most was not the result of Gu Tingye’s speech, but the fact that he had given the speech. It didn’t matter whether those bastards could be clear of their charges. The most important thing was letting the emperor know about Gu Tingye’s difficulties and sadness as well as building a warmhearted, a bit sentimental and kind image of Gu Tingye.

Minglan who was finally enlightened gave a naughty smile and asked in a soft voice, “So, did he cry?”

“Well, I have wanted to ask you about this.” Gongsun Baishi pretended to get angry and said that.

Minglan covered her mouth and chuckled, feeling the old man quite adorable. At last, she gave obeisance to the old man and said with a smile, “As the saying goes, listening to the words of a wise person is better than reading books for ten years. Thanks for explaining everything to me patiently regardless of my foolishness. Today I really have learned a lot of things. I really appreciate it.”

“It’s a pleasure. I didn’t talk to you for nothing.” Gongsun Baishi shook his head smilingly, “Although Zhonghuai has followed my words and begged for mercy for his family, he has been simmering with rage the whole time. A man should always do things in a good temper. Otherwise he will either offend others or hurt himself. Yesterday afternoon, after Zhonghuai talked with you for a while, he seemed in high spirits when he went out. Last night... Ahem, ahem, I heard from Shunzi that when Zhonghuai left this morning, the look on his face already looked very joyful, which means that he should be fine now.”

Hearing the old man’s compliments, Minglan blushed and lowered her head bashfully.

“I can not advise him forever. You two are going to live together. I feel that it is better that I could straighten things out with you early.” Gongsun Baishi laughed cheerfully.

“Anyway, we are so lucky to have a talented man like you, Sir.” Minglan was quite shy and changed the subject at once.

“Zhonghuai could never be persuaded by me if he hasn’t sorted things out by himself.” Gongsun Baishi also said it modestly.

Minglan wished they could talk about something else. Then she asked, “What do you mean?”

“When Zhonghuai was in anger, he asked if I had a way to vent his anger without making trouble. I said yes.” Gongsun Baishi showed a meaningful look and said, “If he wants to be an official without any support in the imperial court.”

“What?!” Minglan was shocked, thinking, ‘No, I don’t want to be a family of an official without any support!’

“That’s right, an official who has no support except for the trust from His Majesty and is devoted to His Majesty forever.”

Minglan was speechless for a long while. Although it was wrong to form a clique for personal interests, an official still couldn’t have no friend in the imperial court.

As far as she knew, half of those famous officials without any support in the history hadn’t ended up well, such as Shang Yang, Wu Qi, and Chao Cuo. The other half did have died a natural death. However, their descendants had been left unattended then(Their dads had offended everyone). Therefore, the thriving situation in their families had only lasted for one generation. The stern official called Tian Wenjing was such an example.

“Don’t worry, Madam.” Seeing the worried look on Minglan’s face, Gongsun Baishi held back his laughter and said, “The moment I finished saying those words, Zhonghuai disagreed with me right away.”

Minglan let out a sigh of relief and stroked her chest to calm herself down, thinking, “Luckily, Gu Tingye used to be a playboy, and his ideological awareness hasn’t kept up with his political instinct.”

Gongsun Baishi turned around to look at Minglan while stroking his beard with a smile.

In fact, what Gu Tingye had said to him was, “I marry a wife to let her live a good life instead of suffering with me.”


Seven or eight days later, at night.

As Madam Shao entered the room with a bowl of hot decoction, she saw Gu Tingyu sitting up on the bed thinking of something with his body leaning on the cushion. With a frown, Madam Shao said gently, “Why did you get up again?Just lie down.” Then she stepped forward to help her husband.

Gu Tingyu waved his hand and said, “I’m so tired lying on the bed all day long. I need to get up to have a rest.”

Madam Shao said nothing and only blew on the hot decoction.

“Old Madam Qin came here again just now.” Gu Tingyu stared at the roof. His face was haggard, but the look in his eyes was still very sharp.

Madam Shao sighed slightly, saying, “Why did she... Gosh, she knows that you are sick right now, why does she have to bother you over and over again?”

“She got anxious.” Gu TIngyu showed a vaguely sarcastic look on his face and said, “She wants to finish that deal before I die.”

Madam Shao wanted to say something but stopped on second thought. Finally, she still couldn’t help but say, “You really wouldn’t consider what she said?”

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