I'm The supreme Fairy King

Chapter 106: The Biased Master

Chapter 106: The Biased Master

"You hit like a pussy kid."

After the retreat of the two masters, Donald turned to glance at Jim and sneered, "your hit was so weak. You have a long way ahead of you."


Jim was about to speak back and reply in a harsh way but the old man stopped him from doing so.

And so he went to silence, swallowing what he wanted to respond to Donald deep inside him.

"Humph, I thought so," Donald turned to the losing kid of his pantheon, "go back to you two and let the next two come forth."

Jim moved from the place of the sparring while the kid glanced deeply at him. "You are lucky to have his backing," Jim softly muttered while walking side to side with the kid.

"You cheated, cheater!" the kid refused to show any sign of weakness there.

"Humph," Jim raised his head high while returning to his seat. He was sitting in the middle of the Medusa group of disciples, and their eyes told him how much praise they had to him deep down their souls.

"Next," Donald continued to choose the kids to spar. Away from this strong clash Jim had, no one caused another ruckus there.

And the pantheon of chimera just reaped one hundred points more during this.

"Now it's time to teach you the proper fighting tactic that will save your life later on," Donald viciously glanced at Jim as he added, "come, we need someone to demonstrate this tactic upon."

Jim hesitated for a moment before sighing and walking back to the center of attention.

"Five disciples you, you, and you come here now," Donald chose hurriedly five of his own pantheon disciples before adding, "to be fair, you should select one more."

Jim nodded and glanced all over the place before pointing to Moora and said: "Come here, I'll need your help."

"Selecting a Sedial clan interesting choice indeed."

Donald seemed quite amused as he was pretty much sure of Jim's loss. Jim knew that the biased master was trying to take his revenge upon him, and that made him quite agitated.

Masters shouldn't be this biased or partial to anyone, including themselves!

"Now I'll explain the tactic used commonly by our camp in all wars, it's called the five team tactic. It's simply depending on the teamwork of the five members here to crush the other two," Donald smiled viciously before Jim suddenly interrupted him:

"shouldn't I have a five man team as well?"

"Five points, no, make it ten points deducted from the Fairy pantheon," Donald answered with a wide smile before calmly adding, "this is my class and I just want to train those against you. Don't be bitter, as this is just the first wave of many."

Jim swallowed what he wanted to say again after his old man stopped him with the simple word warning once more.

"Now, the five team should be arranged in two one two formation. The two at the front are tasked with defending, the two at the back are responsible for attacking, and the one is the center can be considered a joker, acting to organize everyone and help anyone in any situation."

Donald glanced over Jim and Moora as he laughed, "do you have anything to say little human?"


Jim ignored him before turning to Moora as he said, "your task is to defend, nothing more."


She wanted to say this is just impossible. Despite hating the fact that Jim dragged her to his own fight, she still felt pissed off from Donald's bias.

"Don't worry," Jim smiled, "trust me on this."

She had nothing to say but to nod. He glanced over the five man team up front and they were all a mix of the giant lion clan and giant tiger clan.

Yet Jim wasn't under pressure at all with this formation, as he knew this fight was easy to handle.

"Start!" Donald gave the signal before Jim took out his fire ore and started to activate his spell. He noticed Donald's gaze towards him, which made him know Donald was much confident about this fight.

But Jim only sneered, as he never intended to use his spell alone.


The two tigers at the front moved fast to attack Moora who simply sneered and her hair twisted and danced to form a strong shield couple of meters up front after expanding all of sudden.

And the two tigers just got hit with it, but suddenly the two lions on the back moved and bypassed her defensive hair.

Despite all that, the audience here wasn't attracted to this fast encounter, but towards a spot behind Moora Jim!

He was dancing, jumping around like crazy while being surrounded by his fire bubble.


The two lions roared and managed to knock Moora back. Fighting the four heads on seemed quite an impossible feat for her, for anyone.

Just as she was sent flying back, she didn't land on the ground as Jim moved to hold her few meters before crashing.

"You" she glanced at him and he noticed a thin line of blood coming from the corner of her mouth. "You did well, rest here and watch," he let her body straight on the ground before vanishing from her sight.

Then a massacre erupted.

This time Donald was late to interfere to only stop Jim from hitting the last kid. As for the other four who were so close to Jim, he couldn't save them in time.


An explosion occurred, so massive that it attracted the two masters from before.

"What's going on here inside your class?" Mark demanded an explanation while the cloud of dust settled to reveal Donald negating the spells of Jim with a wave of his long stick.

"I'm teaching here," Donald was already in a bad mood. He hesitated to move when Jim held Moora, as he never thought this kid would have such a grand spell under his sleeves.

He heard Jim caused a big ruckus back at the arena the other day, but he never thought this was due to Jim, but to the presence of others with him.

And now he knew he was wrong to underestimate this little human kid.

"Master," but Jim didn't intend to let Donald go again with his bias, "I want to file a complaint here."

His words attracted everyone's attention over him, and suddenly Rana appeared to join the group of masters.

"Donald, you interrupted my class twice in a row this is a real record!" she sneered before glancing over Jim and asked, "what do you want to complain about kid?"

"Master shouldn't be biased to disciples," Jim said before pointing towards the standing weak and looking pale Moora, "he let the two of us fight against the five of his own pantheon disciples in an unfair fight!"

He was so much enraged with this fact. If the master gave him equal chances then he wouldn't complain, but he asked for fairness to be repaid with points deducted from his pantheon.

His hard earning points were gone simply like that.

"Impudent child this rudeness won't be tolerated," Donald shouted in rage, "your pantheon will"

"Donald," Mark calmly said, interrupting him in a tone that was cold to withstand. Jim glanced at Mark who smiled at him as he added: "Tell me everything kid, and fear nothing. Here everyone is bound with rules."

"Humph," Rana harrumphed and the old man warned but Jim had already made up his mind.

This bias shouldn't be let off simply like this.

Jim started to narrate what happened. He didn't add anything extra and just stated the facts.

"Is this true?" Mark asked in a calm yet domineering tone.

"I won't do that, never let my kids be harmed without good reason," Donald bellowed back.

"Does this happen or not?" Mark said while the face of Donald looked quite unsightly.

"I was teaching them how to fight," Donald arrogantly said, "they need examples on how to fight properly."

"But you shouldn't let the kids get harmed by that," Rana shook her head before adding, "now you have kids injured because you let them in harm's way."

"They fought only two and got injured," Donald defended, "my estimate initially was right, that human kid alone is enough to face five of them!"

"Still that's not how we work here," Mark calmly said before turning to Jim and asked, "how many fights did you win so far?"


"The pantheon of Fairies just got themselves two hundred points in return," Mark said before turning to Donald, "I won't tolerate bias towards other pantheons. See Rana here and learn a thing or two from her for fairies sake!"

Rana's face beamed with a bright smile, "are you praising me old man? Oh I never dreamt of a day to hear such words from you, hehehe."

Mark glanced silently at her and that gaze choked her laughs inside her throat before returning to stand calm beside him.

"This is the last time I hear something like this," Mark said while the unicorn master calmly added, "this isn't your first felony y'know, if not for your outstanding skills in teaching, we might have dealt with this in another way."

Donald's face was so dark before Mark glanced at the four lying motionless on the ground kids and sighed. "Jim, my boy, you didn't need to be so ruthless."

"I had to defend myself against them," Jim simply shrugged, "after all I was outnumbered and my teammate was injured at the start of the fight."

"He is simply too much to compare to others here," Donald complained, trying to make his image much better.

"It's not his fault to be strong," but Rana couldn't help but reprimand him, "as a master you should know how to tailor your teachings to each disciple."

And her harsh remark left him silent without saying anymore.

"Alright, I'll take those kids to the hospital ward," Mark sighed, "the first day and five kids are injured from your class alone that's too much Donald."

"Make sure no one else will get injured," the unicorn master warned, "and I'll keep an eye over the pantheon points coming from your class. Make sure not to overuse your power here."

"I will."

Donald dishonestly said while his face and gaze told Jim he wasn't learnt anything from this lesson. 'Sigh, this master is really dark from within,' he inwardly muttered while the old man only sighed.

'Chimeras are the hardest to face,' the old man said while Jim returned like a king to his seat, 'they are quite vengeful. You shouldn't have done that!'

'And let myself turn into the punching bag of the entire class?' Jim was speechless for a second, 'no old man, if I was going to end like this at least I have to fight back somehow!'

'Sigh,' and the old man only sighed while Donald glanced in deep hatred towards Jim.

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