I'm The supreme Fairy King

Chapter 104: Impressing The Master

Chapter 104: Impressing The Master

Jim started preparing his ingredients using his pantheon power. Just next to him was small cups where he put the prepared final essence there.

'I'm done,' he said after finishing dealing with everything, 'should I start pouring the fluid now?'

'First break his spell over fire,' the old man said, 'you need to make the fluid face high heat first before putting anything inside.'

Jim followed the steps his old man told him before as he simply touched the pot and the next instant he heard a muffled voice coming from it.

And the next thing happened was for the weak and docile fire underneath to go berserk.

"What the hell are you doing?!" one disciple next to him couldn't help but exclaim in surprise, but Jim totally ignored him.

He moved his gaze upon the master and found him smiling in content. 'He knows everything, sigh.'

'Hahaha, don't worry,' the old man laughed, 'you'll still impress him.'

'I hope,' Jim inwardly sighed, 'what now?' he asked.

'Put the fluid first, then the materials in the order I'll tell you about.'

'And the fire?'

'Just keep one hand over the pot,' the old man instructed, 'also try to withstand the heat.'

Jim started to feel uncomfortable already. Despite him being protected with his golden aura, he still felt some pain.

He put the fluid and waited a couple of minutes according to his old man's words before he started putting the ingredients inside the pot.

'Release your hand,' the old man suddenly said, 'and wait for one minute and then put it again for another and then withdraw.'

The instructions of his old man were simple and clear, yet he had tons of questions inside.

But he restrained himself from asking now.

The moment he lifted away his hand the fire started to grow cooler gradually. When the first minute passed he had already put half of his ingredients inside and then he put again his hand.

He used a big clock over the black board over the stage, and with it he managed to time everything according to his old man's words.

When he lifted his hand once again, he had already put everything in the pot and only waited for one minute before the old man said:

'Now take the pot off the fire.'

'Is it done?'

'The fluid needs just a final touch, but it's almost over.'

Jim did what his old man said and there he finally could see the source of fire clearly. It was a special kind of ore it seemed, orange in color and gave up the golden flames.

After removing the pot the fire started to grow weaker over time, yet Jim was attracted to the pot not the fire.

The content inside was getting smaller strangely in a fast pace. It was like there was a sponge deep inside the pot that kept absorbing the fluid he created.

'Is this alright?' he muttered to himself, 'I mean the fluid is getting smaller.'

'That's normal, after all the fluid will only be sufficient for five potions at max.'

'So this is normal?' Jim asked again as the fluid shrank in five minutes to be almost half the size it originally was.

'It's perfectly normal.'

'Where does all the fluid go then?' Jim carried many doubts and couldn't help but to ask.

'The fluid is refining its own,' the old man said, 'when only one third of it remains you'll add the final touch.'

'Which is?'

'To insert your hand with the aura inside it.'


Jim glanced at those small bursting bubbles before asking, 'the fluid looked quite hot! I doubt I will taint it with my dirty hands!'

He checked his hands and they weren't that clean to be inserted in such potion.

'Don't worry, the aura only will integrate inside the liquid,' the old man said before explaining, 'this will help in elevating the grade of the potion and make it more complete.'

'Are you sure?'

'Are you doubting me?'


Jim couldn't say anymore while kept watching the fluid getting smaller on visible rate.


The old man suddenly said and Jim did what he was told. His actions made everyone here speechless while watching him inserting his hand inside the pot to its fullest.

'It's cool,' Jim was surprised to feel that.

'Indeed it is,' the old man wasn't surprised by that before adding, 'keep your hand inside until the fluid shrank to its one fourth initial size, then the potion is ready to be stored inside those glass bottles.'

Jim waited and didn't question his old man while turning to glance at his master. The master stood in his place while his eyes shone brightly as he glanced fixedly over Jim.

And his face told Jim everything he was feeling excitement!

'Now,' the old man gave the signal and Jim instantly lifted his hand before taking one glass bottle next to him and started filling it using a special crafted long spoon.

"Master," just as he was filling the first bottle he shouted, "I need four more if you please."

"They are at your desk," the master simply waved his hand and the next instant four bottle glasses appeared in front of Jim.

And he kept filling them to the brim before closing their top using strong rubber covers.

"I'm done," he said while returning to his seat once more and the five potions were ready over his desk.

The orange blue liquid kept spinning inside like it was alive, or stirred by something. Jim glanced over his creation in admiration while the master passed by and stopped to examine his making.

"Impressive," the master nodded in content after taking out one bottle and examined its content. Jim was keen to each move he did, as the master opened the bottle and sniffed for a couple of seconds before letting one drop over his palm and then tasted it.

"It's a higher grade than the one I just let you do," the master reclosed the potion again before adding, "making potions is important, but knowing how to store them is much important," he then put the bottle back before adding, "this potion requires high temperature to be stored in, so I'll let you take this special container and the fiery ore there."

The master waved his hand and a small cubical box appeared with its lid open. Jim noticed the place for putting ores in one corner, while the rest had racks to hold the bottles.

Despite the box looking small, not exceeding his desk size, he found many places inside that would take up to a hundred bottles at least.

"Don't be surprised like that," the master laughed, "it's enchanted with magic. So the inner storage capacity of it is much more than it normally carries. Besides"

He paused as he pointed to the special place of the ores as he added, "you can just touch this small section here and it will pop up like this," a small segmental wall appeared at the place he touched, "so you can store different potions with different conditions inside without any problems."

Jim understood his meaning as he nodded, "thanks master."

"I should have given you a good potion, but you already have good ones here," the master laughed before adding, "so consider this container as your reward. Getting something like this from outside is quite pricey and hard to get y'know."

Jim smiled in appreciation while the master moved to check over other restless disciples. "You have piqued my interest kid, be sure to keep doing that and you'll have a chance here."

Jim was so much excited about these words of master as he hurriedly stored the ore and the bottles inside the container before storing it away.

'Happy now?' the old man laughed while Jim only nodded. 'Getting the good side of this master is good, but you must know you still have a long road ahead.'

'I'll do my best.'

'Potions and pills are very important in everything, especially war. The more you get, the better your chances are,' the old man said before adding, 'take also this pot, the master left one for each disciple.'

'Is it that good?' Jim asked while storing away the pot.

'It's just normal grade one,' the old man sighed, 'but to get more advanced one you'll need to visit the Sherwid town once more, which is a thing I doubt you'll be able to do soon.'

'Why?' Jim asked in surprise, 'Lim told me about the weekend vacation here. I've got a day off to do whatever I want.'

'I doubt you'll have time for that,' the old man laughed, 'did you forget about the three masters you got? They will focus their classes during this period. Besides' the old man paused before adding, 'the weekend will be the most proper time for the selection of the ace y'know.'

Jim totally forgot about that and when he heard the words of his old man he was instantly convinced. 'I can send someone instead,' he thought.

'Might work,' the old man said, 'but it's best if you go as you'll need more than just a pot from there.'


'Kid, this is just one class out of many. You'll need more items to craft weapons, make potions, form arrays, and even gears for your ace position.'

'You are confident I'll get that, right?' Jim asked in expectation.

'Of course I do, who else can compete with the perfect duo of us? Hahaha.' The old man laughed and Jim only smiled while saying nothing.

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