I'm A Wasteland Giant

Chapter 104 - 104: 104: Level Up Again!

Chapter 104 - 104: 104: Level Up Again!

Translator: 549690339

King Kong excitedly announced, “I’ve reached the Yellow Grade!”

Wang Dezhen asked, “Just the Yellow Grade?”

King Kong was overjoyed, “Not just that. I should be Yellow Grade, Third Rank now. The energy from this thing is abundant. It helped me advance in rank and then upgrade two more times. I have a premonition that I’ll be able to level up again in a few days.”

Wang Dezhen nodded, then turned to Du Gang and said, “A Yellow Crystal the size of a thumb can only help a human break through to Yellow Grade, Rank One at most. This fist-sized one of yours, I’ll give you ten thousand Red Crystals for each. How does that sound?”

From five thousand Red Crystals, the price was doubled to ten thousand!

Even for five thousand Red Crystals, Du Gang would be willing to trade, let alone ten thousand. He nodded with a smile, and said, “Alright, ten thousand it

Wang Dezhen returned to the command vehicle, took up another Yellow

Crystal on the table, and said, “I owe you twenty thousand Red Crystals.” After saying that, he carelessly swallowed the Yellow Crystal right in front of everyone.

Seeing Du Gang’s confusion, Li Youcai explained, “The times have changed. The only ones who can rule the superpowered are the superpowered themselves…” This explanation was more like a sigh.

In the past, everyone in each unit, whether they were pilots or tank operators, always saluted and greeted the higher ups diligently when they saw members of the Staff Department.

Especially towards ordinary people, they always had an air of superiority.

But you can’t really blame them.

After a superpowered person advances to Orange Level, there’s a faint intimidating aura around them. Ordinary people naturally submit when they see them.

In the beginning, the soldiers of Divine Mystery Camp were probably not comfortable with this.

But as more and more ordinary people showed restraint when they saw them, they got used to their superior manners.

There’s always been a class system in human history, the difference is that the past classes were artificially created, mainly based on power.

Now it’s different. As time goes on, the strength of the superpowered grows, and as the gap between them and ordinary people widens, classes naturally form.

However, this time, the classes are measured by actual power!

Wang Dezhen was no exception. If he didn’t understand this, he wouldn’t have advanced himself first after obtaining the Yellow Crystal… except for the first one he let King Kong test.

Similarly, if Du Gang didn’t have such tremendous strength, who would give him so many privileges?

Even the Divine Mystery Camp included, allocation is based on work, distribution is based on ability.

Du Gang alone was cooperating with the military on an equal footing!

The process of Wang Dezhen advancing to Yellow Grade was much less extravagant than King Kong’s. Just three roars from his body and he smoothly progressed.

As soon as he regained consciousness, Lu Zhou started saying his farewells.

“Won’t you stay for a meal?”

Lu Zhou shook his head, “I still have some experiments to do, maybe next time!”

After Lu Zhou left, Du Gang also bid everyone farewell but on his way back, he made a detour to the dinosaur’s corpse site for Wang Dezhen and took out the Yellow Crystal that was hidden deep inside the dinosaur’s body.

After doing a good deed and receiving a wave of praise, Du Gang finally returned to his own house.

When Wang Dezhen was planning a house, he took the initiative to ask Du Gang where he wanted to live.

After some thought, Du Gang chose a location at the foot of the mountain.

He was afraid that if he chose another location, there could be emergencies where he might need to transform and in doing so, collapse the entire Mountain City…

Usually, many families could live in one passage, but Du Gang’s house was special. There was only him in this whole passage.

When he arrived home, he converted the newly obtained seventy thousand crystals into Source Energy, totaling one hundred and sixty thousand Source Energy. “Upgrade!” [Du Gang]

[Third Rank Ancient God]

[Battle Level: 145 meters]

He calculated that to break through to the Fourth Rank Ancient God, reaching a kilometer Battle Level, he still needed eight million, five hundred and fifty thousand Source Energy. It’s a long way to go.

Lying on the stone bed, Du Gang tossed and turned unable to sleep.

During this period, he had been nocturnal, and it was still a bit hard to sleep late at night.

Having no other choice, he sat up and looked at the time. It was just past midnight; it would still be six and a half hours until dawn.

“Hunt bugs?”

He shook his head. When he just flew back, he didn’t see many bugs around.

“Hunt dinosaurs?”

This is a possibility!

Du Gang quickly got up and headed towards the command vehicle. Along the way, the soldiers on patrol, seeing him, not only did not stop him, but saluted him with faces full of adoration, making him somewhat embarrassed.

Although Wang Dezhen had set up a military office on the top floor for himself, most of the equipment was not ready yet, so he was temporarily still working in the command vehicle at the foot of the mountain.

By the time Du Gang arrived, they were still in discussion.

From far away, he could hear Li Youcai’s loud voice.

“The Pioneer Team cannot be disbanded. Didn’t the information from the

Arctic say that the wormholes haven’t disappeared completely? The Spatial Channels on Earth have split into two: half produce bugs and half produce dinosaurs… ”

Immediately refuting him, was the refined voice of Li Yi, “I’m not suggesting to disband them, just to reorganize them. From the Pioneer Team to a Hunting Team, or several hunting camps, like the Divine Mystery Camp…”

Hearing this, Du Gang reached the entrance, the door to the command vehicle hadn’t been embedded yet. He stood at the entrance and peered inside.

The others immediately stopped their discussion.

“Du Gang, do you need anything?”

Du Gang nodded and laughed, “I can’t sleep. I’m thinking of hunting dinosaurs.

Can you lend me a plane?”

The few people inside the command vehicle looked at each other and then Wang Dezhen agreed, “Sure, go to the airport on the mountaintop. I’ll arrange it for you immediately!”

He got straight to action, quickly switched on the walkie-talkie in front of Du Gang and started talking.

“This is Wang Dezhen. Guard, go wake Hawk up. He has work to do…”

“Reporting commander, armed helicopter 5866 pilot Liu Dongdong reporting!”

Du Gang glanced at the pilot’s military rank subconsciously, he was a captain, which was fine.

He nodded and said with a smile, “Yeah, I’m planning to go hunt dinosaurs so be mindful of the fuel consumption. Don’t fly until you run out of fuel for the return! ”

Liu Dongdong was very excited; he saluted again and said loudly: “Yes, sir!”

Rumors have a way of spreading, and he was one of the first pilots at the Nanyuan Base to learn that Du Gang had already hunted two dinosaurs.

Because he had chatted with the pilot who had flown with Lu Zhou before, he knew about Du Gang’s heroics at Dahuang Mountain, and was therefore very excited.

“Let’s take off!”

Next, under the guidance of this armed helicopter, Du Gang left the base and began searching for dinosaurs..

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