I'll Teach You, Marianne.

Chapter 126 - Only Jack

Chapter 126 - Only Jack

Using a Royce-Roll Drophead Phantom, Aaron drove Anne home, because her Civic car was taken by Linda insisted to drive the car. Aaron had actually been confused when he saw Paul still in the shop as they prepared to go home, but after Linda explained that Paul lived in the shop, he finally calmed down.


"Yes," said Anne curtly as she closed her notebook and put it in her bag.

"When you get married, what kind of flowers will you take with you when you walk down the aisle, Anne?" asked Aaron suddenly.



Anne's heart was suddenly beating very fast when Aaron asked that to her. Anne's face was immediately flushed, not because of embarrassment, but because she re-imagined her wedding day three years ago when she walked down the aisle in the church to the altar where Leon was waiting reluctantly. Seeing the change in expression made Aaron confused. He then accelerated his car and looked for a parking space because they had arrived at Anne's apartment.

"Anne, are you okay?" asked Aaron softly as he touched Anne's shoulder.

Instead of answering Aaron's question that broke her reverie, Anne took off her seat belt and immediately got out of the car without speaking. She walked quickly to her apartment building, leaving Aaron who was still confused and didn't understand what was happening.

"Did I speak wrong earlier?" Aaron thought softly to himself as he looked at Anne who had entered the elevator.

Aaron slowly opened his seat belt and got out of the car, he stared at the window of Anne's room, which had already turned on. He was sure that by now Anne would have arrived at her room on the tenth floor. After standing for a long time, Aaron finally decided to leave Anne's apartment. He didn't want to disturb Anne. Even though it was night, but the car that Aaron was driving did not make a sound so that no one was disturbed at all when Aaron left the parking area. Even the security guards in the apartment lobby did not hear the sound of his car.

In her room, Anne was still sitting on the floor leaning against the door. Her face was still very pale. Aaron's mention of marriage made her emotionally unstable. After her wedding ceremony and they arrived home, Leon was cursing at her. Leon also pelted her with a whiskey bottle, which broke on the wall next to her. Perhaps if she didn't avoid it, the whiskey bottle that Leon had thrown would have hit her head.

Trembling, Anne walked to the bathroom. She intended to clean her body before going to sleep and hoped that the terrible memory would disappear. Arriving in the bathroom, she immediately sat in the bath tub which was still dry, without taking her clothes off. She just put her bag on the bathroom floor then she cried. The image of what happened on her wedding night three years ago returned to her memory.

* * *

Meanwhile, Jack, who was still struggling in front of his laptop, did not realize that it was very late. After he went to Anne's flower shop at noon, Jack returned to focus on his piled up work. After signing a partnership with Jason Dawkins, who now returned to Edinburgh after making peace with Thomas Hoover, Jack must immediately take care of the million dollar project. Therefore, he was still in the office with Erick and Alicia, who were now his personal secretaries, helping Erick's work.

"It's almost twelve at night, senior, what time are we going home?" Alicia wrote her question on a piece of paper which she gave to Erick who was sitting opposite her.

Erick, who read the paper Alicia gave him then took a deep breath while staring at Alicia who was sitting in front of him. He slowly then wrote the answer to Alicia's question behind the paper that was previously given by Alicia. Seeing Erick writing something, Alicia smiled. She couldn't wait to read the message written by her senior. As soon as Erick finished writing the answer, he immediately gave it to Alicia who had been staring at him without blinking. At first, Alicia was very excited when Erick wrote, but after reading Erick's handwriting, she was immediately disappointed. Erick only drew three circles containing his own name, then Alicia's name and finally Jack's name. In the three circles there are two lines that lead to Jack's circle which was accompanied by a large question mark next to the circle containing Jack's name. From the picture Erick made, Alicia realized that the point was that Erick didn't know when to go home because the final decision lied with Jack. .

Because she did not get a satisfactory answer from Erick, finally Alicia gave up and decided to return to focus on her work which was still piling up in front of her. Although previously she was a receptionist on guard at the front, but Alicia had received training to be a secretary for three months at her previous company. Therefore, she did not experience significant difficulties while carrying out her current job, because she only corrected a few important things that had to be signed by Jack. After she checked them, then she gave them to Erick, who was sitting opposite her before finally being handed over to Jack. So actually Alicia's task was not too heavy, but because of the many documents that had to be checked first, she couldn't go home before everything was finished.

In the quiet atmosphere, suddenly Jack's cell phone rang so loudly that it shocked everyone, including Jack himself. Jack slowly grabbed his cell phone and immediately accepted the incoming call without first seeing who had contacted him.

"Jack ..."

"Anne, have you come home? Why did you just contact me?" Jack asked quickly interrupting Anne's words.

"Jack sob…"


"Stop Anne!! I'm going to your place right now!" Jack shouted loudly when he heard Anne's sobs. Without thinking, he immediately got up from his chair and grabbed his car keys on the table, leaving Erick and Alicia alone.

Alicia and Erick, who were shocked, were silent when they saw Jack ran away from them without saying a word. When Erick was about to get up from his chair, Jack was seen coming back into his room and said, "Finish everything tonight, I will double your salary this month." .

After saying that, Jack went back out of his room and went down with the elevator to the basement.

Hearing Jack's words made Alicia, who had previously been tired and lost the desire to continue her work, immediately got excited again. Hearing Jack's words that would double her salary made Alicia's enthusiasm returned completely. Without speaking, she immediately grabbed the documents that were still piled in front of her and immediately worked on them with focus. Meanwhile, Erick only smiled slightly when he saw Alicia getting excited again. Because he didn't want to look into the problem, Erick returned to focus on his work again because all the documents in front of him were very important.

Jack drove his car at high speed towards Anne's apartment. H e was very uneasy after hearing Anne cry. Even though only one sob was heard, he was sure that something had happened to Anne, especially because Anne had contacted him. That was why he decided to go to Anne's apartment, even though at this time he had to finish his important papers with Erick and Alicia. After thirty minutes, the car driven by Jack finally arrived at Anne's apartment. Without parking his favorite car properly, Jack immediately got out and entered Anne's apartment building. In the elevator, Jack was very nervous. Even though he was already in Anne's apartment, but he was not calm. When the elevator stopped on the tenth floor, Jack quickly got out and ran to Anne's unit. Without ringing the bell first, Jack immediately grabbed the door handle of Anne's room and was surprised to realize that Anne did not lock the door to her apartment.

"Anne, where are you?" Jack immediately shouted loudly when he entered Anne's apartment. His eyes immediately looked around the room to find the whereabouts of Anne, who was nowhere to be seen.

Because he did not find Anne in the living room and pantry, Jack immediately went up the stairs to the second floor where Anne's bed was. He was again disappointed because he did not find Anne.

"The bathroom, yes, the bathroom," Jack's gained his senses. Without thinking, he immediately went down to the first floor to go to the bathroom.

Without thinking, Jack broke into Anne's private area. When he entered the bathroom, he was surprised by what he saw in front of his eyes.

"Are you crazy, Anne?!!" Jack shouted out loud.

Anne's lips trembled when she saw Jack in front of her. Her puffy eyes were filled with tears again.

"Jack ... I give up, Jack," said Anne, haltingly.

"Stupid girl. Watch your words," Jack said quickly as he walked quickly to where Anne was.

To be Continued

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