I Was Stuck on the Same Day For a 1000 Years

Chapter 109: Wu Chen! I want him to die immediately!

Chapter 109: Wu Chen! I want him to die immediately!

9: Wu Chen! I want him to die immediately!

The call went through quickly.

Come to my office! Ding Ruilong said, then suddenly turned around and threw the phone out! The phone flew a few meters away and hit an antique vase on a shelf in the corner, breaking the vase and hitting the wall into pieces!


The broken antique vase also fell to the ground and broke into dozens of pieces.

Ding Ruilong sat down again without looking at the broken mobile phone and antique vase, his eyes stared straight ahead, his breathing was very short and his hands were shaking, not because he felt the pain in his hands, Just because of anger!

The anger in his heart almost overwhelmed his rationality.

After two full minutes, his mood finally calmed down a little, and he turned his head to look at the side of his desk.

His desk was in a mess, with photos and documents stacked up irregularly like fallen leaves.

Ding Ruilong reached out and picked up the top photo. It looked like a student photo, a photo of a male college student at a graduation ceremony. The person in the photo was the same person as the man in the video just now. Wu Chen!

Looking at the photo of Wu Chen when he graduated from university, Ding Ruilong was suddenly excited. He frantically tore up the photo and threw it aside.

He became calm again.

He picked up a stack of documents on the table, turned the pages and looked back and forth. There were Wu Chens household registration information, Wu Chens student files, and the resume submitted by Wu Chen at the school recruitment fair.

He looked at it and suddenly stopped, threw the documents aside, and casually grabbed a handful of photos with no expression on his face.

A picture of Wu Chen and Li Ruobing getting into the car together in the parking lot.

A picture of Wu Chen and Li Ruobing eating outside the Italian restaurant.

A picture of Wu Chen and Li Ruobing kissing under the shade of a tree.

A photo of Wu Chen and Li Ruobing walking out of an alley arm in arm.

When Li Ruobing just got out of the car, he looked back at the ease and comfort when she was talking and laughing with Wu Chen

At the entrance of the restaurant, Li Ruobings thoughtfulness and gentleness when she tidied up Wu Chens skirt

On the side of the main road, Li Ruobing stared and smiled when whispering to Wu Chen

Ding Ruilong looked at these photos with an expressionless face, and gradually, his forehead Veins appeared again, his hands were tightly pinching the photo, his knuckles turned white, bloodshot and crazy colors appeared in his eyes again The first time he knew Wu Chen was on July 9th, the second day Wu Chen established a relationship with Li Ruobing.

The reason why Ding Ruilong knew so quickly was because on the night of July 8th, at Laopinxuan Restaurant, Wu Chen and Lu Guangnian almost had a conflict. Someone reported to him.

Originally, Ding Ruilong thought it was fake again this time, it was Li Ruobings boring fake boyfriend trick.

The previous few times were all fake. Ding Ruilong knew it, because it was too fake! He didnt care, but he still chose to deal with Li Ruobings first three fake boyfriends, and there was no other reason. Ding Ruilong just felt it was too annoying and uncomfortable! Fake ones would die too! He wanted Li Ruobing to understand how stupid her tricks were!

This was the fourth time.

Ding Ruilong also thought it was a fake at first, and he even thought about it. After investigating Wu Chens background, he would ruin Wu Chens family step by step, and he would torture Li Ruobings heart again. This was very interesting, he was not in a hurry!


Ding Ruilong never expected it!

As more and more information came back, he realized that Li Ruobings fourth boyfriend might be real! Wrong! Its true!

In fact, he was still not sure yesterday, although he received a photo of Li Ruobing and Wu Chen kissing yesterday, although he was very angry when he saw it, he still suspected it was fake! Its Li Ruobing. That woman could pull it off!

Having been fighting with Li Ruobing for several years, Ding Ruilong had already understood Li Ruobings character. He knew that Li Ruobing was such a strong woman, she could really go all out! She dared to go out of her way, and her boyfriend might still be a fake.

How could that man with such an ordinary background become Li Ruobings man? Li Ruobing blindly fell in love with him?


Ding Ruilong wasnt sure and didnt accept it until this morning!

He received intelligence from Donghai again.

The video taken outside Li Ruobings villa late last night made Ding Ruilong confirm that Li Ruobing played for real this time!

Li Ruobing really had a man! And he had been brought home! They even kissed by the window for so long, and then hugged How could he still hold it in?

The thought of Li Ruobing being under Wu Chens body Ding Ruilong went mad with jealousy, mad with anger!

The most perfect woman in his heart, the goddess he had never even touched once, was taken down by another man casually! Thinking of this, Ding Ruilong really

All kinds of crazy and extreme thoughts were left in his mind!

Bitch! Bitch! Why? Bitch! Would you like to be with such a man than with me. You even take him home after only a few days of acquaintance? You are humiliating me, bitch! Looking at the photo, Ding Ruilong suddenly gritted his teeth.

He whispered, the tone was full of endless anger and jealousy.


There was a knock on the door at this moment.

Ding Ruilong dropped the photo, looked up and said coldly, Come in!

The door opened.

The person who entered was a tall, thin middle-aged man in his forties, wearing a formal suit and combing his hair meticulously. He looked like a company executive, but his aquiline nose, triangular eyes, and the centipede scar on the top of his head made him feel like a bandit!

Jiang Chuan, forty-two years old, served as a soldier, and began to work for the Ding family in his early twenties. He was the old man of the Ding family and one of Ding Ruilongs confidantes.

Master, you are looking for me? Jiang Chuan walked to the desk and said respectfully.

When he came in, he had already noticed the broken vase, the broken mobile phone, and the blood on Ding Ruilongs hands, so he was a lot more cautious.

Ding Ruilong didnt talk nonsense, picked up a photo, tore off the half with Li Ruobing, and only held the half with Wu Chen in his hand.

He looked at Jiang Chuan and said, Wu Chen! I want him to die immediately! Die! The more miserable the better!

Jiang Chuans face changed, hesitating and not speaking.

It wasnt like this before. To deal with Li Ruobings fake boyfriend, he had to do it step by step. Ding Ruilong had never been so radical!

Radicals could go wrong!

Because the East China Sea was not the territory of the Ding family!

Is there a problem? Ding Ruilong asked with a stare.

This young master. Jiang Chuan pondered. Its okay to let him die, but it may not be so fast. If we send someone directly, at least we need to understand his itinerary before we can find opportunities. Donghai belongs to Li Ruotai. Everyone on the site and on the road is his dog. If he finds out, it will implicate you, and Wu Chen is a very problematic person, his background is not right. He cant be that simple, there must be


Ding Ruilong slapped the table vigorously and stood up, staring madly and shouting, Dont fucking talk to me about this! I dont want to hear it! Let me ask you, can it be done? Or cant it be done?

It can be done! Jiang Chuan nodded immediately.

He was sure, but after a pause, he said, But young master, your old man may get angry again because of your impulsiveness. Two months ago, you were angry with others The old man has already lost his temper a lot. If he finds out this time, you send someone to Donghai to kill people, Im afraid

Ding Ruilong stared at Jiang Chuan, he wanted to get angry, but he controlled it.

Because he knew that Jiang Chuan was loyal to him.

Its because he didnt want him to do wrong things when he lose his mind.

Taking a deep breath, Ding Ruilong tried to calm down his emotions, then stared at Jiang Chuan and asked, How many days? How many days do you need?

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