He's My Fiancée ! : I Went Back To The Past and You !

Chapter 130: The Snake's Act To Trip a Foolish Junior

Chapter 130: The Snake's Act To Trip a Foolish Junior

'This... Isn't this girl is Zhuang Huan Jing's loyal fan... Su She In?' As a fellow die-hard fans of the two hottest hunks in the school, Ji Gu Na who was skilled in gathering information knew the junior on front of her as she always followed Zhuang Han Wu like a professional bodyguard when in reality she spent most of her time stalking the prince charming.

Ji Gu Na shifted her eyes toward the wide window on the hall and noticed Zhuang Han Wu's figure who was standing in front of the flower bed and read the scene cleverly.

'Crying after talking to Zhuang Han Wu? That must only mean one thing- This girl must've confessed to Zhuang Han Wu and was rejected immediately... Crying like this, how stupid-'

Ji Gu Na's expression turned gentler as she hid her berating smile. "Calm down... There are too many people here, let's go to the garden." She carefully patted Su She In's back and walked with her toward the school's garden.

Putting down her school bag across her, Ji Gu Na gave a muted long sigh and rolled her eyes, waiting for the stupid junior to stop crying.

"I-I'm sorry senior Ji... For crying like this..." Su She In voice trembles as she apologizes.

Ji Gu Na smiled, "It's alright. Crying is better of you could let it out." In her heart, she commented cynically. ' So you do understand that your crying is troublesome?'

The two-faced Ju Gu Na continued, "What's your name? I'm sorry if this is out of line, however, I saw Zhuang Han Wu with you in the infirmary... Were you... Er..." Ju Gu Na hesitantly asked, acting as if she was afraid to butt in her junior's heartbreak, but couldn't help to inquire her out of worry.

"I- I'm Su She In..." Su She In sobbed before continuing the wounds that was still fresh after puncturing her heart. "I- I... I was re- re-..." Su She In nearly choked from her tears as though she could not continue her words. Ji Gu Na felt the need to rub her ears from all Su She In's loud and annoying cries. 

As she had already irritated from Xiao Yun, the junior next to her made her more irritated. Deep down, she asked herself. 'Why the hell am I doing this?'

She clicked her tongue very faintly. As though she had hit bad luck in a row, Ji Gu Na's forehead wrinkled. 

After a few tries and errors, Su She In finally ended her sentences. "I was rejected by Senior Zhuang-"

Ji Gu Na nearly fell asleep from Su She In taking her sweet time to say those six words. She raised her hand and patted her junior's words with a concerned voice and kind eyes. "I'm sorry for asking, that was insensitive from me-" 

She guilt trap the junior slyly. Su She In waved her hand. "No, no, no. Senior Ji, you didn't do anything wrong... I-" her eyes shadowed by the sorrow. For years she had held an unrequited love for Zhuang Han Wu. However, since last year, Zhuang Han Wu took leave for almost half a semester for surgery. 

Fortunately, Zhuang Han Wu went back to school with his illness completely healed. 

Su She In who had thought that Zhuang Han Wu would never come back anymore and out of the heat of the moment confessed her love for him. 

Unfortunately, Zhuang Han Wu rejected her because he had someone in his heart-

"If you are still sad, I can lend my ears to you." Ji Gu Na placed her warm hand on top of Su She In as an act of comfort. 

When someone was sad, as though how to cube of ice was placed in a furnace, tears that they hold back streamed down. Su She In drowned herself in the handkerchief and began her conversation of waterfall tears. 

"I met Senior Zhuang in the first year of middle school. Because I was very introverted, I didn't have any friends. However, senior Zhuang was very kind and helped me from behind to talk with my friends. Since then, it's been nearly 6 years I loved him... But- he rejected me and told me that he had found someone in his heart."

Feeling something tugging her sense, Ji Gu Na asked out loud involuntarily. "He had found someone in his heart?"

"Yes...-" Su She In looked away with droopy red eyes before adding. "It's someone that saved his life-"

"You know who the girl that Zhuang Han Wu like?" Ji Gu Na asked with a slightly surprised tone. 

"N- No... but yes...-" Su She In answered in a maze-like sentence. 

Ji Gu Na only lifted her one of her eyebrows, waiting for Su She In to complete her sentence. 

Su She In couldn't find a way to explain her in clarity in choose to use her phone to explain the whole thing. Ji Gu Na's eyes were fixed on the conversation that was made by the gossips of the schools. She was also at the same chat that day but was too angry when she found out Xue Xiu Yong called Xiao Yun 'darling' from the gossipers and left the chat to vent her anger. So she hadn't read the rest of the chats... However, Su She In was pointing at the chat where she left before.

The gossipers' chats said that Zhuang Han Wu was searching for the girl who both stole his heart and saved him from the danger- The anonymous girl was called "Water-bottle Cinderella" by the gossipers.

"So, the girl that Zhuang Han Wu like is this- cinderella?" Ji Gu Na asked with her tone lifted at the end of her words. 

"Y- Yes..." Su She In replied. 

'Water bottle Cinderella?' Ji Gu Na rolled her eyes to the side from the cringing nickname for the anonymous girl and sunk into a muddle of notions. Something hit her when the chat discussed the possibility that the water bottle Cinderella bought that water bottle at the food stall. 

That day, she arrived first in the cafeteria and bought her lunch, before taking a seat near the food stall. 

In a bitter moment, she met Xiao Yun who had bought something from the food stall. Ji Gu Na was sure that her memories had never failed her, especially of that woman's face- 

That time she clearly saw that hateful face that she could never ever mistake- 

It was Xiao Yun!

The so-called Water Bottle Cinderella is none other than Xiao Yun!

Finally hitting jackpot, Ji Gu Na's eyes widened from her following thoughts in blazing excitement.

Ji Gu Na twisted the corner of her lips and gave a malicious grin. Like how Xue Xiu Yong has a diehard fan such as her, Zhuang Han Wu also has them. The information she's holding must worth the whole life of Xiao Yun. 

Cooling down her eyes with a chilling glint, Ji Gu Na spoke with a tone akin to a snake. "That's very heart-breaking-" Ji Gu Na gave an understanding face as she continued. "I also have someone that I love, however, a fox always attached herself to him- and in the end, I never even have the chance to hold a proper conversation with him..."

Su She In had a complex face of bewilderment. "Even though Senior Ji is very beautiful?"

Ji Gu Na covered her mouth. "The problem is that... The person who coveted him was very vicious and she kept on making things harder to work between us. She is a very evil girl who likes to seduce and steal many boys, be it single or not. Every time she laid her eyes on them, she would do anything in order to catch him... and when that boy fell for her, she cast him aside like a plaything! Everything she did was only to amuse herself!" She continued to blurt out her speech of lies. 

An utter pretense.-

However, because Ji Gu Na was pretty good at guilt-tripping Su She In, the junior felt sympathetic to her story, slowly falling to Ji Gu Na's trap.

"How evil!" Su She In raged. Her imagination of how heart-breaking Ji Gu Na's personal story felt too real that she almost forgot her own sadness. 

Ji Gu Na covered her whole face with her both palm and shook her shoulders. In Su She In's eyes, it was as though Ji Gu Na was crying, however, in reality, Ji Gu Na's shoulder shook because she couldn't hold back her own laughter to her simple and foolish junior that couldn't see through her trap. 

Ji Gu Na looked away, wiped her tears and continued with a trembling voice. "Unfortunately... Junior Su, this girl who made me suffered from this, seemed to also target Zhuang Han Wu. "

"What?!" Su She In stood up in reflex. Her heart went cold as if had just abandoned in an icy mountain. "What do you mean, senior Ji?"

"Actually, that day I s- saw everything..." Ji Gu Na felt guilty as she said that and slanted down the ends of her eyebrows. Other than her skill at gossiping and gathering information, the sly girl was fairly good at acting and weaving mountain of lies. 

The fox girl began to acuminate her skill and lied without batting an eyelid. 

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