Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 8112: eternal power

Chapter 8112: eternal power

Second: The golden compound feet incorporated into the Star Meteor Instant Kill Formation were originally prepared to deal with the gray-robed old man who was suspected of being from the Star Clan.

Now that the old man in gray robe is dead, the original goal of Golden Restoration Feet no longer exists.

And these more than a hundred treasures forged in the prelude to the eternal calamity must pose a limited threat to the eternal realm. Only at this moment can they be put to full use, bursting out their brilliant brilliance and releasing their ultimate value!

Otherwise, when he enters the eternal realm, the value of the golden foot will be greatly reduced, and it will even become useless and useless.

In summary, Jiang Tian activated two killing formations at the same time without hesitation.


Jiang Tian's addition made the star storm become more violent.

The terrifying murderous intention filled the air crazily, shrouding the eternal green shirt on the opposite side.

Facing the scene where Jiang Tian, two star beasts and hundreds of star power clones jointly attacked him, Qingshan Yongheng did not show any fear, but instead grinned a cruel and sneer at the corner of his mouth.

"Today, let me, you ants, appreciate the power of eternity!"


Qingshan Yongheng put his palms up in front of his body.

He didn't see how to exert force, but the moment he raised his palms, the misty green light suddenly spread.

The more than a hundred star beast clones that were besieging him froze for an instant. Although they still maintained various fierce and violent attack postures, they were frozen in place like sculptures.



The star beasts let out uneasy roars, obviously feeling a huge threat at this moment.

The speed at which the green light spreads seems unpleasant, and can even be said to be extremely slow.

But this speed makes people avoid it!


It should be said that there is no way to avoid it!

The green light spread outward at a speed visible to the naked eye, passing through more than a hundred star beast clones, and then spread towards Jiang Tian.

It can be seen with the naked eye. It is originally used to describe extremely fast speed, but when used here, it is a relatively "slow" definition.

It is visible and detectable with the naked eye, which means that the process of the green light spreading completely falls in the eyes of Jiang Tian and the two star beasts.

So real, so specific, it lights up from the eternal palm of Qingshan, and spreads in all directions simultaneously with it as the center.

Like a blue spring water, it gushes out of the ground and smudges everywhere.

Since this process is so clear and specific, it stands to reason that both Jiang Tian and the star beasts should be able to avoid it.

But this seemingly slow change made it impossible for one person and the two star beasts to escape.

Jiang Tian and the Star Beast almost watched helplessly as it spread over at a not too fast speed, enveloped themselves, and then continued to expand outward.

So much so that the entire core area of the star storm was shrouded in blue light, turning into a world dominated by blue light!

"The Law of Time!"

! .

Jiang Tian's heart was shocked!

Such a strange scene could only remind him of the law of time.

Because only by integrating the power of the law of time, can it be spread out in such a seemingly slow but actually fast way that no matter how much people dodge it.


Not the law of time!

Jiang Tian quickly overturned his analysis and then thought of another possibility.

A more powerful and terrifying possibility - the power of eternity!


Jiang Tian murmured to himself subconsciously.

The power of eternity itself contains the power of time.

Even if you have not deliberately practiced the law of time, you have already incorporated some mystery related to time.

This was witnessed by him as early as when the toad star beast tore open the eternal robe of Qing Shi with its golden star tongue and scraped off a layer of skin on its chest!

It was a strange scene - there was some kind of cyan substance surging in the eternally exposed wound of the green shirt.

Like glass, like nectar, mysterious and weird!

Eternal body!

Qing Shi Yong has experienced the powerful body of eternal calamity!

That strange body that surges like glass and jelly contains the powerful power of time.

And now, Qing Shi Eternal has released this power, using it to occupy the core area of the Star Storm, becoming the undisputed master of this area!

What is domination?

Fight for life and death, control everything!

You can take whatever you want with a snap of your fingers, and decide life or death with just a thought!



The cry of the star beast was obviously uneasy, and even the voice began to tremble slightly.

This is the first time since the fight!

Jiang Tian was also greatly shocked, and even despair could not be suppressed.

It's not that he is really desperate, but that as the green light spreads, the law of time in his body is also fluctuating.

It seems to be fighting against the power of time contained in the blue light, or responding to the threat posed by that power, or perhaps declaring one's unyielding will as the law of time?

"What level of time power is contained in the power of eternity?"

The power of time in Jiang Tian's body has reached the level of the law of time.

But he could not accurately judge what level the power of time contained in the blue light was.

I just feel that that kind of power is obviously stronger than his time law, but it is different.

In an instant, my thoughts swirled.

Jiang Tian thought of his body of laws.

That super-powerful physique that combines ten laws into one, nine of which have reached the supreme level.

The only thing that has not reached the supreme level is the law of time!

Now this kind of power has encountered unprecedented challenges in the face of the eternal green light released by Qing Shi.

Jiang Tian suddenly understood!

The reaction of the time law in the body is more like a kind of trembling and trembling.

He seemed frozen and unable to move freely.

In the entire area shrouded in green light, his star killing formation and the instant killing formation formed by more than a hundred star falling clones were all frozen as soon as they unfolded!

Therefore, at this time, there were more than a hundred Jiang Tian, each holding a golden ivory-like object, ready to throw!

It looks like a sculpture with a weird style, holding a golden short spear at the same time, ready to throw it through the air.

But after all, he couldn't throw it out, because now he and all the beings within the range of the blue light were frozen.

What can move is the green light itself.

It continues to spread out, but the speed is getting slower and slower, as slow as a snail.

In addition, he is the master of Qingguang, and the green shirt is eternal.

He retracted his palms and Shi Shiran looked at Jiang Tian and the two star beasts farther in the other direction.

As for the more than one hundred star power clones that were frozen, it seemed that he was no longer paying attention, and he didn't even bother to take a look.

Even if the eyes pass through them, they never change the focus of their gaze.

"You guys..." Qingshan Yongheng spoke calmly, his words full of disdain.


Starlight suddenly lit up inside the toad star beast. Although its huge body could not move yet, the power that was suspected to be a star storm contained in its body was stirring restlessly.

Boom! There were also strange noises coming from the body of the octopus star beast, and on the tentacles closest to its single pupil, several suction cups seemed to begin to tremble.

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