Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 8111: Resolutely

Chapter 8111: Resolutely

It is possible that before Jiang Tian could capture them, Qingshan Yongheng seized the opportunity to severely damage or even kill them.

Therefore, it temporarily suppressed its coveting of Jiang Tian, and worked with the Toad Star Beast to continuously spawn star power clones, consuming Qing Shi Eternity.

Jiang Tian secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Of course he and the two star beasts were not friends. The reason why he helped each other repeatedly was just to protect himself and suppress Qing Shi Eternal.

If it were not for the eternal existence of Qing Shi, he would undoubtedly be the only target of the two star beasts, and he would probably have been trapped in a life-and-death battle.

When performing the mission of Zhenkong Palace, it takes a lot of effort to suppress a star storm. You can imagine the situation when facing two star beasts!

Therefore, at least under the current situation, he and the two star beasts have a common interest - to suppress Qing Shi Eternal and strive to severely damage or even kill it!

If the opponent can be forced back, it is a completely acceptable result, but for Jiang Tian, Sanqiao Mountain may not be able to take it back.

At least from now until a considerable period of time in the future, before he survives the eternal calamity, he will be unable to challenge the other party.

But this will inevitably cause a problem - with his current level of cultivation, it is too early to say how to impact the eternal catastrophe, and whether he will succeed or not is also a matter of suspense.

Don't you see, it's as strong as the earth-type giant monster, but it seems to be wandering on the edge of life and death even when facing the baptism as a prelude to eternal calamity. Although Jiang Tian has always had strong self-confidence and decisive courage since he entered martial arts, the matter of impacting the eternal catastrophe is a big challenge for him now, regardless of his talent, qualifications, cognition, experience, and his own background. judge

It is a huge transition with many uncertain factors and unknown variables!

And this pass will undoubtedly be the most difficult, unprecedentedly risky, and most unforgettable super pass he has ever challenged since he set foot in martial arts!

Now he has just entered the middle stage of the Origin Realm.

Next, he must first enter the late stage of the Origin Realm, and then reach the peak of the Origin Realm before he can start preparing for the eternal catastrophe.

When he would get there, he couldn't be sure.

But what is certain is that the preparation time before impacting the eternal catastrophe will never be too short!

Ten days and a half month?

Absolutely impossible!

One month is probably nonsense!

But even if he can complete all the preparations within a month, and successfully survive the eternal tribulation, he will become one of the top powers in this big plane.

He also has to face a problem that he cannot controlat that time, Qingshan Yongyong may have disappeared!

Therefore, realm is his biggest difficulty, and time is his biggest obstacle.

And Qingshan's eternal terrifying strength is the biggest problem before him!

All kinds of thoughts passed through his mind like lightning. Jiang Tian's thoughts quickly sobered up, and the thoughts in his heart became more and more certain.

If he wants to take back Sanqiao Mountain, now is his chance, and it is his best chance!

Don't talk nonsense about how he will be invincible at the same level after entering the Eternal Realm with his natural qualifications and cross-level combat power.

Don't make any excuses about the unlimited possibilities in the future.

A strong intuition told him that if Sanqiao Mountain could not be recaptured today, the difficulty of recapturing it in the future would increase infinitely.

The Great Plane is huge, even for the Eternal Realm!

The distance from Weibaizhiwei to the Five Planets Domain is less than one thousandth of the entire eternal plane.

If Qing Lin Yongheng deliberately avoids it, it will be difficult for him to find it wherever he hides.

No matter how many cards you have, Jiang Tian, and how powerful you are, how long will it take to search the entire eternal plane?

This is almost an exhausting question, and just thinking about it gives people a deep feeling of powerlessness.

And once this Qingshan Yong leaves the eternal plane and goes to another plane, there may be no possibility of returning to Sanqiao Mountain!

"Today, right now!"

Jiang Tian roared in a deep voice, and murderous intent surged around him crazily.

"I, Jiang Tian, must take back Sanqiao Mountain!"

! .

Qingshan Yongheng couldn't hear Jiang Tian's roar.

Because at this moment, he was being besieged by more than a hundred clones of star beasts.

These clones were constantly blown up by his fists and spawned out again, charging forward one after another.

They have no independent will of their own and are completely controlled by the two star beasts. They have no fear of life or death, but their power cannot be underestimated.

Although their power is still much inferior to that of Qing Shi Eternal, their numerical advantage allows them to continuously consume their opponents.

If this continues, no matter how strong Qing Shi Yong is, he will eventually become exhausted.

At that time, whether it was the two star beasts eyeing him or Jiang Tian who was watching and helping, they could pose a huge threat to him.

It may even bring about a fatal crisis!

We cant be entangled any longer, and we cant drag it on like this any longer!

"I am a powerful person in the Eternal Realm. I have been with you for so long. It is considered your blessing."

The anger in Qingshan Yongheng's eyes began to subside, and his eyes became calm.

Almost at the same time, Jiang Tian felt a chill in his heart and a chill down his spine, feeling an unprecedented threat!

This kind of threat never appeared even when he faced Qing Shi Eternal alone.


His heart skipped a beat, as if being struck by an invisible hammer.

The strong warning sign made him almost instinctively use Star Leap to escape from here.

But he finally suppressed his impulse and stayed!

The goal has not been achieved, how can we just run away?

Before he enters the eternal realm, where can he find such a powerful helper as the star beast?

Not to mention there are two ends!

Everything tells Jiang Tian that although this place becomes more and more dangerous, the opportunities that belong to you will become more and more precious.

If you are not sure, you may regret it in the future!


! .

Jiang Tian put aside all his scruples and decided to join the battle group directly. Together with the star beasts and their clones, they launched the most violent attack on Qing Shi Yong.

Success or failure depends on this!


Star leap!

Jiang Tian instantly threw himself into the star storm and immediately launched the star killing formation.

Also unfolding at the same time was the Starfall Instant Kill Formation!

Before this, he had never launched two sets of killing formations at the same time.

For one thing, he has never encountered a powerful enemy that required such extreme measures.

Secondly, the cores of these two formations are from the same origin, but their attack methods are different. When used at the same time, there will inevitably be some constraints and internal friction problems, and it will increase the difficulty of taking action.

But he can't control so much now!

Because compared with various disadvantages, using these two methods at this moment also has rare advantages!

One: The Star Killing Formation is a large-scale killing formation that relies on the laws of stars and the power of stars. In the environment where the star storm is raging wildly, you will receive great help, allowing the array power to reach its limit, and may even exceed the limit level!

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